This study was focused on the influencing factors of Solid Waste Management (SWM) in Addis Ababa. Its main purpose was to identify the main determinant factors of the poor solid waste management systems to improve the performance of the SWM system as a whole for the benefit of the public. The study...
A cross-sectional study wns undertaken to determine the prevalence of camel trypanosomiasis and to identify factors associated with the disease in the southern nlngdands of Ethiopia. Multistage sampling was employ..:d as sampling method. Wet blood smeJrs, buTy com technique and antibody ELISA were...
Institutional and Administrative Capacity that should exist in the social, economic andrnpolitical institutions has become one of the essential instruments of achieving anyrnenvisaged development policies and programs, and at the same time, sustains andrnsupports the several processes of...
Land degradation is an increasing problem in Ethiopia. Combating in land degradation needs an improvement in awareness on causes, impact, and degree of degradation. Therefore, land degradation assessment is the main aim in a decision support system for reversing degradation. The main objective of...
Climate change caused by the increase in greenhouse gas in the atmosphere has significantly influenced the water balance by causing a change in precipitation, temperature, and evaporation rate. This study aimed to assess the status of climate change and hydrological responses to climate change...
A study on ruminant fasciolosis in Oebre Berhan and surrounding Peasant Associations wasrnconducted from September 2005 to February 2006. The town of Dchre Berh an andrnsurrounding five Peasa nt Associations fPA '51 within 15 k111 radius namely; Chole, Genal,rnZanjera, Wushawushign and Faji kebele...
Oral Newcastle Disease Vaccination Trials and Studies of Newcastle disease In Ethiopia ==Three laboratory trials Wert: conducted in commercial broiler chickenst to determine efficacy of the heat-resistant NDV-12 vaccine (similar to V4 vaccine). and to compare the NDV-I~ vaccine with conventional...
A serocepidemiological Survey of bluetongue virus was conducted Wilh the objectives ofrnDetermining the di stnbution and seroprevalence of bluetongue and putative risk factors rnAssociated with seroposilivity in indigenous Ethiopian "heep in Amhara National RegionalrnState.northern Ethiopia ...
The semen of six indigenous breeds bulls (Barca, Boran, Harro and Sheko) which were keptrnal the N ationa! A rtificial l nsemination Center (NAlC). Kali li, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia werernevaluated for physico·morphological parameters (volume, color, mass and individual motility,rnconcentration,...
A trial aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Deltamcthrin (0.4% impregnated odour-baitedrntargets and I % pour-on formulation app lied to animals) in reducing the incidence of bovinerntrypanosornosis and comparing the corresponding cost-effectiveness of both strategies wasrnconducted in two selected...
Three hun dred fi ft y o ne (J 95 loca l zebu and 156 Ho lste in x Loca l Zebu) la ctating cows o f rnsma ll holde r p ri va te fa rm s in Ba hir Dar milk shed were examined fro m Septe mber, 2003 to rnMa rch, 2004 ( 0 de te rm ine mastiti s prevale nce, isolate pa thogens...
A cross-sec tio nal Clwlcmio ogicai study was carried out from October 2005 to March 2006 10rndelL'11111l1C tht: S I.;roprca1cncc 0 r c ame b n1cc llosis in s Ollth cas! 10 I and a rcas 1 n JiJ iga lone,rnSoma li 1a1l011 '-11 Regional State (SNRS). to characterize the management system. determine...
Entrepreneurship is the symbol of business strength and growth. Entrepreneurs are thernfounders of today's business success. Development is more than ever linked tornentrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are characterized by their high need for achievement,rnwillingness to assume moderate risks,...
In recent years, China has intensified its economic engagement with Africa. Growth of thernbilateral trade has, in particular, been dramatic. This trade link is expected to havernimplications for the development of both economies. How much is the room to further expandrnchina's trade with Africa?...
This study has attempted to evaluate the determinants of income velocity of money defined as the ratiornOf nominal income to money supply in Ethiopia. Two al1ernanve measures Of Velocity are used namely 'rnVelocity of narrow money and broad money when estimating the Velocity function. velocity is...
Across-sectinnal study was conducted from August 2003 to January 2004. to determine thernprevalence of Brucella species in camels and to identify risk factors for brucellosis infection in rncamels (Camelus dromedarius) in tow districts of Borena lowland. A total of 3218 camels in 250 herds were ...
In selected areas of southern Sudan (juba, Tcrekeka. Kapoeta) and Ethiopia (Afar. Zone 3 and 5; North Wollo) a study Wa!) conducted with the objectives to describe primary ammal heJ..lth care activities and approaches. to determine the level of community participation in anima] health services...
Tsetse transmitted animal trypanosomosis is a serious constraint in animal production andrnAgricuhural development in Ethiopia. The vast area adjacent to the Ghibe valley in SouthrnWest Ethiopia is tsetse infested where animal trypanosomosis is a serious threat to livestockrneconomic development....
A cross secti onal study on cocci odi osis and cryptosporidiosis in small ruminants at rnELF ORA export abattoir and in & around Debre-zeit wa s conducted from October, 2005 rnto February. 2006. In this stu dy, att empt s we re made to det ennine th e preval ence and...
ABSTRACT rnA study was undenaken to determine the seroprevalence o f Afri can horse sick ness viru s rnantibod ies, isolate and characterize th e vi ru s re sponsible as well as identi fy potenti al risk rnfacto rs in t he equi ne po pulation of sel ected study areas in...