The study analyzed the implementation of TQM in Addis Ababa Road construction industry. Specifically it focused on TQM dimension such as supply management, training and education, process management, continuous improvement, contract selection and top management commitment practice in consultant...
This study sought to identify factors affecting policy implementation by using a standardized tool employed by USAID. The purpose of this study is to measure whether there exists a relationship between the seven dimensions of policy implementation and the dependent variable of success and change of...
An evaluation of the Teaching of Biology in Somernselected Senior Secondary Schools of Addis Abeba vis avisrnan Enquiry Model.rnIt has been reiterated that sc i e nce teaching can by nornmea ns be properly accomplished by merely tellingrns tudents abou t sc i e ntific f acts , principles...
In this research, the researcher tries to identify the challenges that occur in the logistics process when medicines and medical equipment are supplied to the public government hospitals of Addis Ababa city Administration. The outcomes of the research show the impact of these challenges on how...
This study is a critical evaluation of the vocabularyrnitems found in the English for New Ethiopia (ENE) seriesrnthat is used as text-books for teaching English in allrnEthiopian senior High Schools. Evaluation is requiredrnmainly t o see how relevant the selected vocabulary is tornthe students at...
This study is an attempt to assess the influence of a number ofrnvariables on the English language proficiency of first year studentsrnat Addis Ababa University . The selected variables were thernexposure to the English language formally or informally , the readingrnresources , the reading...
A cross-sectional study was carried out Cor the period of 6 months in selected sites of AddisrnAbaba in order to determine the prevalence and distribution of Samonella in the cattle chainrnfrolll abattoir to the COllsumer. The sources analyzed were pooled cattle faeces, pooledrnmesenteric...
In a heterogenous society like ours, the dominant culture naturallyrnexerts its influence over the others directly or indirectly. Amharisationrnhas hence drastically affected the numerous nationalities of the countryrnchief amongst wham are the Southern Agaws. As a result of this uncheckedrnprocess...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the teachers ' written feedb ackrnpractice and students' preferences and the reasons behind their practices andrnpreferences.rnSpecifically it was aimed at finding out: (1) What teachers' written feedbackrnpractices are, (2) the reasons bifhind their...
A case control study was conducted between October 2005 and April 2005 to assess thernMy cobactium bovis and other Mycobacterium complex infection In callie andrnTheir respective owners in selected districts of North Shoa Zone of Oromia National RegionalrnState. Central Elhiopa. A total of 174...
ThiG otudy is an atter:lpt to identify the a r eas ofrndiffercnce c bctneen the details of the constitutentrnstructure B of th e two ma jor parts (noun phrase s a n d ve r brnphraDes ) of Awha ric a nd Engli sh sentences .rn:J.~ h e ... "hole study has been covered in s ix chapters.rnAt the initi ~...
The main objective of this study is to examine whether or not high school Englishrnlanguage tests currently administered in schools adequately represent - both in content andrnin format - the practice exercises contained in the corresponding textbooks.rnSince some research works were conducted...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the problems and the underlyingrnfacto rs that hindered the smooth functioning of EMIS at all levels of therneducation sector.rnIn order to achieve the purpose of this study, basic questions were raisedrnregarding the current organizational structure of...
The general objective of this research was to compare the effectiveness of different feedbackrnmethods on students' writing revisions. The specific objcctives were to: (a) discover what feedbackrnmethods are in fact used in responding to students' writing at present (b) find out what studentsrnfeel...
The rr' ain ohi e ctive o f th is s t1] C1y was to find out therndifficulties Oromo l e ar ners of f n~lish may have in p ronouncingrncertain Enqlish sound s .rnAc c ordinq to Contr ~st i ve JI. nalysis (ell. ) hy!'othes is, inrnl ,=arning the p rol1unciat i Ol1 o f a second lanquaCJ0 ' :1(;, tenc'...
The study tried to in vest igate whether th ere were differences between the self-concept ofrnDinka ado lescent refugees and those who live in th eir home areas . Two generalrnhypotheses were tested . There were stati sti ca ll y signifi cant differences between selfconceptsrnof refugees and...
The purpose of this study was to find out the relativerneffectiveness of the tradfti.nal and c.mmunicativernapproaches to the teaching of English reading comprehensionrnin developing the reading abilities of Addis Ababa Universityrnfreshman students. An experiment, in which a samplernpopulation of...
Th e main objective of this study is to examinernsome of the causes and occurrences of the spelli ng errorsrnof the freshmen Ethiollian students and thereby accoun' forrnthese errors.rnAccording to Error Analysis (EA) theories and interlanguagern(IL) studies, the learners' errors are...
Railway ballast serves as a major structural and drainage component of railroad track, but during service the ballast layer is subjected to both deformation and degradation due to traffic load. The gradual degradation and deterioration of ballast layer increases the number of finer particles within...
An increasing of the passenger travel demand in Addis Ababa city results to invest a hugernbudget for construction of the Addis Ababa railway infrastructure to balance the need forrnthe transportation demand. However, constructing the railway infrastructure only will notrnsatisfy the passenger...