This study was designed to examine the perception of teachers towards the purpose, criteria,rnprocess and the problems of perfonnance appraisal of teachers encountered in secondaryrnschools of Addis Ababa. To this end the major aim is to identify the weaknesses and come uprnwith recommendations.rnA...
This s~udy was primarily inta~led to measure how fastrnstudents at the freshm:lD 1 evel read 0 Since it would bernmeaningless to evaluate only speeds , comprehension was alsorntestecL A secondary purpose of the study was to test whetherrnthere .JOuld be significclDt speed performance...
Rapid population growth is one of the major hindrances of societal development, which in mostrncases obse/ved in developing countries. Resource shortage, high rate of unemployment, highrnburden of dependency ratio, environmental degradation, etc, and an overall deterioration of thernquality of life...
The main purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' and students'rnperceptions of error correction in the ~FL classroom. The study wasrndesigned to explore how teachers and students perceive errors, the typeBrnof errors that are frequently committed by learners, and the methods ofrnerror...
TIlls study has been carried to propose an integrated Human Resource ManagementrnInfonnation System (HURMIS) that consists of Employee CommUillcation System (ECS) tornfacilitate infonnation exchange between employees and management, PersOlmel ResearchrnSystem (PRS) to generate new infonnation for...
TIlls study has been carried to propose an integrated Human Resource ManagementrnInfonnation System (HURMIS) that consists of Employee CommUillcation System (ECS) tornfacilitate infonnation exchange between employees and management, PersOlmel ResearchrnSystem (PRS) to generate new infonnation for...
A study was conducted in Debrc-Zdt town to determine the incidence of bovine clinica l mastitis rnin a purposefully se lected two dairy Fanns and the efficacy of co nventio nal antimicrobial drugs rnand traditional herbs. from September '20Q3·March 2004. The objectives ...
The present study examined the role of selected background andrnpsychological variables, namely, religion, age, grade level, attitude of parentsrntowards sex education, and source of infomlation as predictors of the attitude ofrnfemale students towards sex education. Data pertaining to the above...
The purpose of the study was to see if EFL teachers tested a representative sample ofrnthe reading sub-skills they believed have been taught in the classroom last semester.rnThe study also tried to find out whether or not there was agreement among EFL teachersrnon assigning a reading sub-skill to a...
The study focuses on employment opportunities of persons witll disabil ity and therntypes and nature of discrimination thGY face at work place. It enquired the effect ofrndisability on securing employment and attempted to iden tify the specific prevalentrndiscriminatory instances and map out tlleir...
This study was carried out in an attempt to describe thernmethods employed by senior secondary school English ianguagernteachers. making use of classroom observation sheets (time-based),rnand teachers' and students' questionnaires, prepared for thisrnpurpose.rnThe focus of the observation was on...
It was intended to investigate the status of parents' involvement in three schools forrnthe hearing impaired and the need for parental empowerment. Data sources werernparents, teachers and principals. The basic /research/ questions investigate issuesrnsurrounding the part parents of hearing...
The purpose of this study is to find out the causes forrnstudents' deficiency in English with particular reference torng~ades 9-12 English curriculum and its implementation inrnschools at capitals of Ethiopian administrative regions.rnTo thi s effect}data on Grades 9-12 English...
Tannery wastewater is characterized by high organic carbon and nitrogenous compounds due to the raw hides/skins and chemicals used in making leather. The present study employed sequencing batch airlift reactor (SBAR) system to develop the simultaneous removal of nitrogen and organic carbon from...
In the present study the reproductive performance of Holstein Friesian cows in Alage Dairy rnFarm was assessed and the major reproductive health problems identified.The farm belongs to Alage Agricultural Technical Vocational and Educational Training College.which is located in the southerm region...
This study was camied out with the primary objective of determining prevnience of failure of passive transfer of antibodies (FPTA ) in dairy cJlve!) 10 Holetta area. Central Highlands of Ethiopia .. Other objectliveses w ere to determine reltaionship of some management practices with morbIdity and...
Electronic banking signifies and encompasses the entire sphere of technology initiatives that have taken place in the banking industry and it is a generic term making use of electronic channels through ATM, Mobile phones, etc. for the delivery of banking services and products. From E-banking...
Cloud computing is an emerging technology and it is growing exponentially. Cloud computing delivers shared computing resources such as servers, storage, databases, networking, applications, platforms and other resources over the internet. These services are provided in the form of Infrastructure as...
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging is widely implemented in nuclear medicine as its clinical role in the diagnosis and management of several diseases is, many times, very helpful. The goal of reconstruction in tomographic images is as much as possible to recreate the exact...
ABSTRACT rnBrucellosis is a widespread infectious disease of livestock and wild life with serious economic rnand public health impact. Bovine brucellosis causes diminution of much needed human food rn(milk and meat). Besides, being transmitted to man, it is one of the most ...