Background: Ascites is one of the most common complications in patients with cirrhosis. rnAscites fluid infections are common and potentially life-threatening infections frequentlyrnencountered in patients with cirrhotic ascites. The diagnosis of ascetic fluid infections is basedrnon the number...
This thesis sets out to critically evaluate process and marketing management ofrnAddis Ababa Filwoha, one of a long established service providing firm in therncountry observations and a well deigned questionnaire are employed, to do sorncustomers find Jew thing as per their expectation. The price...
Background: Post-operative pain management is one of the key responsibilities of health rnprofessionals. Failure to manage post-operative pain effectively will lead to increase morbidityrnand mortality, long hospital stay, increase health care cost, and patient dissatisfaction. Despiternimproved...
Background: Family-centered care is a fundamental approach to plan and deliver healthcarernservices for children and their families in collaboration with health professionals. Assessingrnthe provision of family-centered care ensures the importance of family involvement evaluaternthe method of...
Background: The nursing/midwifery care standards help to ensure that patients are receivingrnhigh quality care. The standards support implementation of the basics of nurses‟/midwives‟rnprofession. Despite the importance of nursing care standards, implementation of the standards...
The major objectives of this thesis are to examine closely therntheory and practice of literary adaptation and to give a clearrnpicture of the role it has so far played and may yet have to playrnin Amharic drama. The research is conducted in the hope that itrnwill bring to the attention of readers...
The purpose of this study was to compare the community participation inrnprimary schools, which were assisted, by GTZ and BESO projects and those,rnwhich were non- assisted ones in the S.N.N.P.RrnThe subjects of the study were 72 community members, 72 teachers andrnprincipals, 6 projects officers,...
The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness ofrnan " inte rm ediate approach" which is based on the technique of creatingrncommunicative contexts for structural exercises. The subjects of thernstudy are 173 first year students of Addis Ababa University who wererndivided into study...
The purpose of this study was to examine the attitude of Bahir Dar Universityrnstudents towards HIV/AIDS intervention strategy, in abstinence, condom use andrnfaithfulness. 450 students constituted the sample from randomly chosenrndepartments. A questionnaire was used to gather data and a...
This thesis reports on a case study of the middle Awash cotton ..rnproducing farms conducted with the objective of assessing the economic rnperformance of Ethiopia’s state farms as well as identifying the rnfactors affecting such performance. The financial rate of return rnof the farms as...
Railway Control and Communication system is the heart of safe and reliable railwayrnoperations. From the very birth of railway operations up to now, railways have encounteredrnchallenges in operations mainly accidents due to head to head collision for trains moving inrnopposite directions on a same...
Distinct track irregularities contribute a large impact on the vibrations of a railcar fromrndifferent railway lines. However, the track irregularities and track stiffness will alterrnover time due to the loading and environmental conditions. The measurements of railrnirregularities are required to...
During the train emergency brake phenomenon, wheel locking takes place due to a high brakingrnforce applied on the wheel that exceeds the traction force between the wheel and rail. A wheelrnlocking is a phenomenon in which the wheel stops rolling over the rail and exhibits skidding of arnwheel on...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the altruistic motives of homereared,rninstitutionalized and street chi ldren. The variations in altruistic motivesrnbecause of the differences in sex, age, grade and religiosity are also treated.rn216 subjects were randomly selected fTom the three types...
The basic aim of this study was to identifY the problems faced by TTIs of SNNPRrnin recruiting trainees, and trainers' quality and implementing practice teaching.rnData on these variables were collected from 220 trainees and 60 trainers ofrnArbaminch and Bong teacher training institutes. The study...
The IlI'esent study "'ied to investigate the prevalence of behavioralrnproblems in secondary schools, More specifically, the purpose of thisrnstudy is to investigate ~ he contributing factors for the existence ofrnbehavior Ilroblems and evaluate the treatment practices of the schools,rnCombined and...
This study aims at examining the general characteristics of rural micro enterprises, and factorsrndetermining their survival and growth in an area with chronically low agricultural output: BasornWorena Woreda, North Shoa Zone. Two peasant associations one accessible to major markets - TalakrnAmba-...
This study aims at assess ing th e targeting efficiency in Antsokia Ge miza Wereda, inrnNorth Shewa. The study ba sed its obj ectives on th e hypothesis of household targetingrnprac tice s are not efficient in Antsokia due to the failure to exclude the non-eligiblernbeneficiaries at the expense of...
This stud), reports both theoretical and elllpirical fill dings all the underlying causes a/food illsecurityrnalld households copillg strategies ill Legambo Wereda, South Wallo, one o( the chronically foodrninsecllre weredas o( the Alllhara regioll. Although the causes alld coping strategies of...
The present study was conducted on 374 (188 females and 186 males) randomlyrnselected high school students. The major purpose was to investigate the genderrndifferences of 9th and 11th graders in mathematics achievement as a function of mathrnself-efficacy and math anxiety.rnTo do this, mean...