Biodiesel (Fatty acid alkyl ester) has been regarded as cleaner, alternative, renewable, biodegradable and environmentally benign energy source. It can replace petrol-diesel and solve challenges accompanied with environmental pollution, climate change, socio-economic, energy crisis and global...
Renewable alternative energy sources have become more popular in recent years and biomass is one of them. Biomass is used as an alternative energy resource and available in huge quantity. Wood is a primary energy source widely used for domestic consumption all over the world. Sawdust of Cupressus...
This study explored the practice and challenges of Ethiopian public universities students‘ rndiversity management by employing convergent parallel mixed method design. To this end, data rnwas collected from 458 quantitative and 24 qualitative study participants the study found out that rnthe...
Background- Maternal health literacy is a set of cognitive and social skills that define a woman'srnmotivation and capacity to obtain, comprehend, analyze, and apply knowledge to recognize riskrnfactors, taking actions for healthier life style and proper nutrition during pregnancy in order to...
Background: - The health management information system produces data about health servicernprovision and population health status to inform decision making and program planning at allrnlevels of the health system. Like other developing countries, the practice of utilizing healthrninformation is low...
Introduction: Iodine is one of the crucial micronutrients needed by the human body, specificallyrnduring pregnancy. Deficiency of iodine during pregnancy could cause stillbirth, congenitalrnanomalies, irreversible fetal brain damage, and may increase the risk of spontaneous abortion.rnAlthough the...
The Lake environment provides many goods and services depending on the different attributes ofrnthe surrounding environment. In this paper, we identified, among other things three attributes,rni.e. , two environmental attributes (Tilapia fish stock, Surrounding forest cover) and one...
Sub-Saharan Africa has been growing at very low rates in the past few decades. The roles ofrnMalfunctioning institutions, geographic misfortune and lack of integration in explaining this havernbeen a subject of much debate. This study assesses the role of institutions in explaining the slowrnGrowth...
In recent years, the concept of e-governance has flourished rapidly with the advancement of Information and Communication Technology. The general objective of the study is to assess the Prospects and Challenges of E-Governance in Public Service Delivery in the Case of Fitche Town Land...
The study seeks to examine and describe the effects of factors on intention to use ethnic branded banks by their customers . To achieve the objective if this study , both primary and secondary data sources were used. In this study, factors like location, accessibility, service offered ,bank...
The purpose of this study focused on assessing the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Practices and Implementation Challenges in Ethiopia at the private partner’s viewpoint. To this ending it used the case of “Hidasie Telecomâ€. Hidasie Telecom is a private company PPP implemented...
The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of organizational climate on employee commitment in the case of Ethiopian Ministry of Revenues large taxpayer office. To undertake the study, a quantitative research approach was applied, and structured questionnaires were adopted from...
The purpose of the study was to establish and analyze the relationshiprnbetween Ethiopia's foreign trade (exports and imports) and GrossrnDomestic Product (GDP). A broader review of published sources wasrnmade on all aspects of the problem to be investigated. Based on arnpriori theoretical...
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of change in exchange rate of Birr onrnthe trade balance of Ethiopia. The study employs the standard Augmented Dickey-Fullerrntest in order to test the stationarity of all variables at levels and first differences and thernJohansen and juselius'...
To integrate least developed countries including Ethiopia in to internationalrntrade market, African Growth Opportunity (AGOA) and Everything But Armrn(EBA) initiatives have been designed by U.S. and European countriesrnrespectively. The purpose of these initiatives is to enhance and diversify...
As an exemplar of education for reflection-in-action (Schon, 1984), the main focus ofrnthis research was to identify, describe and analyse different English language learnerrnand learning constructs/ variables such as those proposed by Dilts( 1990) eight-levelrnconstructs, and other strategies,...
Since few decades, a conceptual shift has been observed regarding the developmentrndi scourse from increased capital with the goal of modernizing a society to a broader, contextspecificrnapproach that considers cultural values and local technology. For these people'srnindigenous potentials to have...
The role of the agricultural sector in terms of contribution ' to the 'Ethiopian economy • , Iis very immense. Further, the success and failure of the Ethiopian economy is highlyrncorrelated to the performance of this sector. But, still now, the sector is operated byrntraditional means of...
The main objective of this study is to examine practices, opportunities and challenges of PRs in Gambella national regional state (GNRS) bureaus by focusing on how the PRs practices has been handled so as to improve the regional communication practices towards enhancing its development efforts, and...
The purpose of this study was to examine the acceptance speech of African Union Heads of States from 2015 to 2019. The acceptance speech examined included Robert Mugabe (2015) , Iddris Debby(2016) ,Alpha Conde (2017), Paul Kagame (2018) ,and Al Sisi (2019). qualitiative method was used to explore...