Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

3941 An Assessment Of Public Relations Practices The Case Of Ethiopian Federal Police Commission Public Relations Practices

Public relation is basically image building of any company or organization through various communication tools. The roles of public relations are establishing relationships with media organizations and, creating awareness to the public. Similarly, police institutions need public relations officers...

3942 Challenges Of Strategic Communication In Selected National Quality Infrastracture Institutions Of Ethiopia

This study aimed at assessing the practices and challenges of strategic communication in the two national quality infrastructure institutions of Ethiopia. A quantitative and qualitative approach was used. Data were collected from the institutions’ directorate directors’, team...

3943 Assessment Of Quality Of Clinical Laboratory Service And Clients Satisfaction At Public General Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: - Laboratory services are essential components in the diagnosis and treatment ofrnpatients infected with a variety of diseases. The laboratory infrastructure and quality remain in itsrnnascent stages in most countries in Africa which demanded strengthening them. There arernlimited...

3944 Assessment Of Determinant Factors On Preference And Practice Of Modern Contraceptive Use Among Women Of Reproductive Age Groups At Shire Endaslasie Town Northern Ethiopia 2011.

Introduction: A woman’s preferences, practice and tolerance for various methods attribute varyrnaccording to the type of relations and other aspects of her life. The discrepancy between fertilityrnpreferences and contraceptive practice is regarded as an indicator of unmet demand for...

3945 Isolation And Antibacterial Suseptibility Pattern Of Streptococcus Agalactiae In Pregnant Women In Adigrat Zonal Hospital And Adigrat Health Center Tigrayethiopia.

Back ground: S. agalactiae which are group B Streptococci asymptomatically colonize thernvaginal or rectal areas of 10 to 30 % of pregnant women. In these women, S. agalactiae mayrncause preterm labor or membrane rupture, as well as urinary tract infections,rnchorioamnionitis, postpartum...

3946 Immunological Response Among Adult Individuals On Art Therapy Before And After Therapy Started For The Last 5 Years (20062010) At Zewuditu Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: HIV is isolated in 1983, human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the agent thatrncauses acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), is classified as members of thernlentivirus subfamily of retroviruses. There are two main types of HIV: HIV type 1(HIV-1): thernmost prevalent throughout the...

3947 Assessment Of Premarital Sexual Initiation And Associated Factors Among Mersa Town Preparatory And High School Students North Wollo Amhara Regional State

Background: Adolescence is a period of dynamic change representing the transition from rnchildhood to adulthood and is marked by emotional, physical, and sexual maturation. Habits rnthat are formed during adolescence had major effects in adulthood health and welfare ranges rnfrom 10-19 years and...

3948 Requirement Analysis And System Design For Voice Messages For Antenatal And Postnatal Care Services.

In Ethiopia maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are the major health problems.Somernof the causes are delay in seeking and receiving skilled care, home delivery/ low utilization ofrnservice, lack of recognition of newborn danger signs and low levels of care seeking for new bornrnat health...

3949 Assessment Of Hiv-risk Behaviors And Hiv Infection Among Hiv Voluntary Counseling And Testing Centers Attendiees In Hararregionethiopia.

Background: Risk factors for HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africanrnincluding Ethiopia are the same as other countries in the region. However,rninformation on risk factors associated with HIV infection among HIV-VCTrncenters attendees are insufficient to make useful recommendations onrnHIV/AIDS...

3950 Assessment Of Hiv Sero-discordance Among Couples Tested In Voluntary Counseling And Testing Center Zewditu Memorial Hospital Addis Ababaethiopia

Background: Recent studies suggest that in sub-Saharan African, a large proportion of new HIVrninfections occur within sero-discordant couples and in countries with generalized HIV epidemicsrnincluding Ethiopia sero-discordant relationships are common. Thus, it remains to be a majorrnchallenge to...

3951 Tracer Drugs Stock Out In Durame Hospital Snnpr Ethiopia

Introduction: Although availability of tracer drugs was the most important objectives of rnnational drug policy, the unavailability of tracer drugs remains to be a major problem for poor rncountries. rnObjective: Toimproved tracer drugs availability in the Durame hospital drug stores rnDesign:...

3952 The Magnitude And Determinants Of Intestinal Parasites Among Students Who Use Three Of Addis Ababa University Campus Clinics In Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: In Ethiopia, intestinal parasitic diseases are one of the major causes of morbidityrnnationwide. In addition to that, intestinal parasites have significant socioeconomic problem inrnterms of productivity, school performance and cost for diagnosis and treatment. Intestinalrnparasitosis...

3953 Performance Differences In Cross-country Champioships Before And After Covid-19 Intervention Comparing The 37th And 38th Jan-meda International Cross-country Champioships

Since the COVID-19 was declared as a world Pandemic different local and international sport competitions have significantly been affected. The purpose of this study was to identify the performance differences between athletes who involved in 2020 (37th) and 2021( 38th) Jan-Meda International Cross...

3954 Assessing Anthropometric Body Composition And Total Body Water Content Of Ethiopian Female Middle And Long-distance Olympic Athletes A Study On The Status Of The Athletes During The Pre-competition Phase Of Tokyo 2020

This cross-sectional study has aimed to assess differences in general body assessment between female middle and long-distance runners. Age, height, weight, body fat, bone mass, muscle mass, and total body water of participants were assessed. Age of the participants ranges from 18 to 28 years (M =...

3955 Effect Of Employee Turnover On Service Delivery The Case Of Sheraton Addis Ababa Hotel

This paper focused on the problems of employee turnover and associated effect on service delivery. First the data were obtained through the questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires computed with the use of Excel sheet and computer software programs (SPSS) and interview questions were...

3956 The Impact Of Information Technology In Financial Statement Audit Quality In The Case Of Grade A External Audit Firms In Ethiopia

The aim of this study is to assess weather existing information technology has impacted financial statement audit quality. In addition, the researcher isolated fundamental concepts of auditing such as, IT based audit sample, audit risk, materiality decision, information asymmetry assessment and...

3957 Assessment Of Health Service Extension Packages Utilization And Barriers That Affect Service Utilization In Dandi District West Showa Zone Oromia Regional State Ethiopia.

Background: In 2005, the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) in Ethiopia realized that health service were not meeting the health needs at the community level. In response to this, the FMOH launched a new innovative program called the health Extension program(HEP).TheHEPfocusesonunderservedsuch as:...

3958 Improving The Use Of Ict Based Blood Tests Of Pre And Post Analytical Medical Laboratory Practices To Enhance Patient Satisfaction In St. Pauls Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Background: Quality improvement is the practice of continuously assessing and adjustingrnperformance using statistically and scientifically accepted tools and procedures. More than 6070%rnrnof the most important decisions on admission, discharge, and medication are based onrnlaboratory test...

3959 Species Composition Abundance And Biomass Of Major Zooplankton In Legedadi Reservoir Ethiopia

Legedadi Reservoir, a major source of drinking water for Addis Ababa, is experiencing algal bloom frequently. A study on Physico-chemical and biological (phytoplankton and zooplankton) parameters could give some clue on alternative ways of controlling the algal blooms. Some limnological features of...

3960 Finite-time Thermodynamic Processes Of A Spin-one Quantum Electric Dipole System Department

We take a collection of large non-interacting spin one particles, each having an electricrndipole of magnitude D in contact with a heat reservoir at temperature T . We apply arnstrong static electric field, E0, to the system along a z-axis causing three level split energyrnvalues. In addition to...

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