Corona virus diseases 2019 (COVID-19) is truly a public health problem and global rnpandemic. The diseases affect all segments of the population including healthcare workers in rndifferent facilities. There is the lack of research done inside the hospital community rnespecially mental health center...
This study intended to assess perceptions of non-disabled peers towards the academic rnperformance of their kindred students with disabilities. The study was held in Lideta sub rncity’s three governmental secondary schools namely Dejazmach Balcha Abanefso, Hidase rnLideta, and Africa Hibret....
The overall objective of the study is to assess the main factors that influence the academic rnachievement of students in public secondary schools of Burayu Secondary School, Dire rnSecondary School and Burka Nono Secondary School. To achieve this, the researcher rnemployed descriptive survey...
The purpose of this research was to examine teacher’s inclusiveness during their teaching in one rnselected government elementary school of Addis Ababa. Qualitative approach was employed in rnthis study. Case study research design was applied to explore teacher’s inclusiveness in...
INTRODUCTION:Wellness and health are central to live of all people of age group. Incorporatinginformation communication like Electronic Medical Records on the health care industries is mandatoryfor the better improvement of patient care and safety, integrated research, for effective...
Change in phytates and HCI-extractability of minerals due to processing of chickpea grown inrnEthiopia was studied Chickpeas contained a significant amount of phytic acid, i.e. 98.06±0.rn136mg/100g When it was subjected to cooking methods, soaking (6, 12, 18 h), dehulling,rnautoclaving and...
Change in phytates and HCI-extractability of minerals due to processing of chickpea grown inrnEthiopia was studied Chickpeas contained a significant amount of phytic acid, i.e. 98.06±0.rn136mg/100g When it was subjected to cooking methods, soaking (6, 12, 18 h), dehulling,rnautoclaving and...
Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease associated with low quality of lifernand early death. It is now well established that beta-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance arerntwo central defects in the pathophysiology of T2DM. Recently, improved understanding of thernincretin...
Background: Hospital environment is a potential reservoir of bacterial pathogens since it housesboth patients with diverse pathogenic microorganisms and a large number of susceptibleindividuals. The increased frequency of bacterial pathogensin hospital environment is associatedwith a background...
Ethiopia is one of the least developed nations in the world. The primary root causes of thernunderdevelopment of this country are absence of peaceful transition of political power, goodrngovernance and democracy. There is close relationship between economic development andrndemocracy. As many...
The study at over all estimated that about 1 in 3 children aged 5-14 years in sub-Saharan rnAfrica are employed compared with Central and Eastern Europe/Common wealth of rnIndependent States (CEE/CIS) regions. Where only 1 out of 20 children is employed, In rnabsolute terms, 69 million children in...
The study at over all estimated that about 1 in 3 children aged 5-14 years in sub-Saharan rnAfrica are employed compared with Central and Eastern Europe/Common wealth of rnIndependent States (CEE/CIS) regions. Where only 1 out of 20 children is employed, In rnabsolute terms, 69 million children in...
A tax is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer (anrnindividual or legal entity) by a governmental organization in order to fund government spendingrnand various public expenditures regional, local, or national. Most of the respondent agreed that,rntax payers...
Occupational stress adversely affects the physiological, behavioural and psychological rnwellbeing of employees that hampers their efficiency, capability and productivity that also rnaffect the organization’s growth and development directly or indirectly. Hence, organizations rnshall give...
Occupational stress adversely affects the physiological, behavioural and psychological rnwellbeing of employees that hampers their efficiency, capability and productivity that also rnaffect the organization’s growth and development directly or indirectly. Hence, organizations rnshall give...
In this study two major environmental hazards, namely land degradation and landslide have beenrninvestigated. These hazards have clear dynamic relationships given that both are chaotic phenomenarnthat can be trigg~le e9..uilibrium situation occurring drastically and abruptly to thernenVironment....
Absence or presence of limited data about the quantity and composition of solid waste is one ofrnthe reasons for poor solid waste management in Addis Ababa. Domestic soh a waste quantIty anarncomposition analysis is one of the fundamental inputs for planning solid waste managementrnservices as...
A field study was conducted in Southern gulf of lake Tana, Northwest Ethiopia to determine therncomposition and the concentrations of contaminants in wastewater from point sources entering tornthe lake and to investigate the severity of the impact on the lake through fie ld survey andrnlaboratory...
This study intended to assess perceptions of non-disabled peers towards the academic rnperformance of their kindred students with disabilities. The study was held in Lideta sub rncity’s three governmental secondary schools namely Dejazmach Balcha Abanefso, Hidase rnLideta, and Africa Hibret....
III the context of econometric methods of estimation the variances of OLS estimatesrnderived under the assumption of homoscedasticity are not consistent when there isrnheteroscedasticity and their use can lead to incorrect inferences. Thus, this paper sets outrnto examine the performance of several...