Even though availability of malemal heallh care service is essenlial for improvemel1l ofrnmaternal heallh, lillie is known aboul the utilization in rural areas where lhe HealthrnExtension Program is implemented. This sludy is aimed al assessing lhe sign.ificance ofrnhealth extension program in...
The major objective of the study is to assess the agricultural resources, patterns ofrnrural land use and land covers and their changes, farming system (with particular referencernto enset,its economic uses and production problems) in conjuction with some socio-economicrnand physical factors which...
Soil conservation experiments consisting 6 plots (five of themrntreated and one untreated control plot) were established in 1986 inrnthe Maybar area to identify the most suitable soil conservationrnmeasure(s) for the area and other similar areas in Wello region. Thernplots (each 30m long and 6m...
The Baha'i Faith arrived in Ethiopia in the late 1932 and is over seventy years. Itsrnmembership, which in 1934, consisted of about nine persons, mostly of foreigners hasrngrown to almost ten thousands representing about nine ethnic groups. Initially, located inrnAddis Ababa, capital city of...
The Baha'i Faith arrived in Ethiopia in the late 1932 and is over seventy years. Itsrnmembership, which in 1934, consisted of about nine persons, mostly of foreigners hasrngrown to almost ten thousands representing about nine ethnic groups. Initially, located inrnAddis Ababa, capital city of...
Objective: The general objective of the swdy is to investigate the extent of risky sexualrnbeha vior among Militmy personnel and to explore the variolls lInderlying causes andrnconsequences of their sexual behavior in Tigray regional state, Zalambessa fown.rnMethod: A cross-sectional study design...
Objective: The general objective of the swdy is to investigate the extent of risky sexualrnbeha vior among Militmy personnel and to explore the variolls lInderlying causes andrnconsequences of their sexual behavior in Tigray regional state, Zalambessa fown.rnMethod: A cross-sectional study design...
There are some studies at boUI. the undergraduate and graduate levels of studyrnof Addis Ababa University that are conducted in the area of children's literaturernin Ethiopia. Most of them studied children's literature as a his torical footnote orrnas bibliographical curiosities and others...
Background : Hypertens ion a long with other chronic diseases is on the rise in I~ thi opia. In fac t,rnthe threats of non communicable diseases are not emerging rather they are well advanced andrncausing do uble burden to the society along with in fectious diseases. Unhealthy life sty le is...
The purpose of the study was to investigate the extent to which problemrnsolving is taught in grade seven mathematics classes using heuristic problemrnsolving approach in Addis Ababa City Administrative Region. The sources ofrndata were grade seven mathematics textbook and sample grade...
The twenty century has witnessed the integration of the socio-cultural settings of the rnsociety in to the modern health care system implemented both in the developed and rndeveloping countries of the world. In developing countries in general and in Ethiopia in rnparticular, the situation in health...
Nowadays integration and interoperability becomes a key issue for organizations that work together. Enterprise Service Bus has become the ideal integration architecture for heterogeneous systems that facilitates integration between disparate applications with different hardware and software...
This research paper is a study on rural households food security status inrnKuyyu wereda. The general objective of the study was to find out the status of thernrural households to access to resources which enable them to produce or purchasernadequate amount of food. Moreover, the basic factors to...
Six commercial brands of multivitamins with multimineral marketed in Ethiopia were analyzedrnfor their macro Ca (II), Mg (II) and K (I)) and micro Cr (III and VI)) elemental quantitation ,rnprior to analysis samples were digested in Kjeldahl apparatus with 10 ml analytical grade ofrnornconcentrated...
Groundwater is of paramount importance for the city of Addis Ababa and the majority of the groundwater supplied to the city comes from drilled wells in and around Akaki-Kality sub city. Even though numerous water wells are built over the years, the majority of the wells fell to provide anticipated...
This thesis primarilg deals with inter-enthnic interation in ukban setting with particular emphasis on harar city specifically it had the following objectives explore the existing socio- economic and political conditions in the study...
Geo-localization is an inevitable challenge and problem which has been studied for many years when dealing with wireless nodes as they are equipped with limited life batteries. Emergence of ‘crowd of wireless node users’ across the world (especially in big cities and emerging big...
Sentence generation is a part of Natural Language Generation (NLG) which is the process of deliberately constructing a natural language text in order to meet specified communicative goals. The major requirement of sentence generation in a natural language is providing full, clear, meaningful and...