Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

1401 The Attitudes Of Grade Seven And Eight English Teachers Towards English By Tv . Prorrammes

The purpose of this study is to find out whetherrnthe English teachers of grade 7 ane R of Addis Ababarngovernment Elementary and Junior High Schools have arnpositive or negative attitude...

1402 A Prototype Multimedia Database System For Potential Investment Projects In Ethiopia An Objectoriented Approach

Ethiopia is now running to make itself a destination of investors. To make investment decision,rnhowever, investors require quality information on the main parameters of the country,rnincluding investment opportunities and costs, legal framework for investment, and availablerninfrastructures. To...

1403 The Relevance Of The Primary School Curriculum To The Future Roles Of Rural Girls In The Silt Area Its Impact Upon Their Dropout

Mother to child transmission of HIV (MTCT) is the major source of HIV infection amongrnchildren under the age of 15 years. This can occur during pregnancy, labour and delivery, orrnbreast/eeding. Interventions to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the HIV virus (PMTCT)rnare now an important...

1404 Determinants Of Willingness To Utilize Prevention Of Mother To Child Transmission Of Hiv Among Pregnant Women In Addis Ababa

Mother to child transmission of HIV (MTCT) is the major source of HIV infection amongrnchildren under the age of 15 years. This can occur during pregnancy, labour and delivery, orrnbreast/eeding. Interventions to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the HIV virus (PMTCT)rnare now an important...

1405 Demographic And Socio-economic Determinants Of Environmental Knowledge And Attitude Towards Environmental Protection And Soil Conservation Activities In Samre District Tigray Ethiopia

The general objective of th is study is to examine the demograph ic and soc io-economic determinants ofrnknowledge of head of the households on the environment and their attitude towards the environmentalrnprotecti on and so il conservation acti vities in the study area.rnThe source of data for...

1406 An Exploration Of The Adequacy Of Teaching Listening Skill Grade Eight In Focus

The main objective of this study was to assess the adequacy of teaching listening inrngrade eight English lessons. To obtain the information required, the listeningrnsections of the textbook for Grade eight were evaluated based on the criteriarnsuggested by scholars. To elicit additional...

1407 Causes And Consequences Of Irregular Migration Of Young Adults From Southern Ethiopia To The Republic Of South Africa The Case Of Kembata-tembaro And Hadiya Zones

This study investigates the socio-economic and demographic co uses and consequences ofrnirregular migration oJyoung adultsJi"om sOllthern Ethiopia down to the Republic oJSollth AJi"ica. It isrna cross-sectional stlldy based on sOlllple sllrvey oJ690 households with 658 eligible young adults...

1408 Evalva Tion Of The Diuretic And Analgesic Activities Of The Rizomes Of Rumex Abyssinicus Jacq In Mice

Rumex abyssinicus Jacq (Polygonaceae) is a widely spread medicinal plant usedrntraditionally for treatment of several ailments, including hypertension, inflammatoryrnand painful conditions. The present study aimed to examine the diuretic and analgesicrnactivities of aqueous and 80% methanol...

1409 The Challenges And Opportunities And Multiple-use Water Services (mus) A Case Study From Goro Gutu And Meta Woredas Of East Haraghe Zone Orolniya Regional State.

Ethiopia is known for being a water tower in the continent. It has a considerab le potential ofrni i 0-i 20 billion cubic meters of surface water and 2.6 bill ion cubic meters of ground water.rninspite of such potentials, it is one of the countries with mall proportion of water tapped forrndomestic...

1410 Evaluation Of The Diuretic And Analgesic Activities Of The Rhizomes Of Rumex Abyssinicus Jacqinmice

Rumex abyssinicus Jacq (Polygonaceae) is a widely spread medicinal plant usedrntraditionally for treatment of several ailments, including hypertension, inflammatoryrnand painful conditions. The present study aimed to examine the diuretic and analgesicrnactivities of aqueous and 80% methanol...

1411 Employment And Income In The Urban Informal Sector A Case Study Of Ka Tikala Producers In Assela Town

0ir:;P in Assela town. In order to achieve this, a multi-stage sampling procedure wasrnemp oyed. On the whole useable questionnaires were collected from 200 katikalarnproducing households in six systematically selected kebeles and 30 katikala distributors.rnIn order to achieve the objective, both...

1412 Designing Networked Information System For Construction Companies Using And Object-oriented Approach A Case Study Of Sure Construction S.c.

Most system development methods, at least in principle, have two important components,rnnamely a modeling language and a process. The modeling languages are graphica lrnnotations for expressing designs and provides easy communication and documentation.rnThe process of the method shows how to do the...

1413 An Evaluation Of The Speaking Activities In The Students Spoken English Module A Case At Dessie College Of Teacher Education Linear 2nd Year English Language Program Students In Focus

The study was mainly intended to assess to what extent the speaking activities in thernspoken module of Desse College of Teacher Education (DCTE) are appropriately designedrnwith respect to addressing the learners' interests and how far they meet the major speakingrntask designing...

1414 - 10

የዚህ ጥናት አላማ በተማሪዎች የንባብ ልምድና በአማርኛ ትምህርት የአንብቦ መረዳት...

1415 Soils And Soil Management Practices In Tulube Catchment Illubabor Highlands Ethiopia

The main objective of the study are characterization and classification of soils andrnidentification of the soil management practices and their implications to so il degradation inrnTu lube catchment, lII ubabor Highlands. Data on so il characteristics and classificat ion wererncol lected under fie...

1416 Online Tutorial For Micro Cdsiisis Software

User assistance through online help or tutorial fac ilities are among the major considerationsrnin des igning a user interface which in turn is the major factor for successful utilization ofrna software.rnMicro CDS/ISIS is an infomlation retrieval software package developed by UNESCO...

1417 Identification Of Problems On Road Maintenance And Assessment Of The Effects Of Poor Road Maintenance On Road Function (in The Case Of Federal Roads Of Ethiopia)

To facilitate the socio-economic growth of one’s country, the importance of well-conditioned road networks with the proper road maintenance practice is very significant. However, most of the federal roads are not in good condition, even more than one-third of the federal roads are in poor...

1418 Peasant Responses To Population Pressure And Land Shortage In Mixed Farming Systems A Case Study From Southwest Of Lake Chamo Arba Minch Zuria Wereda

The study has closely examined the multiple responses on the part of the peasants ofrnsouthwest of Lake Chamo to demographic pressure, land shortage andfood supply - demandrngap. The data sets for the study were mainly collected from the field through formal surveyrnquestionnaire administered to J...

1419 An Appraisal Of Socio-economic Characteristics And Residential Satisfaction Of Occupants Of Government Housing Projects In Addis Ababa

One of the variou~ strategies adopted to alleviate thernproblem of housing shortage prevailing in the urban centre~rnof Ethiopia has been the construction of rental house~ by therngovernment. De~pite such an attempt, little effort has beenrnexpended in assessing the marketing situation or to whom...

1420 The Current State Of The Learning Environment In The Ethiopian Kindergartens

The purpose of this study was to survey the current state of the learningrnenvironment in the Ethiopian Kindergartens to obtain a clear picture of thernsituation of preschool education at the national level. To this end, three datarngathering instruments(observation scales, questionnaires, and...

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