Water is a valuable resource that must be managed holistically in order to avoid scarcity. This study was carried out as part of the management to analyze hydraulic performance and water loss status in the water supply distribution system of Yeka Abado Condominium in Addis Ababa using water...
Based on the general objective of the research to describe and analyze the sesame seedsrnproduction, comparative advantage and export trade performance, competitiveness and exportrnpotentials of Ethiopia, from the perspective of the global and African regional levels, the studyrnaddressed four...
Understanding people’s attitudes and the current management practices towards tree plantingrnis crucial in advancing the goal of urban greening. This study was conducted to assess thernattitudes and management practices of tree planting among Wolkite residents. A mixed methodsrnapproach...
An understanding of the major factors of food security is an important for interventions aimingrnat reducing those factors. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the food securityrnstatus of agro-pastoral households. The objectives of the study are to determining the foodrnsecurity...
The environmental and health risks of chemical pesticide application are usually becoming a seriousrnglobal risk in agricultural fields like cotton farms. In recent studies despite the existence of chemicalrnpesticide risk on environment and health issues, the engagement of farmers for the adoption...
The overall objective of this study was to assess the food security status of smallholder livestockrnproducers in Akaki Kality sub city. Cross sectional study design was conducted and both primaryrnand secondary data were used to collect relevant information. Primary data was collectedrnthrough...
Fundamentally, the main objective of this thesis was to study the practices of environmentalrneducation and its implications on environmental sustainability awareness in Arada Sub CityrnHigh Schools. The research was designed to identify challenges that secondary schoolsrnconfronted while...
Solvent effects on the carbonyl stretching vibrational frequency of Camphor wererninvestigated. The solvents were chosen to cover wide polarity range and include carbonrntetrachloride,2-propanol, methanol, and acetonitrile. For protonic and aprotonic solventsrntwo distinct behaviors were observed....
Ethiopia is one of the countries working towards developing enabling laws, regulations and directives to support civil society organizations. The adoption of liberal and progressive laws forms the basis for the emergence and consolidation of a strong and independent civil society. The promulgation...
Environmental pollution due to plastic wastes and untreated wastewater (WW) discharge is a critical concern. Developing a system that combines plasticized material for a domestic WW treatment coupled with an energy generation seems sustainable. A G-plasticized magnetic starch-based Fe3O4 clay...
Agro-industrial wastewater quality and its effect on the environment has become a critical concern in Ethiopia. Agro – industries have chosen anaerobic digestion process to treat their organic-rich wastewater. However, its effluents would typically does not meet the desired discharge limits....
Pollutants from hospital wastewaters are becoming serious issue in both developing countries of the world. There is a need to evaluate the quality of wastewater discharged from hospitals with regulatory standards. In response, this study investigates the wastewater generation, characteristics and...
Starch extracted from different sources and varieties show various physicochemical properties which affect its applications. Considering this, the aim of this research was to study the physicochemical properties of starches extracted from Qulle (Q) and Kello (K) cassava varieties and their...
Railway vehicle wheelsets suffer a great many dynamic load cycles as they rotate and excessive contact force happen on wheelset during a rail vehicle curve negotiating which makes wheelsets the most critical stressed part of a railway rolling stock and they are likely prone to a wide variety of...
We live in an era where energy needs are increasing daily, fossil fuels are reducing and yet also renewable energy source development still has a long way to go. Systems that run on energy do not use the available energy as efficiently as we would want to. Despite the continued efforts to improve...
This study is on flood analysis and hydraulic competence of the existing drainage structures on some roads of Addis Ababa City after an integration of Roads and Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit Drainage Systems. Flooding in any circumstance causes major stresses on the economic, social and...
Railway capacity, improvement and route capacity are currently among the most significant and prominent issue for the modern railway network. It is generally accepted that the capacity of a railway represents the number of trains that can reliably operate in a given section of track in a given time...
Urban rail transit is an all-encompassing term for various types of local rail systemsrnproviding passenger service within and around urban or suburban areas. Many of thisrnurban rail transit system encompass different types of aerial structures/bridges. Apartrnfrom similar highway bridges,...
The flooding problem along the magenagna-Ayat Addis Ababa Light Rail Train line has persisted since its construction. Therefore, flood analysis has been carried out as well as the hydraulic competence of the existing drainage structures along the line. Flood frequency analysis was carried out using...