Free Chemical Engineering Project Topics

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Explore fresh Chemical Engineering Project ideas or conduct a search for related projects using our convenient search box. Our project materials collection caters to students pursuing ND, HND, BSc, MSc, PGD, and Phd degrees. Access our list of Chemical Engineering Project topics in PDF and Word formats for easy reference.

1 Determination Of Heavy Metals And Proximate Analysis In Some Selected Cereals

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to determine the concentrations of heavy metals and proximate composition of different cereals (maize, millet and rice).Two different samples each sold in two different markets (Ogbete and Gariki) in Enugu, were used for this work, using atomic, absorption...

2 Effect Of Particle Size On Oil Yield Using Scent Bean Seed (‘ozaki’).

ABSTRACT   This project was done to extract and characterize bean oil according to their particle sizes. The experiment was carried out using scent bean (i.e. ‘Ozaki’, ‘Ijilizi’or ‘Azamu’) as sample. The oils were extracted by solvent extraction /...

3 Assessment Of Carbon Monoxide (co) Level In Enugu Metropolis Monitoring Industrial And Residential Area

TABLE OF CONTENT   Title page    -        -        -        -        -       ...

4 Soap Produced From Blended Vegetable Oils

1.0: INTRODUCTION   Soap may be defined as a chemical compound or mixture of chemical compounds resulting from the interaction of fatty acids or fatty glycerides with a metal radical (or organic base). Soap may also be described as any water-soluble salt of those fatty acids which...

5 The Extraxtion Of Oil From Local Seed

THE EXTRAXTION OF OIL FROM LOCAL SEED ABSTRACT The seminar topic, “Extraction of oil from local seeds” is based on the study of palm oil and groundnut oil from palm fruits and groundnut seeds respectively, which are the local seeds. Oil is an organic substance which is an...

6 The Effect Of Particle Size On The Extraction Of Oil From Groundnut 2

THE EFFECT OF PARTICLE SIZE ON THE EXTRACTION OF OIL FROM GROUNDNUT 2 ABSTRACT The aim of this research project was to determine the effect of particle size on the extraction of oil from groundnut. The successful extraction of the project require the following steps...

7 The Effect Of Particle Size On The Extraction Of Oil From Groundnut

THE EFFECT OF PARTICLE SIZE ON THE EXTRACTION OF OIL FROM GROUNDNUT ABSTRACT The aim of this research project was to determine the effect of particle size on the extraction of oil from groundnut. The successful extraction of the project require the following steps...

8 The Application Of Size Reduction In Chemical Industries

ABSTRACT This seminar is basically on application of size reduction in chemical industries. It’s main aim is to know where size reduction can be applied in industries, to find out the various equipments for the reduction and also the type of product for a particular equipment. The knowledge...

9 Solid Waste Management And Disposal Systems

ABSTRACT This seminar topic “Solid Waste Management and Disposal system” is based on the research on what solid waste is all about, how it is managed and its methods of disposal systems. Research on this topic enable us to know that solid wastes are discarded solid materials such as...

10 Repair And Recommissioning Of Process Heat Transfer Apparatus

REPAIR AND RECOMMISSIONING OF PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER APPARATUS ABSTRACT The repair and recommissioning of the process heat transfer apparatus was done in the pilot plant of chemical engineering department of institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu. The repair work was done under...

11 Glycerine Recovery From Spent Soap Lye 2

GLYCERINE RECOVERY FROM SPENT SOAP LYE 2 ABSTRACT The recovery of glycerine from spent soap lye has been done using soap lye samples obtained from the hot process of soap production using palm kernel oil (P.K.O). The main advantage of hot process is that exact concentration of the lye...

12 Glycerine Recovery From Spent Soap Lye

GLYCERINE RECOVERY FROM SPENT SOAP LYE ABSTRACT The recovery of glycerine from spent soap lye has been done using soap lye samples obtained from the hot process of soap production using palm kernel oil (P.K.O). The main advantage of hot process is that exact concentration of the lye...

13 Fabrication Of Candle Mould

FABRICATION OF CANDLE MOULD ABSTRACT   This project aims at fabricating a functional and durable candle mould with twelve holes or cavities which could be used for the production of candle. It also aims at helping the participants to gain a first hand reality knowledge of fabricating a...

14 Determination Of Heavy Metal In Effluents From Some Selected Pharmaceutical Companies In Enugu

DETERMINATION OF HEAVY METAL IN EFFLUENTS FROM SOME SELECTED   PHARMACEUTICAL  COMPANIES IN ENUGU ABSTRACT The concentration of some heavy metals in the effluents of five (5) companies operating in Enugu State, Nigeria were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer....

15 Temperature And Water Requirement For

TEMPERATURE AND WATER REQUIREMENT FOR ABSTRACT   The production and analysis of “Ngu” extract for temperature and water requirement for leaching of casuistic alkali is the basic objective of this project.  The production was carried out by using unit operations and...

16 Production Of Black And Brown Polishc

PRODUCTION OF BLACK AND BROWN POLISH ABSTRACT   This project is aimed at producing black and brown polish of good quality.  For clearity, polish is a substance rubbed on the surface of materials to make them smooth and shiny. Polish has being of immense importance in protecting...

17 Production Of High Quality Foamc

PRODUCTION OF HIGH QUALITY FOAM ABSTRACT   The production of high quality foam was carried.  The actualization of the production of polyurethane (fibre) foam was made possible by using the components / chemical raw materials such as polyol (polyurethes resin).  TDI (toluene...

18 Manufacture Of Ceiling Board Using Local Materials

MANUFACTURE OF CEILING BOARD USING LOCAL MATERIALS ABSTRACT   This project “The Production of Ceiling Board from Local Raw Materials” was carried out basically using raw materials which was sourced locally. These raw materials are found to be very much in abundance. Some are...

19 Production Of Plastic Materials

PRODUCTION OF PLASTIC MATERIALS ABSTRACT   Generally, plastic is defined as long-chain organic material which can be formed into desired shape by the application of heat and pressure, also it extends to include so many organic metallic complexes and also certain long-chain inorganic...

20 Production Of Black And Brown Polish

PRODUCTION OF BLACK AND BROWN POLISH ABSTRACT   This project is aimed at producing black and brown polish of good quality.  For clearity, polish is a substance rubbed on the surface of materials to make them smooth and shiny. Polish has being of immense importance in protecting...


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