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1 Causes And Effect Of Street Hawking On The Academic, Behavioural And Socio-emotional Development Of Children In Ughelli North Local Government Area Of Delta State.

ABSTRACT The continued existence and development of any society depends on the ability of the children and youths of that society to function effectively, socially, economically and religiously as members of the society. As a result of this, the study on the effect of street hawking on the...

2 Challenges And Prospects Of Polytechnic Education And Youth Employment In Kano, Nigeria:

Abstract The paper focuses attention on the impact of polytechnic education on youth employment in Kano State. Polytechnic education is one of the systems of tertiary education in Nigeria which offers programmes at National Diploma and Higher National Diploma levels mainly for the production of...

3 The Role Of Agriculture In Poverty Alleviation And National Development In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The uniqueness of this research work lies in the decomposition analysis of the concerned problem, though many researches have been conducted in this area but only few had satisfactorily discussed the role of agriculture in poverty alleviation and national development. The paper...

4 An Online Result Processing And Transcript Generation System (a Case Study Of Kwara State Polytechnic)

Abstract This is a Seminar Project for computer Science students This research work presents an online result processing and transcript generation system. The current method of students’ academic results processing was found to be tedious and time consuming, especially when carried out...

5 Imperative Of Treasury Single Account (tsa) In Nigeria

Abstract History guides and shapes thinking in a particular phenomenon, evaluation of government accounting and finance thoughts have help in no small manner. There exist reasons to have polices, process, procedures and tools that unifies all government bank accounts in a single unit for the...

6 Impact Of Corporate Governance On The Profitability Of The Nigerian Banking Sector

Abstract Corporate governance has, in recent times, raised a great deal of concern due, largely, to massive corporate failures in the domestic and global arena. Governments have in response to rising cases of financial distress taken both pro-active and reactive measures to...

7 Structure And Constraints Of Micro, Small And Medium Scale

Abstract   In both developed and developing economies, there are evidences of the immense contributions of MSMEs to economic growth and development. Small enterprises are known to adapt with greater ease under difficult and changing circumstances because they are typically low in capital...

8 Waiting For An Angel: Portrait Of Helon Habila As A Righter

Waiting for an Angel: Portrait of Helon Habila as a Righter  Abstract  This paper examines Helon Habila's Waiting for an Angel in the context of Niyi Osundare's thesis of “the Writer as righter”, an assertion of the role of the African writer in society. The paper...

9 Urban Development And Housing Challenges The Way-out (solutions)

URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING CHALLENGES THE WAY-OUT (SOLUTIONS) INTRODUCTION        In other to have a clear and complete understanding of this project, there is then need to break down the various concepts that constitute the research work and thereafter...

10 The Medicinal Potentials Of Alligator Pepper And Carica Papaya (pawpaw)

THE MEDICINAL POTENTIALS OF ALLIGATOR PEPPER AND CARICA PAPAYA (PAWPAW) ABSTRACT The medicinal values of pawpaw (Carica Papaya) and alligator pepper (Aframomum melegueta) have been discussed in this work. Papaya is commonly known for its food and nutritional value throughout the world. The...

11 The Maintenance Of Circuit Breaker Using Mobile Agent Software Technology

               ABSTRACT Circuit breakers are crucial components for power system operation. The currently adapted time-directed maintenance strategy and the emerging new condition-based strategy require a flexible...

12 Challenges And Opportunities Of Small Scale Business In West Africa Using Nigeria As Case Study

CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF SMALL SCALE BUSINESS IN WEST AFRICA USING  NIGERIA AS CASE STUDY Abstract The paper discussed Issues, Challenges and Prospects of Small scale business in Nigeria.  The major challenges facing small scale business in Nigeria are highlighted in this...

13 Effect Of Polymer Composition (ratio) On The Mechanical Properties Of Natural Fiber Composites (polymer In Use Hdpe)

EFFECT OF POLYMER COMPOSITION (RATIO) ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF NATURAL FIBER COMPOSITES (POLYMER IN USE HDPE) 1.INTRODUCTION Research and development of natural fibers as reinforcement for many different sectors is growing interest to scientists and engineers. Cellulosic fibers like...

14 Night Vision Technology

NIGHT VISION TECHNOLOGY TABLE OF CONTENT Title page    .         .         .         .        ...

15 Critical Overview Of The Functions Of Management

CRITICAL OVERVIEW OF THE FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page             -      -      -      -     ...

16 Production And Evaluation Of Bread Using Flour Biends Of Wheat (triticum Asetivum) And Casssava (mannihot Esculenta) Flour Flavoured With Ginger (zigiber Officinale)

PRODUCTION AND EVALUATION OF BREAD USING FLOUR BIENDS OF WHEAT (Triticum Asetivum) AND CASSSAVA (Mannihot Esculenta) FLOUR FLAVOURED WITH GINGER (Zigiber Officinale)    ABSTRACT The research work was carried out to produce and evaluate bread made with wheat (Triticum eastivium)...

17 Causes Of Biodiversity Loss

  CAUSES OF BIODIVERSITY LOSS TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page      -      -      -      -      -      -     ...

18 Solid Waste Disposal And Management In Enugu Metropolis

SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL AND MANAGEMENT IN ENUGU METROPOLIS ABSTRACT Solid waste disposal and management in Enugu metropolis, is inefficient and unstainable due to the crude and unscientific method employed. The main practices, process and program of waste management in the state do not in any...

19 Causes, Effect, And Contol Of Ozone Layer Depletion

CAUSES, EFFECT, AND CONTOL OF OZONE LAYER DEPLETION   ABSTRACT   There are many situations where human activities have significant effects on the environment. Ozone layer damage is one of them. The objective of this paper is to review the causes, control, mechanisms and...

20 Solid –phase Extraction Technique For The Preconcentration Of Heavy Metal Ions (copper And Lead)

SOLID –PHASE EXTRACTION TECHNIQUE FOR THE PRECONCENTRATION OF HEAVY METAL IONS (COPPER AND LEAD) ABSTRACT   Solid–phase extraction (SPE) is an extraction method that uses a solid phase and a liquid phase to isolate one, or is type of analyte from a solution. It is usually...


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Role Of Inspection In Product Quality Management Drive In Northern Noodles Ltd, Kaduna Problems Of Development Policy-making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State Effect Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Students Of Selected Secondary Schools In Irele Local Government Area Of Ondo State Problems Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students In Kosofe Local Government Area Of Lagos State Mass Media On Community Development In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Vandeikya L.g.a, Benue State)