Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

2361 Khachlyan And Karmarkar Polynomial-time Algorithm

An arnperometric system based on a carbon paste electrode modiri ed with Mn02 wasrnin vestigated as a sensor for glucose in flow-injec tion analysis ( FIA). Enzymatic ox idation ofrnglucose and catal yt ic ox idation of the intermcdiate (1-1 20 2) by MnQ is exploited for thernu1l1perollletric...

2362 Amperometric Sensor Based On Mno2 Film Modified Carbon Paste Electrode Coupled With Glucose Oxidase Immobilized Reactor For The Determination

An arnperometric system based on a carbon paste electrode modiri ed with Mn02 wasrnin vestigated as a sensor for glucose in flow-injec tion analysis ( FIA). Enzymatic ox idation ofrnglucose and catal yt ic ox idation of the intermcdiate (1-1 20 2) by MnQ is exploited for thernu1l1perollletric...

2363 Interpolation By Spline Functions

Coffee is one of the most important products in Ethiopia. Coffee has a great contribution in Ethiopia economy since it increases foreign currency of the country; and is the source of daily income earning for farmers. Therefore, controlling coffee diseases and ensuring quality of coffee product is...

2364 Coffee Disease Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network An Image Processing Approach

Coffee is one of the most important products in Ethiopia. Coffee has a great contribution in Ethiopia economy since it increases foreign currency of the country; and is the source of daily income earning for farmers. Therefore, controlling coffee diseases and ensuring quality of coffee product is...

2365 Hydrogeological Controls In Sandstone Of Ambo Area

The study area is a sub catchment of Abay dra inage basin with a total surface arearnand perimeter of 838km2 and 171 km respectively. Two other regional drainage basinsrnborder the catchment: the Awash drainage basin to the east and southeast, and thernGhibe- Orno drainage basin to the south.rnThe...

2366 They Population Status Of African Elephant (loxodonta Africana Blumenbach 1797) In Chebera Churchura National Park Ethiopia

A study on the history and status of lhc population of African elephant (Loxodon/a a!riclllla)rnand human-elephant conflict in Chcbera-Churchura National Park was conducted from Julyrn2005 to March 2006. TI1is study was aimed to fill infonnalion gap on the population status ofrnthe elephants of the...

2367 Solar Radiative Transfer And Global Climate Modelling

In this project we have studied Solar radiative transfer and global climate modelling.rnWe consider a parallel beam of electromagnetic radiation incident on a slab of thicknessrnds. As this radiation passes through the atmosphere it interacts and is beingrnabsorbed by the atmospheric gases, the...

2368 Ataxonomic Study Of Blepharis Edulls(forssk.) Pers. Complex (acanthaceae)

The species /3Iep/1oris eduJj~· (Forssk.) Pers. has jor long been miSlaken w;lh B.rnlinariaejolia Pers. and B. cjfiari~' (L) B. L. Bun or IJ. boranensis Vollesen (ined.) alldrnmost ojlhe colleclions identified indiscriminately. While revising Ihe genus. of/emplrnby Vollesen 10 separa/e (he...

2369 Eng Ineering Geological Study Of Omorati Area

Engineering geological Study of an area amounting to 25km living on the western bakn of Gamo river at winch a town is proposed to be...

2370 Geology

The properti es of fluorine, its occurrence in nature and its source of incidence in variousrnmedia were presented. The fluoride metabolism, absorption, distribution, excretion and its effectrnon li ving organisms were briefly rev iewed. Several methods suggested from time to lime for...

2371 Clinical Practice Internship Report Submitted To Addis Ababa University Year Of Internship November 2020 June 2021

The properti es of fluorine, its occurrence in nature and its source of incidence in variousrnmedia were presented. The fluoride metabolism, absorption, distribution, excretion and its effectrnon li ving organisms were briefly rev iewed. Several methods suggested from time to lime for...

2372 Transform Methods In Differential Equations

The properti es of fluorine, its occurrence in nature and its source of incidence in variousrnmedia were presented. The fluoride metabolism, absorption, distribution, excretion and its effectrnon li ving organisms were briefly rev iewed. Several methods suggested from time to lime for...

2373 Gradute Seminar Report On Groebner Bases

The properti es of fluorine, its occurrence in nature and its source of incidence in variousrnmedia were presented. The fluoride metabolism, absorption, distribution, excretion and its effectrnon li ving organisms were briefly rev iewed. Several methods suggested from time to lime for...

2374 Graduate Seminar Report On Finite Difference Method

The properti es of fluorine, its occurrence in nature and its source of incidence in variousrnmedia were presented. The fluoride metabolism, absorption, distribution, excretion and its effectrnon li ving organisms were briefly rev iewed. Several methods suggested from time to lime for...

2375 Wolfe And Lemke Algorithms For Quadratic Programming

Background: Hepatoblatsoma is the most common primary malignant liver tumor in pediatricsrnmost often occurs within the first 3 years of age. Most common clinical presentation isrnabdominal distension or abdominal mass. It is more common in south East Asia and Africa.rnThere are multiple associated...

2376 Magnitude And Outcome Of Hepatoblastoma In Pediatrics Age Group In Tikur Anbessa Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: Hepatoblatsoma is the most common primary malignant liver tumor in pediatricsrnmost often occurs within the first 3 years of age. Most common clinical presentation isrnabdominal distension or abdominal mass. It is more common in south East Asia and Africa.rnThere are multiple associated...

2377 Outcomes Of Outcomes Of Anerior Sagittal Ano-rectoplasty In The Management Of Rectoves Tibular Fistula At Two Referral Hospitals

Background rnOver the years, a great deal of information has been acquired concerning the many variants ofrnARM. The current mortality for these anomalies for the most part has been very low and isrnrelated to associated anomalies and unfavourable chromosomal and genetic syndromes ratherrnthan the...

2378 Staphylococcus Aureus And Mrsa Contamination Level Of Working Clothe Hand Carriage And Knowledge Attitude And Practice Among Healthcare Workers At Federal Police Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: Contaminated workings clothe and hand of health care workers can causernnosocomial infections. Staphylococcus aureus (S aureus) is the main causative agent ofrnnosocomial infection and it can be transmitted through working clothe of health care workersrnfrom patient to health care...

2379 Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Disaster Preparedness Among Health Professionals Working In The Adult Emergency Department At Two Teaching Hospitals Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Disasters lead to loss of property and disrupted infrastructure, and slow societalrndevelopment worldwide. Every year, natural and man-made disasters destroy and displace lives,rnand the frequency of disasters strike has increased over the past 50 years. Despite that, for mostrnnational...

2380 Outcomes Of Patients Operated For Exstrophy-epispadiascomplex At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital And Menelik-ii Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Background: Exstrophy epispadias complex (EEC) is a spectrum of congenital abnormalities thatrninvolves urinary system, musculoskeletal system, pelvis, pelvic floor, abdominal wall, genitalia,rnand sometimes the spine and anus. It encompasses epispadias, classic bladder exstrophy,...

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