Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

2401 Pattern Of Skin Diseases In Patients Admitted To Dermatology Wards At Alert Center From January 2016 To December 2020

Background: Inpatient dermatology pattern has been described only in few countries, similarly it has notrnbeen done for ALERT Center. Epidemiological studies to determine the pattern of skin diseases arernimportant for proper health care planning and management. Identifying the patterns will help...

2402 Assessment Of Magnitude Of Burnout Among Emergency Physicians And Emergency Residents Working In Hospitals Found In Addis Ababa From June1 To July 30 2021

Background: Burnout is very common in the contemporary work place. It is common amongrnhealth care workers who work in emergency department. It is defined as syndrome of a reducedrnsense of personal accomplishment, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, amongstrnindividuals who work with other...

2403 Preference Of Spinal Versus General Anesthesia And Associated Factors Among Pregnant Women Undergoing Elective Cs At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Cesarean section is mainly done under SA or GA. When used appropriately spinalrnanesthesia has many benefits. Client preference determine the mode of anesthesia to be given forrncesarean section. In Ethiopia, the rate of spinal anesthesia for cesarean section is less than that...

2404 Conducting Polymer And Zeolite Modified Carbon Electrodes For The Determination Of Drugs And Biological Fluids

Electrochemical signals can be enhanced by specifically modifying electrode surfacesrnwith the aim of providing suitable environment to the analyte of interest. Poly(3,4-rnethylenedioxythiophene) and activated iron(JlI) doped zeolite were used to modifyrncarbon electrodes for the determination of...

2405 Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Pediatric Residents Towards Child Abuse In Three Selected Hospitals In Addis Abba Ethiopia 2021.

Background: - Child abuse is not only physical abuse, but it can be in the form of emotionalrnabuse involving humiliating a child, coercive, constant belittling, shaming, frequent yelling,rnthreatening, or bullying of the child, making negative comparisons to others, rejecting andrnignoring the...

2406 Factors Affecting Quality Of Education In Secondary Schools Of Bishoftu Town Administration

The objective of the study was to identify the factors that affect the quality of education in rnsecondary schools of Bishoftu town Administration. The study used to combine quantitative and rnqualitative approaches to investigate phenomena..rnStratified simple random sampling and availability...

2407 Leadership Roles In Managing Education In Crisis At Addis Ababa University During Covid-19 Pandemic

The purpose of this study was aimed to assess the leadership role in managing education in rncrisis at AAU during covid-19 pandemic. A mixed research method of study was employed to rnreveal the leadership role in managing education in crisis at AAU during covid-19 pandemic. rnThe sample population...

2408 Graduate Seminar Report On Comparison Between Newton-cotes And Gaussian Quadrature Methodes

Morphogenetic characters are physical characters of an individual which are inheritedrnand expressed in different ways. Therefore, this makes it ideal to know the extent ofrnvariation among population. However, few studies have been conducted in Ethiopia tornknow the extent of variation that exist...

2409 Graduate Seminar Report On Finding Elgenvalues By Qr Method

Morphogenetic characters are physical characters of an individual which are inheritedrnand expressed in different ways. Therefore, this makes it ideal to know the extent ofrnvariation among population. However, few studies have been conducted in Ethiopia tornknow the extent of variation that exist...

2410 Inheritance Variation In Some Human Morphogenetic Traits Among School Age Children Of Kale Primary School Kolfea Keraniyo Subcity Addis Ababa

Morphogenetic characters are physical characters of an individual which are inheritedrnand expressed in different ways. Therefore, this makes it ideal to know the extent ofrnvariation among population. However, few studies have been conducted in Ethiopia tornknow the extent of variation that exist...

2411 Statistical Measures Of Income Distribution With Reference To Rural Ethiopia.

St atis tical methods of measuring the dis tribution of income have beenrninves tigated as far as computing facility is...

2412 Ranking And Selection . Procedures And Their Applications To The Educational Performance Of Students At Addis Ababa University

TheStatistical Metbndology of Ranking and selectingrnprocedures has been Investigated

2413 Prevalence Of Benzanthine Penicillin Adverse Reaction In Patients With Rheumatic Heart Disease Taking Monthly Benzanthine Penicillin Injectiona Cross-sectional Survey

Background: Rheumatic Heart disease (RHD) is by far the most important form of acquired rnheart disease in children and young adults and continues to be a health problem living in manyrnlow and middle-income countries and especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Several strategies havernbeen implemented...

2414 Redo Pull-through Patient Characteristics Indications Outcome At Tikur Anbessa Hospital Ethiopia 2010-2019

Background: HSD is a developmental disorder of the intrinsic nervious system of the distal colon. Thernmanagement is pull through procedure and majority of patients do well after surgery; but 32% of patientsrncontinue to have complaints after surgery & up to 8.6% of patients can require repeat pull...

2415 The In Vivo And In Vitro Nitrate Reductase Activity In Tef (eragrostis Tef (zucc.) Trotter Under Different Assay Conditions

the presence , substrate ind cibility and regulatios ofrnthe enzyme ni trate reductase ( NADH : Nitrate Oxidored case ,rnE . C. 1.6. 6.• )(NR) of b o h ark- grown and l igh - gro n tef plantsrn( Eragr osti s te f (Zucc . ) Trotter) were st died . The relat ivernmerits of the in vivo and i n...

2416 Preoperative Radiologic (ct And Mri) Staging Of Rectal Cancer As Seen From Tash A Three- Year Descriptive Cross Sectional Study Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: Rectal cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide and its incidence isrnreported to be increasing in resource-limited countries, probably due to the acquisition of a westernrnlifestyle. The preoperative radiological stage also has been suggested to be correlated with...

2417 Practice And Associated Factors Of Preoperative Investigations In Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Pre-operative investigations are often required to supplement information for riskrnstratification and assessing reserve for undergoing surgery. Although there are evidence-basedrnrecommendations for which investigations should be done, clinical practice varies. There are nornclear...

2418 Magnitude Cause Mortality Of Ten Ten-sjs Sjs In Alert Hospital From May 2015 To May 2020g.c Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Background: Epidermal necrolysis (EN) is rare with the overall incidence of 1 to 6 case perrnmillion person-years and 0.4 to 1.2 cases per million person-years, for SJS &TEN respectively. rnThe mortality rate associated with EN varying from 10% for SJS to almost 50% for TEN.rn Increasing age,...

2419 Reference Diameters Of The Abdominal Aorta And Common Lliac Arteries In Ethiopian Adults On Abdominal Ct A Facility-based Cross-sectional Study

Background: Aortic and common iliac artery diameters are best indicators for diagnosis ofrnaortic ectasia and aneurysm, and appropriate selection of stent graft size for endovascularrnprocedures. Currently, there is lack of evidence regarding abdominal aorta and common iliacrnartery diameter in...

2420 Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Acute Kidney Injury Among Postoperative Patients Admitted To Intensive Care Unit At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021

Background: Postoperative AKI in critically ill patients carries significant morbidity andrnmortality yet it is understudied in Sub-Saharan countries. This study aims to assess thernprevalence, associated factors and outcomes of AKI in postoperative patients requiring ICU care. rn rnMethods: Single...

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