Background: The Development of the Aorta is a complex process which starts atrnthe 3rnrdrnweek of gestation. And this complex process can be susceptible to a varietyrnof congenital variants and pathologic anomalies. knowledge of this anatomicalrnvariations may be significant when performing...
Background: Hydrocephalus is an abnormal accumulation of CSF in the central nervous systemrnby different pathologic causes. Abnormal CSF accumulation causes a rise of intracranial pressurernand results in catastrophic complications unless treated. The management focused on relivingrnraised...
Background: Radiology has become one of the most sought out residency program in therncountry attracting highly talented qualified candidates from all over the country.the objective ofrnthe study was to determine the attitude, practice and barriersof radiology residents towardsrnacademic...
Some rural households of the Amara region are Counteracting the falling in agricultural output through combining agriculture with one or more non-farm...
Molecular biology studies on M. feprae and M. tllberculosis involve cloningrnof genes and high level of expression to provide large amounts of protein.rnThese proteins are used 10 study their usefulness in sub-unit vacci nes or asrnantigens in diagnostic kits. Most of the work that has been done to...
Outcome based TvET training is important in laday's development of the economic sector.rnYoung people and technologies should be rcady for a country to fit in the dynamically complexrnlearning/training and working envi ronment. The case of Ethiopia is no exception, The countryrnhas been in a steady...
This thesis is about women‘s political identity character in three Amharic Dramas. Its mainrntarget is how women‘s political identities are manifested in the dramas. So, taking this generalrnobjective, the research sets four specific objectives. First, how do politics become...
This thesis is about women‘s political identity character in three Amharic Dramas. Its mainrntarget is how women‘s political identities are manifested in the dramas. So, taking this generalrnobjective, the research sets four specific objectives. First, how do politics become...
The diver,sifY (llId ecological allaly:,'i:,' of 1'(M'Clilar epiphyte:,' was s flldied ill Cera Foresl in southwesfemrnErhiopia af a/fillides befweell 1600 alld 2400 III a .. d . A loral area of 4.5 ha was surveyed ill coffee alldrn1101I-coffee forest vegetafion. Fifty salllplillg plofs, each 30...
Multilevel programming is characterized as mathematical programming to solverndecentra lized planning problems with multiple decision make rs in a hie rarchicalrnorganization. They become morc important fo r contemporary decentralized organizationrnwhere each unit or department seeks its own...
Millettia ferragined (Hochst) Bak..locally knowm as rnBerbera is a Plant andemic to Ethiopia. PhytochemicalrnInveftigation of the stem-bark of this plant resulted in the rnIsolation of lc compounds of which nine have been generatedrnon the remaining one...
It is common for teenagers to face many puberty-related challenges as they transition to adulthood, and these challenges are worsened by a lack of access to reproductive health information. Youth are the most affected in current times because of various health disturbances. For youths to make...
These days, hea hhcare services are enjoying the applicat ion of pervasive computing systems.rnAdvances in wireless tec hnologies- such as intelli gent mobile devices and wearable networksrncan improve communication among patients. physicians, and other healthcare workers as well asrnenable the...
Semantic networks are becoming popular issues these days. Even though this popularity isrnmostly related to the idea of semantic web, it is also related to the natural language applications.rnSemantic networks allow search engines to search nOI only for the key words given by the userrnbut also for...
Similarity measure has significance in the area of NLP applications such as search engme,rnin format ion ex traction and document classification. These LP applications are implemented inrnAmharic language. However, most of them rely on simple matching techniques or probabil isticrnmethod to measure...
The electrochemical oxidation of 3-methylthiophene, thiophene and 2',5'- dibtyloxy-3-rnphenylthiophene have been studied using plalinium, glassy carbon and gold electrodesrnin acetonitrile. Lithium perchlorate served as supporting electrolyte in all experiments.rnThe oxidation of 3-methyl thiophene...
This research study has dealt with enhancing the quality of Outcome Based Technical and Vocational Education and Training Delivery. The major problem which calls for the need to improve and enhance the quality of the outcome based TVET is the lower passing rate of the graduates (57.7% in 2019)...