Background: Mallampati test is a method of assessing the airway for the prediction of difficultrnlaryngoscopy and intubation. The sitting position is the routine position for this test and showsrnlimited clinical value because of its low sensitivity and moderate specificity in predictingrndifficult...
Malaria is a major public health problem that affects millions of people. The widespread rnemergence of antimalarial drug-resistant Plasmodium strains especially the recent emergence of rnartemisinin resistance poses a great challenge in future prevention and control of malaria. As a rnresult,...
Background: Type 1 diabetes is one of the quickly growing problems in Ethiopia. Adherencernto diabetes self-management of adolescents with type 1 diabetes is crucial for the control of typern1 diabetes to diminish mortality and morbidity. Prove of level of adherence to diabetes...
Background: -Healthcare providers are at risk of Work-related musculoskeletal disorders rnincluding low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and results in discomfort, inability to performrntasks properly, and affects the quality of life and reduces productivity. Practice of ergonomicsrnprinciple to...
Background: Pregnant women will reduce the risk of neonatal tetanus infection by receiving tworndoses of maternal tetanus toxoid vaccine. In Ethiopia, however, low levels of immunizationrncoverage, mostly due to missed opportunities, are a concern. rnObjective: To assess tetanus toxoid vaccine...
Introduction: Preeclampsia (PE) is a global health problem, which is the major cause ofrnmaternal and fetal deaths. The majority of PE related deaths occur in low- and middle-incomerncountries with limited-resource. Currently there is no cure for the syndrome, delivery remainsrnthe only option. The...
Background:In Ethiopia evidence shows that the median age at first sexual debut among inrnschool youth is below 18 years and majority of them start sexual intercourse early and beforernmarriage. Early sexual intercourse increases risk of sexual and reproductive health problemsrncommonly, sexually...
Background: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV are among the major public health concernsrnglobally and are highly infectious diseases. During the first six months, most of the infectionsrnwith viral hepatitis are often asymptomatic; therefore, detection of the virus at the early stagernis...
Background. Patient Expectation in health care continues to increase and this is something thatrnneeds to be managed adequately to improve outcomes and decrease liability. Cardiovascularrndiseases are currently the major cause of mortality and morbidity around the entire world. rnObjective: The...
Background: A well-organized Laboratory Quality Assurance Program includes InternalrnQuality Control (IQC) procedures, External Quality Assessment (EQA) programs andrnLaboratory Quality Management (LQM). IQC is a set of procedures that are used in daily routinernwork to control daily variance of...
Background:- The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) has caused serious threatsrnto people‟s healt h, social and psychological wellbeing, in world. Such outbreaks of infect iousrndisease have significant potential for psychological reactions, and typically result in...
Background: Food prepared in large quantities are liable to contamination & to the rise of food-bornerndiseases. Currently eating & drinking in mass catering establishments is likely to be common. rnObjectives: The objective of this study was to assess the sanitary practice of public food and...
Back ground: Alcohol is one of the most psychoactive substances used by adolescent and youth.rnAlcohol use above the standard level and even if in the standard level leading differentrnadolescent and young population public health problem. More than 200 health problem can occurrndue to alcohol use....
Background: Malaria control and elimination strategies rely on diagnostic testing and treatment.rnWHO recommends confirming all suspected malaria cases using either RDTs or light microscopyrnbefore initiating any treatment. Having malaria RDTs that are affordable, easy to administer, andrndetect...
Back ground: Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is a process of managing menses wirnnecessary supplies and conditions by health and development promoted. Adolescents and youtespecially school girls in the rural area are the prime victims of MHM problems. MHM challengein low and middle income...
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality inrnEthiopia despite the increased availability of effective treatments. Trend analysis ofrnissues and priorities affecting TB programs across different regions of the country isrncritical to ensure equitable and...
Many countries introduced CBHI as their health care financing system to ensure healthcarernaccess. Understanding the level of satisfaction and factors associated with the level ofrnsatisfaction in Addis Ababa is essential to ensure the sustainability of the program. Therefore,rnthis study assessed...
Background: Anemia is one of the severe clinical outcomes associated with concomitantrninfection of malaria and soil-transmitted helminths. It affects growth, physical fitness, and rncognitive function, especially in children. The findings of previous studies done to assess therneffect of malaria...
Background; -Rabies is viral zoonotic disease progressive neurological infection which causes rnencephalitis in all warm-blooded animals. Dogs are the greatest reservoir host and transmit therndisease to other animals and man. It is 100% fatal after the on-set of clinical manifestation of...
Introduction: High availability of expired medicine is not only a burden to a health rncare system but it also shows existence of a supply chain gap. So, it is imperative to rnexplore contributing factor for expiry at each stage of the supply chain. In Ethiopia, rnalthough there are reports that...