With the ineffectiveness of centralized forest management, the Participatory forestrnmanagement approach was introduced in to the forests eco-system of the Bale Eco-Regionrnin the late 1990s. In addition to this, REDD+ project was implemented in the Bale EcoRegion between 2012 and 2015 to ensure...
Background: Reproductive health refers to state of complete physical, mental, and socialrnwellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters related to thernreproductive system and to its functions and process.rnSeveral reproductive health challenges confront adolescents...
The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the contributions of SHGs on womenrneconomic, social, and political empowerment before and after being their membership in thernSHGs, taking the case from the Mission for Community Development Program (MCDP) inrnAddis Ababa. A sample of 289...
Employing the Q-fun ctio ll formalism, we analyze the s(l ueezing spectrumrnand the photon number di strihution for the signal mode as well as the qlladralurnre f1ue t uations, t he photon rHunlwr dis tribution arHI the spectrum of therninten sity-difreren ce flu ctuatio ns for th., sig nal -i(lIer...
This paper focused on the contribution of crop diversification with underutilized crops inrnimproving household food security and livelihoods in Guto Gida district of Ethiopia. Most of thernfarmers produce only stable food crops without considering their productivity, nutritional valuernand...
The reaction of the noval alkoxide of nicel (II). Lizni(oipr4.3THF and Na2Ni(oipr)4.2THF wthe co2 gave the first alkyl carbonate complexes of NI(II).vi li2ni(o2coipr)4.2THF and Na2...
Notwithstanding the presence of products of hypothetical and observational considers that haverninspected the relationship between exchange rate and terms of trade, there are still warmedrnwrangles about among researchers over the impact of depreciation of trade rate on terms ofrntrade of nations....
Flood hazard has become a serious challenge and resulted in social and economic crisis inrncities of developing countries. This thesis is aimed at analyzing perception of and responsernto flooding in Adama City, Ethiopia. The research was carried out using cross-sectionalrnstudy design with mixed...
Good governance is widely recognized as a prerequisite for sustainable developmentrnparticularly for developing countries. Thus research made on good local governance has highrnlevel of significance towards promoting good governance. This study aims to identify thernpractices, challenges and...
The tourism industry is extensive and growing; among those hospitality sector is the one andrnleading the world economy. Despite the fact that the hotel sector playsa significant role inrneconomic growth as well as development, it also faces challenges and shortage of customersrnduring crisis...
The general objective of the study was to investigate the missing link between domesticrnreligious tourism associations and peace building in Ethiopia. Due to its appropriatenessrnand relevance descriptive were employed. Population of the study comprised of travelrnorganizers, center coordinators,...
Ethiopia is endowed with unique and untapped cultural, natural, and mixed heritages. However,rnmany studies revealed that the quality of services being offered by tourism establishments is poorrnindicating that it is not in a position to meet the expectation of tourists. Therefore, the...
The aim of this study was to investigate causes of seasonal food insecurity in Wara JarsornDistrict, Oromia Regional state, Ethiopia. The study employed both qualitative and quantitativernapproach. Household surveys, key informant interview, focus group discussion and documentrnreview was used to...
Teff(Eragrostis fe/ (Zuee .) Troner) is the main staple cereal in Ethiopia that is used to prepare arnfermented flatbread with a unique slightly spongy texture named injera. Majority of Ethiopianrndiets consist of injera which accounts for about two--th irds of the daily protein intake of...
Globally women's engagement in outdoor income-generating activities isrnincreasing from time to time. However, many factors are affecting women’srnengagement in such activities. One of such activities is carrying for children. Arnsignificant number of women are forced to quit their...
The path i ntegra l formalism of Quantum Hechanic s isrndeveloped from both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian point ofrnview. Some e xact propagators are calculated. Severalrnstat istical mechanics p r oblems are d i scussed via a pa thrninteg r a l fo rmulation of the statisti cal density matrix a...
Studies on the relative importance of the three known species of cabbagernaphids (Brevicoryne brassicae (Linneaus), Myzus persicae (Sulz) and Upaphisrnerysimi (Kaltenbach)) and their parasitoid complex in Kenya were carried out.rnThe studies involved farmers' fields' surveys and interviews and also...
Drought is one of the most impo rtant challenges facing the planet. When itrnhappens, it usually re sults in serious econom ic. environmental, and social cr ises.rnDespite the growi ng number of freely available biophysical, climate. and satelliterndata for characterizing and modeli ng drought,...
Background: Diets high in fnlits and vegetables arc widely recommended for hcahhicr life.rnFruits have historically he ld a place in dietary guida nce because of their concentrations of dietaryrnfib er, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes; and morc recently phytochcmicals, especiallyrnantioxidants....