Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

2721 The Impact Of Underemployment On Permanent Employee Satisfaction And Institutioinal Development The Case Of Ethiopian Public Health Institute Addis Ababa

The impact of underemployment is a widely witnessed phenomenon in the world we live in today. Studies suggested that the causes of underemployment have been attributed to adverse economic conditions. For instance, economic recession that occurs when there is decline in economic activity, it can...

2722 Labor Dispute In Industrial Parks Of Ethiopia The Case Of Bole-lemi Industrial Park (blip)

he main objective of this study was to explore the state of labor dispute in Ethiopia’s industrial parks with particular reference to Bole Lemi. The study sought to identify the causes of disputes and suggest possible remedies that would enhance industrial peace and symbiotic relation among...

2723 The Declining And Evolving Norms Of Nuer Community In Gamabella Town

Norms are the practical and observable viewpoints of the whole culture. Living culture is measured and recognized when its elements are practiced by the native. Otherwise, unique components of its traits would result in decline and replacement or even disappearance. Today, Nuer culture in general...

2724 Flight Experience Of South Sudanese Refugee Children And Their Primary Education Experience In Jewi Refugee Camp Ethiopia

This research was conducted to assess the flight experience South Sudanese Refugee Children and rntheir primary education experience in Jewi Refugee Camp. It is a qualitative case study research rnin which interview, direct observation, and document analysis serve as tools for collecting the...

2725 The Effects Of Flooding On Rural People And Their Response Strategies The Case Of Jor District Gambella Regional State Ethiopia

Flooding is the most destructive type of natural disaster that strikes humans and their livelihoods system around the world (UN, 2012). However, it was believed that the flooding response‟s readiness and capacity among the affected communities, societies and countries has determined the level...

2726 Urban Productive Safety Net Program Its Impacts On Food Security And Job Creation The Case Of Woreda 4 Lideta Sub-city.

This study examines the impact of Urban Productive Safety Net Program (UPSNP) on beneficiaries’ livelihood and food security in Worda 4, Llideta sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The study focused on livelihood activity improvements/job created for beneficiaries’, improvement on their...

2727 Knowledge Attitude Practice And Associated Factors Towards Glycemic Control Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Diabetes mellitus, (DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia due tornabsolute or relative insulin deficiency and it remained the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.rnHyperglycemia or high blood sugar is a common sign of uncontrolled diabetes and leads to...

2728 Challenges Of Married Parents With Congenital Club Foot Children And Their Coping Mechanism The Case Of Parents Receiving Service At Abet Hospital

Clubfoot is a congenital birth defect of children and it is not uncommon to see parents with a child who has the birth defect of congenital clubfoot in Addis Ababa, Abet Hospital. Research emphasizing on the area of congenital clubfoot malformation in Ethiopia has focused on medical treatment,...

2729 Roles Of Community Dialogue To Cope With Drought And Purchase Of Weather Index Livestock Insurance In Borana Zone The Case Of Moyale And Dire Wored

The purpose of this study was to assess the roles of community dialogue to cope with drought and purchase of Weather Index Livestock Insurance with an emphasis in Moyale and Dire Woredas Borana Zone. The participants of the study were insurance policyholders, insurance dropouts, non-policy holders,...

2730 Role Of Ethiopian Elders And Pensioners National Association (eepna) In Promoting Access To Services To The Older People.

The older people‟ population is growing faster all over the world. Older people, in Ethiopia, are one of the vulnerable groups in society due to physical change, health disorders and financial constraints. The increase in population together with their increased vulnerability is an alarming...

2731 The Implementation Process And Challenges Of Fee-free Medical Treatment Service In Addis Ababa The Case Of Aabet Hospital.

Fee free medicals service is aimed to provide fee free medical treatment for indigents and to help them to avoiding out of pocket expenditure at the time of illness. However, there was only limited attempt to document the implementation process of this service. This research explored and described...

2732 The Association Of Overweight And Obesity With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus In Pregnant Women Attending Ante Natal Care In Selected Hospital In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 20192020

Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is associated with a higher incidence ofrnmaternal, perinatal, and neonatal morbidities. Publication around the world showed thatrnoverweight and /obesity is a potential risk factor for gestational diabetes mellitus. Because ofrnlate antenatal care...

2733 Work Related Stress Experienced By Midwives Caring For Expectant Mothers With Comfirmed Covid-19 During Child Birth At Eka Kotebe General Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021 A Qualitative Study.

Background: CIVID-19 is a new disease that infects a large number of people, killingrna ratio of whom every day in the world. The nature of the health institution andrnhealthcare system are considered as a high risk and intensive work area for workrnrelated stress. But still there is limited data...

2734 Lake Sediment Records Of Environmental And Climatic Changes From Northern Ethiopia (lake Ashange)

Lacustrine sediments can be used to study the palaeoenvironmental evolution of a particularrncatchment. This is because they reflect developments in the Lake Ecosystem andrnproductivity as weU as changes in the rate and type of processes of the catchment such asrnweathering, erosion and sediment...

2735 Theoretical And Experimental Study Of The Photovoltaic Effect In Thin Films

In the pres ent 8tud~ tho th eory o f ph ot ovo ltaic , n, rgyrnconv ersi on is pres ented. 8 ~ 8ic f actors affecting oonversionrncapability of phot ovolt ai c devic es aro di8CU 8 8 ~d . Goner lrnf ormula of the minority carri er distribution and currentrndensity across p-n junctions are r e vis...

2736 Active Set Method For Solving Quadratic Programming

The benefi ts of breast-feeding for the health of the infant, as an inexpensive and appropriaternsource of nutrients, for its simulation of a strong relationship between the mother and thernchild, and as a major source of protection against pregnancy through suppression of ovulationrnhave been very...

2737 Survival Models Application To Predicting The Breast-feeding Duration Of Mothers In Urban Addis Ababa

The benefi ts of breast-feeding for the health of the infant, as an inexpensive and appropriaternsource of nutrients, for its simulation of a strong relationship between the mother and thernchild, and as a major source of protection against pregnancy through suppression of ovulationrnhave been very...

2738 Maximum Modulus Theorem Of Hocomorphic Function

I he pur thi. pr)j , 't i ... to lind 'r t,II1U un an.l1 I' th' lu imum II dulu ' I h' r'mrnlie la, imum Prin 'ipl') hl 'h ho".., thaI a lun ' lIl n hi 'h i anul~1I In a 'lmpa Irnm In D a' 'ume ' it · a, Imum lotllllll Oil th' luntiar) . In !! neral. II e 'on Id'rrnlb un 'd d main:, th' th ' r'm...

2739 A Palynological- Taxonomic Study Of The Genus Asystasia And A Plynological Study Of Some Related Genera.. In The Acanthaceae

The pollen morphology of ni neteen s pec i es of Acanthaceae :rnnine of A5ystneia and ten of five other genera ha ve beenrninves tigated usinG l i ght and/or electron mic roscope s . Thernfive gener a Gr a p tophyllurn , Jacobini a, Jus t i c i a , Mackays andrn~~~ cun be sepa r ated fr om each...

2740 The Effect Of Some Physico-chemical Factors On The Production And Activity Of Cellulase And B-glucosidase From Cladosporium Sp . Bdcc-3

Conditions for the produC"tion, rele8se ... nd ... ctivi. y otrncellulases and B-Glucosidase tro", (11'1"os orium sp. »OCC:-J wererninvestig8 ed. Comparisons !IIade- betwPt"n different carbon !'Iource-s lindrntheir concenTrations for maxi1!lum prorlu~tjon of cellulas8s and aGlucosidaserndepicted...

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