The main purpose of this study was to assess the Realization of School Inspection Standards rnin the Context of Secondary Schools in Woliso Town Administration. The study adopted a rndescriptive study design. The target population for this research was teachers, students, and rnhead of schools...
Abstract rnBackground: Hematological reference intervals (RIs) are important in routine assessments for therndiagnosis of blood disorders, infectious diseases, immune diseases, diseases progression and assessmentsrnof ant-retroviral treatments. However, most of Africans including Ethiopia use RIs...
Drylands in Ethiopia cover a substantial area endowed with diverse plant resources. However, the landmass has received less attention compared to the moist highlands even if it has high ecological, environmental and economic importance. The present study was conducted in dryland area of Hirmi...
This study is based on the UN arg7lment that every hody has the right to adequaternshe/ter and that society for its welfare depends on the fulfillm ent of the basicrnneeds: food, health, and shelter. As one mpect, the housing availahility andrnqllality in regional capitals of Ethiopia over the...
This study is based on the UN arg7lment that every hody has the right to adequaternshe/ter and that society for its welfare depends on the fulfillm ent of the basicrnneeds: food, health, and shelter. As one mpect, the housing availahility andrnqllality in regional capitals of Ethiopia over the...
The task of mobi l i zing r esources f or publ ic sector outlays iB a maJorrnconce rn of e conoml C policy ln Ethi opia. This is es pec i ally t r ue l n postrrnevolution Ethiopi a , wher e t he soc i c-pol it i cal changes that have taken place havernhave caused the nat i on t o r e l y heavily on...
The study is about the missionaries and the beginning of Modern Education among the SayyornOromo who live in Dambi Dollo and its surrounding. The study attempts to document how thernMissionaries, especially the Protestant Missionaries came to the area of Sayyo and theirrnmethods of expansion as...
This thesis is a hi t rical survey ofsocio-cultural interactions among the people ' 0 Giddarndistrict from the Italian occupation in 1936 to the period IVhen interactions betweenrnindigenous Oromo people and the Amhara reselliers gave ri e to open war in 2000. Giddarndistrict is located in Eastern...
My thesis focuses on a history of agriculture in 'i h I 'a IIIrnJ 974 to 20J 2. Ficha 'a Valley is located in the romia Re i nal tat in J/ rr udul'lIrnWollega Zone, Abay Choman Woreda.rnFincha 'a, Amarti and Nashe dams were constructed in Horro uduru /IV II a Zan in 19 3,rn1987 and 2013...
The study was conducted in two market [Owns, namely, Debre Birhan and Assela with thernaim of identify ing the impact of microcredit on micro enterprise income.rnAccording to the findings of the study, borrowers in Debre Birhan were able to increasernmonthly enterprise income from 181.14 Birr per...
The purpose of this study was generally to identify the condition of parental coping strategyrnand caring styles toward their children with MR. Specificall y, it trie to identi fy and de cribernparental coping strategies and caring styles toward the di sabling condition of their child withrnMR and...
Background: Management of airway and breathing is one of the most important initialrninterventions to save the lives of patients and is a cornerstone of excellent emergency care. Thernfirst few minutes after an emergency condition are vital to providing these lifesavingrninterventions. ...
The right organizational communication is crucial for success and sustainability. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to assess organizational communication practices in the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction as a case study using a mixed methods research design. A total of...
Crime is rapidly growing and evolving around the world. This phenomenon has been attracting the interest of different fields of studies. Also, in forensic linguistics, studies are being done and developed from time to time in exposing criminals. This study focuses on bribery, sexual misconduct, and...
This study seeks to appraise the role of organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness on employees in the case of the Ethiopian Ministry of Revenue Head Office. It aims to achieve this by examining the role of the organizational flow of information on employee work effectiveness;...
I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Ronny Meyer. He taught me several courses in the Ph.D. linguistics program and from whom I learned a lot. I got almost all of the materials used in the present study from him. Dr. Meyer read this study several times from the proposal level up to its present...
The main purpose of this study was to assess professional perceptions on the practice, challenges, and opportunities of private Public Relations (PRs) firms in Ethiopia taking the case of 251 Communications PLC. 251 Communications PLC is one of the few private PR firms in Ethiopia. The main...
The United Nations officially declared access to clean drinking water and sanitation to be a human right in 2010. Despite this, one in every three people in the world still lacks access to clean drinking water. A lot of people suffer from water-borne diseases as a result of contaminated drinking...
Know a day’s information plays a critical role in the society. In this regard Community radiornalso critical to address such needs. Although community radio aim to serve community members,rnthe station not reaching the entire community member as the result of sustainability...
An ethnobotanical study of the knowledge on use and management of medicinal plants by local people in Kebena district was conducted from October 2020 to March 2021. The objective of the study was to gather and analyze information on the use, management and conservation of medicinal plants as well...