Coal has been major energy source for cement, steel and chemical industry in Ethiopia and also the country has high coal deposit. However, Ethiopian Coal is low in quality and calorific value and high sulfur, ash, and volatile content. Due to this, almost all local and international industries do...
Midi-buses are a valuable vehicle to transport services and goods in Ethiopia's rural and urban areas.rnHowever, midi-bus are indirectly regulated through inspecting the end product (finished bus) duringrnlicensing for the public transport business in Ethiopia. Because of the lack of engineering...
Renewable energy formed distributed generators (DGs) play a highest role in electricity requisite and reduced in the global warming. Distributed generation formed on wind, solar energy, biomass, mini-hydro along with use of fuel cells and micro turbines are becoming a more important energy source...
Quadcopter technology could help farmers around the world to monitor their agriculture tornknow accurate and up-to-date information quickly on the health of their crops and the environmentalrncondition of the land. This thesis addresses particle swarm optimization tunedrnfractional-order sliding...
Energy is in high demand and fossil fuels having problems, so current solution is to use renewablernout of which wind is one. In using wind, the problem is how to extract the maximum powerrnavailable in the wind stream. Due to the randomness of wind speed and the fluctuations of wind power. So, to...
Ready-mixed concrete is the basic construction material used in large quantities for constructionrnpurpose all around the world. With enlarged focus on infrastructure and housing activities, use ofrnconcrete in several forms are growing from time to time. Concrete that is batched in a...
Nowadays with the limited spectrum bands the mobile operators have been challengedrnto deliver multimedia applications with higher data rates, low latency and better qualityrnof service of mobile communications to a growing number of users. This has led to a bigrnnumber of inventions and technology...
In the modern wireless communication energy consumption becomes critical issue for wireless network operators. With the emergence of 5G wireless communication , the importance of energy efficiency (EE) has been appreciated since it is one of the significant performance analysis metrics of wireless...
In this study, suitability of industrial wastes, fly ash (FA), and marble waste powder (MWP) are estimated along with cement as stabilizers for producing CSEBs with soil ingredients and water. The aim of this research is to manufacture and investigate alternative wall-making material that can be...
With the growing interests in multiscale computation studies in different fields in recent decades, its application in the biomedical field has been of great importance specially to analyse, process, design and diagnose different biological activities at both microscopic and macroscopic levels....
INTRODUCTION:Drug Resistant Tuberculosis is defined as tuberculosis that does not respondrnto antituberculosis agent. Data on the outcome of MDR/RR-TB and associated factors is highlyrnneeded to evaluate the efficiencies of the MDR/ RR-TB treatment program. However, Therntreatment outcome of...
Background: Abdominal trauma is a major public health problem for all nations and allrnsocioeconomic strata and associated with high morbidity and mortality in the world. Abdominalrninjury is classified as blunt and penetrating trauma. Road traffic accident is the most commonrncause of abdominal...
Background rnLeptospirosis is a neglected zoonotic disease caused by spirochetes, pathogenic Leptospira. Itrncan give a severe disease in humans. Many domestic animals can carry pathogenic Leptospirarnand Leptospira can survive in environmental water sources. There are barely studies done...
Background Thrombocytopenia is one of the most frequent hematologic disorders encountered in the sickrnneonate. This is evidenced by a fairly high prevalence among neonates admitted to thernneonatal intensive care unit 22%-35%, especially in very-low-birth-weight and pretermrnneonates its...
Background: Supply chain risk management is the process of identification, assessment,rnmitigation, and monitoring of risks. Pharmaceutical suppliers and distributors face multiple risksrnthat disrupt the supply of drugs interms of quantity, quality, and delivery at the right place andrntime to the...
Background: - Spinal cord tumors constitute 10-32% of all primary central nervous systemrntumors (1, 2). Spinal tumors are classified based on their location as extradural and intradural.rnIntradural tumors are classified as extra medullary and intramedullary depending on involvementrnof substance...
Background: Malaria incidence has declined in Ethiopia in the past ten years. Current malariarndiagnostic tests, including light microscopy and antigen-detecting rapid tests (RDTs) cannotrnreliably detect low-density infections. Studies have shown that nucleic acid amplification testsrnare highly...
Introduction: Intimate partner violence is prevalent worldwide public health problem and majorrnhuman and legal rights abuse of all women, which requires complex and multifaceted interventions.rnHealth facilities are situated to provide management for IPV. Thus, Nurses and midwives are frontrnlines...
Background: S.aurues is gram-positive coccus which is a normal flora of the skin and nose ofthe healthy population. However it can cause different types of infections ranging from minorskin infections to life threatening conditions such as septicemia, pneumonia, endocarditis,rnmeningitis and...
Background: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most infections in renal transplantrnrecipients and it has serious consequences in several countries including Ethiopia. rnObjective: To determine the bacterial and fungal profile, antibacterial drug susceptibilityrnpatterns and risk factors for...