This study investigated perception and practice of inclusive education at Menilik II primary rnschool. In this work case study research design was employed with a qualitative approach to rnenable in deepth examining of the phenomena under investigation. The data was collected rnfrom Minilik II...
This study sought to gain insight into how Gambella government preschool teachers perceive rnplay-based learning, and its implication to child development. Play-based learning refers to rnindividual child play and learning that help children to develop holistically. Teachers’ rnperception...
Ethiopia has been in the process of privatization since the mid 1990s. Attempts were madernin this study to assess performance of privatized public enterprises during the last decadernin Ethiopia. Percentage share of privatization proceeds to total revenue of the country forrnthe years 1995/96 -...
The contribution of play Based Learning for students’ academic performance in Five Right rnTo Play Project Target Primary Schools in Gulele sub city rnNetsanetAyenrnAddis Ababa University, 2021rnThe overall objective of this study was to assess the contribution of Play Based Learning...
Background: Hematological profiles are affected by commonly known pathological factors.rnHowever, nutritional, behavioral and life style factors may vary those parameters amongrnapparently healthy individuals. Little is known about hematological profile of apparently healthyrnindividuals seeking...
Background: Post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) is one of the foremost reasons of maternal deathrnglobally. in Ethiopia 80% of maternal death is associated with PPH, there is no enough paperrnto assess the practice of mid-level health professionals specially in initial PPH management asrnprimary...
Background: Birth injury is harm/damage that a baby suffers during the entire birth process.rnIt includes both birth asphyxia and physical trauma (birth trauma). In Ethiopia, intra-partumrnrelated complications’ including birth injury has become the leading cause of neonatalrnmorbidity and...
Background: Referral is a two way process and ensures that a continuum of care is maintainedrnto patients or clients. Referral system is a process by which a health provider transfers thernresponsibility of care temporarily or permanently to another health professional or social workerrnor to the...
Background rnMarble used in the sculpturing of statute and the construction of buildings and monuments isrnmetamorphic limestone. Persons employed in carving statues from stone and marble rock arernexposed to dust containing particles of calcium carbonate and silica. Marble has been commonlyrnused...
Background: First aid management is the provision of emergency medical assistance to a personrnwho has been hurt or becomes suddenly ill, utilizing whatever facilities or resources are availablernat the time before regular medical help is impacted. It is critical to guarantee that...
Background: Vaccine pharmacovigilance (PV) aims to detect, assess, comprehend, communicaternand manage adverse events following immunization (AEFI). To help distinguish vaccine relatedrnAEFIs from coincidental occurrences, an active PV prospective surveillance programs (e.g....
Background: In a country where the coverage cervical cancer screening is low optimization ofrnthe uptake is critical. The implementation of high precision test is advocated by WHO. To augmentrnthe implementation human papillomavirus (HPV) based screening in Ethiopia we compared thernperformance...
Background:Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has infected 173,674,509 peoplernglobally resulting in 3,744,408 deaths as of 09 June 2021.Ethiopia is categorized under COVID19rnrnepidemic phase III (advancing outbreak). There are global concerns and predictions thatrnCOVID-19 would...
In the healthcare system Nurse managers' involvement in decision-making had boundlessrnvalue to preserve cost-effective service and safe patient care. The nurse manager is drivingrnpower to ensure optimal health care service, despite this Nurse managers' decision-makingrninvolvement and associated...
In an attempt to assess the supply behaviour ofrnsubsistence peas ants , this study concentrated on somernteff (Eragrostis teff) growing peasant associationsrnwithin Shoa Adminstrative Region . The associationsrnwere selected on the basis of their open market teffrnprice levels and the necessl1ry...
Background: Globally cardiovascular diseases are a number one cause of death. Acuterncoronary syndrome accounts most cardiovascular deaths which is a life threateningrncondition requires a lifesaving intervention and intensive nursing practice. Acute carernnurses play an integral role in the...
This thesis investigates the direction and magnitude of the linkages betweenrnprivate investment and public investment, as well as their relative impact onrneconomic growth in Ethiopia. To that end, an error correction model employedrnon a time series data for the study period ranging from 1970/ 71...
Background:The management of hyperthyroidism with radioiodineis a standard method andrnhas resulted to be effective with few post therapy complication and recurrencernrate.Objective:To assess the success rate of rn 131rnI treatment in patients with hyperthyroidism,rnwho were registered and under...
Abstract rnBackground: Laboratory has a key role for the management of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19).rnSince the outbreak reported, many commercial Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) assays have been developedrnall over the world, and real-time PCR detection has been the routine and standard method....
Background: histopathology is a gold standard method in pathology where tissue samples are grossed,rnprocessed, cut, stained, mounted and microscopically evaluated. Samples of tissue are taken fromrnpatients and then prepared using appropriate staining protocols to detect and diagnose the...