Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

3401 Determinants Of Profit Ability In Domestic Banking Markets - Implications Of Foreign Bank Entry.

A policy of openness of the domestic banking markets to international bank pm1icipationrnis not a universally accepted argument. While arguments in favor of foreign bank entryrnare argued to be broad based, there exist a se t of concerns with regard to the potentiallyrnadverse effects of opening to...

3402 The Preference For Micro Insurance Products By Households In The Informal Economy Of Ghana.

Over the past few decades, governments and donor bodies became more focused inrnalleviating poverty through major policy reforms such as the structural adjustmentrnprogrammeas well as the economic recovery programe. The world bank and therninternational monetary fund therefore initiated numerous...

3403 Prevalence And Predictors Of Stress And Social Impact Among Parents With Neural Tube Defect Children Who Have Follow Up In Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021

Background- Neural Tube Defects are congenital anomalies of the brain, spinal cord and theirrnsurrounding structures. Parents face extreme stress at the diagnosis of NTDs since they arernchallenged with either the misery of a termination, stillbirth or the lifelong psychological, socialrnand...

3404 Knowledge Attitude Practice And Associated Factors Towards Basic Life Support Among Nurses Working At Adult Emergency Units Of Federal Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Basic life support (BLS) is an emergency procedure targeted to maintain thernairway, breathing, and circulation for patients in life-threatening conditions before transferring torndefinitive care. It is the initial response to the cardiac or non-cardiac arrest and the basis forrnsaving...

3405 Assessment Of Malnutrition And Inflammatory Status In Cervical Cancer Patients Attending Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.

Background: Globally cervical Cancer is the fourth common cancer accounting for 6.6%rnof all female cancers. Oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) specifically types 16 andrn18 is the most important risk factor associated with cervical cancer. Studies havernindicated that approximately 88.33% of...

3406 Patients Knowledge On Cardiovascular Risk Factors And Associated Life Style Behaviors Among Adults In Selected Public Hospitals A.a Ethiopia 2021.

Background: CVDS are the leading cause of deaths in both developed and developing rncountries. Ethiopia is in epidemiologic transformation predominantly infectious diseases tornchronic diseases. CVD is a major public health challenge in Ethiopia. It is crucial to improvernthe life style of the...

3407 Comparative Assessment Of Serum Lipid Profile Complete Blood Count And Viral Load Levels Between Hiv Positive Patients Taking Dolutegravir And Efavirenz Based Antiretroviral Therapy At Wolkite Health Center Southern Ethiopia

Background: Highly active antiretroviral therapy can achieve rapid HIV suppression and allowsrnrestoration of the immune system. However, their long-term use has been associated with variousrnimmunological, biochemical and haematological abnormalities such as dyslipidemia, insulinrnresistance,...

3408 Catheter Associated Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (vre) Among Patients Admitted To Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College In Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Background: Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CA-UTIs) are common cause ofrnhospital acquired infections. The emergence of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE),rnposes a significant problem in the management of CA-UTI. There is scarcity of information onrnthe prevalence and drug...

3409 Assessment Of Blood Transfusion Utilization Patient Outcome Andassociated Factors At St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: Assessment of blood utilization is an important way to minimize unnecessary use rnof blood and blood components for transfusions so as to effectively manage such scarcernresources. However, in Ethiopia the regular assessment of transfusion practice is not performedrnconsistently....

3410 Sero-prevalence Of Hbsagamong Pregnant Women And Rate Of Vertical Transmission In Selected Health Facilities Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Background: Pregnant women who are carriers of the HBV pose a significant risk to their healthrnandnewborn babies. Majority of countries in developing world have not yet adopted universalrnscreening for pregnant women.There are limited studies on maternal and their newborns HBVrnstatus in...

3411 Socio - Economic Determinants Of Child Schooling In Rural Households Of Ethiopia

Education, being the major element in human capital theory, is analyzed in different perspectivernas it plays a pivotal role for the development of any country. The main objective of the study wasrntherefore to understand the major micro level socio-economic determinants of child schooling inrnthe...

3412 Combined Use Of Cytopathological Diagnosis With Molecular Tests Performed On Concentrated Fine Needle Aspirate Samples To Improve The Lab Diagnosis For Tuberculous Lymphadenitis Suspected Patients

Background: Tuberculosis lymphadenitis (TBLN) is a granulomatous infection of lymph nodes rnand the most frequent form of extra pulmonary Tuberculosis in Ethiopia. Issues arising in therncytopathological diagnosis of TBLN suspected patients include the inconclusive result and lackrnof easily...

3413 Education Training And Agricultural Technology Adoption In Resource Poor Areas Of North Wollo The Case Of Meket Woreda

Inspite of its important contribution to the Ethiopian economy at large, the performance ofrnagriculture was disappointing for decades. Cognizant of this fact, Ethiopia is nowrnimplementing Agricultural Development-Led Industrialization (ADLI) strategy whichrnconcentrates on accelerating growth...

3414 The Determinants Of Foreign Direct Investment In Zambia

This study tests the determinants of foreign direct Investment (FDI) in zambia and itsrneffects on the trade balance. The results suggest that natural resource endowment, foreignrndebt overhang, domestic credit availability, the size of domestic market, and risk andrnuncertainty in the investment...

3415 Perceived Level Of Social Accountability And Knowledge Of Healthcare Workers The Case Of Yeka Sub-city Of Addis Ababa

This study attempted to examine perceived level of social accountability and knowledgernof healthcare workers in selected health facilities. It also assesses if the perceived level of rnsocial accountability varies by socio- demographic characteristics and identify the rnfactors that affect the...

3416 The Determinants Of Off-farm Employment And Its Role In Rural Poverty Alleviation Thecase Of Oromia Regional State

This study is motivated to find explanation that agricultural sector alone cannot ensure sufficientrnemployment or sufficient income for the rural population. It attempts to suggest the need forrnintegrating agriculture with off-farm sector so that they reinforce each other's growth andrncontribute...

3417 Career Aspirations Of Addis Ababa University Students Implication For Career Counselin

The study of career aspiration among undergraduates has become a hot topic. This study looked at rnthe level of job goals among AAU Behavioral and Educational science, Social science. Political rnscience, Business and Economics science students .Quantitative data from 287 university students rn(141...

3418 Relationship Between Leadership Style And Academic Optimism In Secondary Schools Of Batu City Administration.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between leadership style and rnAcademic Optimism in secondary schools of Batu City Administration in Oromia regional state.rnTo achieve the study objective, descriptive and to some extent an explanatory research design rnalong with both...

3419 Students Usage Of Communication Technologies In Secondary Schools In Burao District Of Somaliland.

The purpose of this research was to investigate the usage of communication technologies of rnsecondary school students in Burao district. The descriptive survey design was used; also rnStratified random sampling was employed in sampling the respondents. Responses were elicited rnfrom students in...

3420 Perceived Stress And Coping Styles Among Healthcare Workers During The Time Of Covid-19 Arerti Town North Shoa Zone

Coronavirus disease-2019 has been a global concern for the past one and half year rnand still is expected to continue for the coming years. Health professionals, while rncompared with the general public are influenced by it and have a higher risk of rnacquiring the disease. It has been witnessed...

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