The initial idea of the study is to assess and develop the radiological recordrnsystem of Bethel Teaching General Hospital. The existing record keepingrnsystem of MRI department is manual, which has its own limitations. Basedrnon these limitations, an electronic radiological record system is...
Background: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a severe form of iron deficiency. It mostrncommonly occurs in pregnant women and infants. One of the causes of IDA in early childhood isrnthe acquisition of lower than the normal amount of iron store at birth. The stored iron of thernnewborn babies, which...
This study was intended to investigate the level of Knowledge, Attitude and Self efficacy among College Teacher Educators’ on the Practice of Inclusive Education in the rnCollege of Teacher Education in South Nations Nationality and Peoples Regional (SNNPR) rnState. The design of this study...
This study intended to assess the principals’ leadership styles and teacher performance in rnsecondary schools of East Hararghe Zone. The design chosen for the study was descriptive survey rndesign whereas the method employed was mixed methods. To carry out the study, the sampling...
The rapid pace of technological change and increased capital mobility has stimulated arnprocess of globalization which has encouraged finns to locate the production processrnacross countries to take advantage of differences in comparative advantage. Today thernworld is becoming a small village. To...
It is generally believed that for a developing country export performance plays a pivotal rolernin providing the much-needed impetus for economic growth. Export-led growth has been putrnforward as the efficient alternative to inward- orientation strategies of development. This isrnbecause it is...
Ethiopia as a low income country has encountered problems ofrnFiscal deficits and limited capacity for tax administration. ThernCountry has been undertaking lots of tax reforms since 1940s asrnOne strategy to deal with these problems. Tax reform, a changern•rnIn status quae, is needed when...
A necessary and important ingredient in the development process of rnrnsubsistence agriculture is the introduction of improved technology and landrnmanagement practices. But these are related to the availability of suitablernagricultural credit facilities. Although several...
Speed Optimization is a means of improving the geometric alignment, infrastructure andrnconstruction materials and structure performance during the working cycles under some manufacturing,rnoperational and failure conditions as well as cost limitations.rnThe new Ethiopian national railway network...
The aspects of wear, friction and fatigue are very important in the operation of railways. There exist significant researches that deal with identifying the wear and fatigue mechanisms within wheel-rail contact. Different approaches are necessary to identify different phases on wear and fatigue...
Tunnel construction involves complex projects that encompass various types of risk. These risks can influence the project in different situation. It is important to gain deep understanding of the risks associated with tunneling in order to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence and severity of...
It is believed that parental involvement in preschool children's education is profoundly rnimportant. The objective of the study, therefore, was to assess parental involvement in selected rnprivate and government preschools in Addis Ababa city administration. A mixed research design rnhas been...
The objective of this study was to assess the principal's leadership effectiveness in rnimplementing school improvement programs in secondary schools of the Wolaita rnzone. In this study descriptive survey design was used with quantitative and rnqualitative methods. Among the 60 public secondary...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the social well-being of institutionalized elderly rnpeople in terms of social integration, social acceptance, social coherence, social contribution rnand social actualization. The study site was Sewasew Genet Charity and Development rnOrganization which...
Positional accuracy is a matter of renewed concern and it deals with the accurateness of the location of map features, and measures how far a spatial feature on a map is from its true or reference location on the ground. A crucial component to examine an effective positional correctness of digital...
Silica sand and sugarcane bagasse-ash (BA) are used as reinforcement for Aluminum alloy (Al2024)rnbased hybrid composites. The Aluminum matrix hybrid composites were fabricated by stir cast atrn750°C. The reinforcement weighted by volume fraction ratio 5%, 10% & 15% of matrix...
Introduction of Application-assisted taxi service on urban transport in recent years is making a fundamental change on the service level of the transport system and is impacting its sustainability in different aspect. The purpose of this paper is to investigate modal shift impact of...
Introduction of Application-assisted taxi service on urban transport in recent years is making a fundamental change on the service level of the transport system and is impacting its sustainability in different aspect. The purpose of this paper is to investigate modal shift impact of...
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the practices of teachers’ participation in rndecision making in secondary schools in West Shewa. To conduct this study, a descriptive survey rnmethod was employed. A total of 247 respondents (197 teachers, 15 principals, 35 PTAs, were...
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the Practices and Problems of Early Childhood rnCare and Education (ECCE) in Government and Private Schools in Sebeta City Administration. rnTo realize this purpose. Descriptive survey research design that involved qualitative and rnquantitative...