The general objective of this study was to investigate the implementation of the policy set for rnearly childhood care and education in East Wollega Zone, Oromia Regional state.rnMethodologically the study employed descriptive survey design and mixed research approach. rnInstruments used in the...
Background: - Despite the fact that Ethiopia is accelerating its ARTrnprogram, little is known about the quality of ART monitoring laboratoryrnservices in health facilities. rnrnObjective: - To assess the quality of ART monitoring laboratory services inrnpublic hospitals of Addis Ababa with...
Background: A women‘s health is critical to her own life, and to the well-being of her family andrnthe economy of her community and her country. About 99% of maternal deaths occur in developingrncountries. Yet, most of these deaths could be avoided, if preventive measures were taken...
Background: Nosocomial infections (NIs) remain a significant cause of morbidity andrnmortality both in developed and developing countries. NIs is caused by the microorganismsrnthat are commonly found around the hospitals. In the hospital environment, medicalrnequipments carried by HCWs such as...
Introduction: Supporting women at delivery is an essential part care during labor. The term rn'labor support' refers to continuous non-medical care of a laboring woman. It includes physical rncomforting such as touching, massaging, bathing, grooming, applying warmth or cold; and rnemotional support...
Introduction: Development of HAART has brought significant suppression of viral replication,rndecreasing morbidity and mortality and dramatically transforming HIV into chronic disease.rnUnfortunately, the prospect of maintaining patients on HAART for long term may be restrictedrnby a heterogeneous...
Background: Mental health is about enhancing competencies of individuals andrncommunities and enabling them to achieve their self-determined goals. Since mental illnessrnis problem of society as a whole, it is a major challenge to global development. rnObjectives: To estimate the economic cost of...
Background: - Syphilis, HIV and HBV are the most common public health problems inrnSub-Saharan countries. Ethiopia is among the countries where syphilis, HIV and HBVrninfections are highly prevalent. These infections are interrelated, since syphilis enhancesrnHIV and, HBV infection is complicated...
Background- Antenatal care (ANC) is a widely used strategy to improve the health of pregnant women and tornencourage skilled care during childbirth. In 2007, the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia developed a nationalrnadaptation plan based on the new model (Focused Antenatal care) of the World Health...
Students in higher institutions are exposed to many psychosocial problems and risky sexual behaviors asrnthey are away from their parents and possibly due to suboptimal counseling services. The problems mayrnbe more apparent in newly established universities. Despite this concern, there is no...
Background: The transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Viruses significantly affected byrnthe knowledge and practice of the working population. The utilization of recommended healthrnservices for the prevention HIV is essential among a growing working population in...
The study tried to examine the relationship between export earning instability andrneconomic growth in Ethiopia using relatively long time series data; and assessedrnthe political economy factors worsening coffee sector performance and therebyrninstability in the export earnings of the...
Most of the previous empirical studies that tested• the link between exports 'andrneconomic growth focused on cross country regression analysis. This approach, however,rnsuffers from an over simplified assumption of uniform production functions across Countriesrnwhich obscure intercountry...
Customers' attitude plays an important role in determining the success. failure or thernpace of the business. Customers' attitude plays an important role not only towards thernproducts or brands of the company but also towards the company and the personalitiesrnaround the company. If the customers...
This study examines the dynamics of the inflation in the long and short term using econometricrn"rntechniques of co integration tests and error correction modeling for the period 1992:4 to 2007:2.rnThe empirical results show that the price index, real gross domestic product, broad...
One aspect of sustainable development is the need to retain an "acceptable" level ofrnenvironmental quality and to conserve nature's assets. Environmental economicsrnliterature has therefore developed to encompass a range of monetary valuation methodsrnand techniques designed to value the 5 pectrum...
Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency formulated to function as a medium of exchange. Cryptocurrencies evolvedrnon a blockchain altar that functions on a peer-to-peer foundation, enabling a beneficiary to receive encryptedrnpayments directly from sender. Cryptocurrency transactions disregard...
The purpose of this research was to assess factors affecting quality of education in government secondary rnschools in SNNPR Regional State, South Ari woreda. The study was directed by 3 research questions. rnThese involved: what are the major inputs factors affecting the quality of education in...
Multimodal transport refers to the transport of goods from place to another place by using morernthan one mode of transport. The main actor who enters into contract to coordinate differentrnmodes of transport like; road, rail, air, pipeline etc. and finally results in the most effective...
The objective of this study was to investigate leadership practices in government primary rnschool of Sebeta City Administration. The study investigated‟ leadership styles based on rnthe perception of teachers and leaders self-rating about their leadership styles. To rninvestigate this topic...