In this study attempts has been made to examme the relationships and impact of the keyrnliberalizations and/or globalization variables in economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).rnUsing panel data, this paper essentially explores the effects of openness to international trade andrnforeign...
Prosthetic limb socket is the major part of a prosthetic leg and arm. It provides comfortable connection, transfers the load, ensures stability between the residual limb and the device. This study aims to investigate tensile, flexural, compression, impact and water absorption properties of...
Ethiopia imports goods and service s under serious foreignrnexchange constraint. Export ",earnings finance less than rnfifty percent of imports . For this reason there was excessrndemand for foreign exchange in the past four decades . Thernpurpose of this study is therefore, to...
The major purpose of the study was investigating students' spelling errors in compositions theyrnproduced. To reach this goal instruments such as composition writing; multiple choice test,rnwhich contain three misspelled and a correctly spelt word, having 30 questions were designed;rnand checklist...
This paper is a general empirical study on the determinants and the possib ility ofrnsustained growth for Kenya. Some determinants were regressed on investment, agriculturalrnoutput, growth in the service sector, net capital inflow, and growth in exports . Itrnconcludes that financial deepen ing,...
This study aimed to find out the risk taking nature of Somali and non-Somali students in theirrnoral production (a comparative study). Therefore, an attempt was made to find out whether therernwas a risk-taking difference between them and the main cause of their current level of...
Based on ERHS data, the study used two-step dynamic nonlinear panel data model tornanalyze poverty dynamics, the implication of shocks and informal risk sharing strategiesrnon poverty dynamics. The model better explains the dynamic process of rural poverty inrnEthiopia, which reveals the existence...
This dissertation, reconstructs the role that coffee played in multifaceted changes that took placernin the two regions of southern Ethiopia, predominantly inhabited by the people of Gedeo andrnSidama. The study covers a period of seven decades, starting .from the middle of the twentiethrncentUl),....
In this study an effort is made to find out whether Freshmenrnslow reading is attributed to the lack of general knowledge ofrnEnglish or due to the use of Amharic rl3ading techniques whi l e -rnreading English.rnTo t es t this, a questionnaire, reading speed and readingrntechniques tests were...
The main objective of this study was to investigate into student-teacher attitudes to gradern9 reading texts and exercises. The study was carried out on 120 grade 9 students and 20rnEnglish teachers from the high schools in IIIubabor Zone.rnIt is using questionnaires and interviews that relevant...
When we go back into the history of socialist countries we findrnthat at the birth of socialism , during t he transition period , literaturernhad a vital rol e to pl ay. To be more prec is e, the socialist realistrnmet hod contributed to the coming of soc i a li sm. This 50cialist realistrnmethod ,...
When we go back into the history of socialist countries we findrnthat at the birth of socialism , during t he transition period , literaturernhad a vital rol e to pl ay. To be more prec is e, the socialist realistrnmet hod contributed to the coming of soc i a li sm. This 50cialist realistrnmethod ,...
Recognizing the benefits of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs)rnin general and Internet in particular to the overall advancement of social,rneconomic and politics of a country, developing countries are investing onrnnetwork infrastructures. However, the penetration level of the countries...
The study uses the concepts of the welfare cost from inflation, and armey curves popularized by MartinrnBailey and Richard armey'; respectively to show that fiscal policy instrument can serve a functionrnfurther than progressively reducing fiscal deficits. In the absence of the abundance of...
The study uses the concepts of the welfare cost from inflation, and armey curves popularized by MartinrnBailey and Richard armey'; respectively to show that fiscal policy instrument can serve a functionrnfurther than progressively reducing fiscal deficits. In the absence of the abundance of...
The purpose of this study was to make an investigation intornsome of the factors that resulted in the underrepresentation ion of womenrnin educational administration in Ethiopia.rnBoth micro (internal) and macro (external) variables were treatedrnto meet the objective of this study. These included...
The purpose o f this study is in general to find out thernkind and frequency of verbal and non - verbal behaviors thatrntranspire when teachers and students in four selected twelfthrngrade English classes in Addis Abab a interact.rnFindings show :rnthat three teacher s did 75% to 84% of the talk...
Background: Based on a world health organization report in 2020, over 56 million people arernestimated requiring palliative care every year and of which 76% are from Low and Middle-incomerncountries; where a majority of 67.1% are adults; of those, 69% of palliative care need is associatedrnwith...
Background: The fast-growing, tremendous amount of data, collected and stored in large andrnmassive data repositories, has far exceeded human ability for comprehension without powerfulrntools. As a result, data collected in large data repositories become seldom visited. This in turn,rncalls the...
Background: Tuberculosis is a prominent problem in developing countries. Hence, there isrna need for rapid, practical and accurate diagnostic tools that are adapted to resource-poorrnsettings in order to ensure that those affected receive proper and timely treatment....