Background The number of people living with HIV worldwide continued to grow in 2012,rnreaching an estimated 34million .Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region most heavily affectedrnby HIV, In Ethiopia, the ART program started with a fee-based in 2003 then decentralized andrnfree ART program in the...
This study analyzed age,sex,site & histologic types of Malignant colorectal neoplasms in 203rncases during a period of January 2000 to December 2012 in the department of pathology,AddisrnAbeba University,Ethiopia. This cases accounted for 1.1% of total biopsies submittedto therndepartement during...
This study investigated the mediating role of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) in thernrelationship between dynamic capability (DC) and performance (P) of Ethiopian Airlines.rnThe research followed cross-sectional explanatory research design, quantitative approach,rnsurvey method and questionnaire...
Surface water quality affects the wellbeing of local community and thus an improvement to LakernHora-Arsedi would benefit beshoftu residents. An Improvement proposed in this study is improving thernquality of waler in the lake one step from how Beshoftu residents perceived the existing water...
Surface water quality affects the wellbeing of local community and thus an improvement to LakernHora-Arsedi would benefit beshoftu residents. An Improvement proposed in this study is improving thernquality of waler in the lake one step from how Beshoftu residents perceived the existing water...
Background: Delivering high quality health service by health facilities is achieved through thernimplementation of continuous quality improvement. Good health information systems are crucial forrnaddressing health challenges and improving health service delivery in developing countries....
ABSTRACTrnBackground- Unintended pregnancy is an important public health issue in developed and rndeveloping countries because of its negative association with the social and health outcomes forrnmothers, children, the family and the nation. In Ethiopia, a study conducted at selected publicrnhealth...
ABSTRACTrnBackground: Emergency contraception(EC)is a type of modern contraception which isrnindicated after unprotected sexual intercourse when regular contraception is not in use.rnEthiopia being one of the countries with highest maternal mortality because of severalrnfactors such as low use of...
ABSTRACT rnBackground: Worldwide the burden of preeclampsia has been the major concern particularly inrndeveloping countries including, Ethiopia. Preeclampsia is associated with substantial maternalrncomplications, both acute and long-term. Understanding the situation of...
Background: To provide quality of health care, medical practitioners require complete,rnaccurate, and timely data. Practitioners need to know their patients’ medical history to avoidrnprescribing treatments that may have adverse effects. Though, most medical records are keptrnin voluminous...
Background: Long acting contraceptives such as intrauterine devices and hormonal implants arernamong the most effective methods that prevent unintended pregnancies. Long actingrncontraceptive is more convenient to clients who want to space or limit their births. Clients havernbetter compliance to...
This paper empiricallv tests the reserve flow equation of the monetary approach to thernbalance of payments in the case of Ethiopia during the period J967/68 to J999/00 withrnquarterly dies-aggregated data. It examines whether disequilibrium in the money marketrnplayed a role in determining balance...
This study concentrates on the efficiency performance of commercial banks inrnEthiopia by examining the efficiency. Changes in productivity and technology.rnand potential determinants of the efficiency of a sample of eight commercialrnbanks during the period 2002/2003-2006/2007. In measuring the...
Among the factors that enable to promote development includerna well preformed development plan generating and mobilizingrnresources proper allocation of these resources, particuarly rnthe allocution of financial resources among investment(capital) rnand consummation ( recurrent), and an...
In Ethiopia, a country of diversified people with their own distinct cultures, administrativernSystems, religious and political ideologies which had fallen under the administration ofrnaristocracy, no attempts were made to develop, nurture and adopt an indigenous nationalrnideology and system of...
The main purpose of this study was to assess the current practice of training program conducted byrnthe city administration urban management Institute (UMI) in light of training theories andrnprinciples. To conduct this study, a descriptive survey method was employed. Simple and purposivernsampling...
This study mainly intends to explore whether there are any undesirable challenges andrnproblems (limitations) in the implementation process of human resource performancernManagement in one of the public owned enterprises i. e. the Ethiopian InsurancernCorporation (EIC).rnThe main objective of the...
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a popular geophysical technique that is used torninvestigate the ground using electromagnetic waves. Analogous to medical imaging GPRrnis used for subsurface imaging and exploration.rnAntenna is a key element of any GPR system. The design of GPR antennas...
The performance of microstrip antenna arrays is greatly undermined by the excitation of spacernwaves and surface waves which cause mutual coupling between microstrip antenna elements.rnMutual coupling between antenna elements can affect the side lobe levels, beam position andrnfrequency bandwidth...
Nowadays, there has been an increase in wireless technologies, which are used for variety ofrnapplications and services. The need of using wireless services and applications also increased fromrnday to day that brings a higher demand on radio spectrum leading to shortage and congestion....