Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

3861 Application Of Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry For Adsl Fault Detection

The tremendous increase of interest in an increasingly expanding online world, access service providers face many unique challenges. Each and every subscriber are consistently demand more bandwidth to access video, gaming, and other online content at the same time multiple users demanding...

3862 The Relation Between Low Pay And Intent Of Corruption By Employees Working In The Federal Public Organizations The Case Of Some Selected Ministries

The study aimed to discover factors that have prompted the researcher to investigate thernrelationship between low-pay and intent of corruption and drew out some recommendation forrnpolicies area of low pay and intent of corruption. The study implemented multiple case studyrnemploying a...

3863 Public Revenue And Expenditure Gap Analysis At Local Level In Somali National Regional State The Case Of Dhagahbour City Administration

Raising revenue and spending the collected income to provide public services and developmental infrastructure is a pre-requisite of any local government in the world. In most city administration in developing countries, however, revenue generation have been hampered by a combination of local...

3864 Ethiopian Field Epidemiology And Laboratory Training Program (efeltp) Compiled Body Of Works In Field Epidemiology

Backgrounds: In 2011, Ethiopia faced measles outbreak from different regions of therncountry. Bahir Dar Zuria woreda, Amhara Region is one of affected woreda by measlesrnoutbreak. Bahir Dar Zuria woreda health office reported the Chenta outbreak to RegionalrnHealth Bureau, Public Health Emergency...

3865 Perception Of Nurses And Physicians Towards Barriers To Nurse-physician Communication And Its Impact On Patients Outcomes At Hawassa Referral And Teaching Hospital Snnprs Ethiopia

Background: Effective communication between nurses and physicians is essential rnin providing safe and effective care. Even if high-quality patient care is the goal of rnmedicine and nursing, patients are dying and experiencing preventable rncomplications because of poor nurse physician...

3866 The Contribution Of Faith Based Organizations In Alleviating The Urban Poverty Of Addis Ababa A Case Study Of Three Faith Based Organizations

The number of urbanites in Ethiopia is small when compared to the total number ofrnPopulation; and out of the total number of urbanites a significant proportion lives underrnPoverty. Addis Ababa has the lion's share of the number of urbanites of the country as wellrnAs the urban poor in the...

3867 The Causes And Consequences Of Conflicts Among The Nuer Clans In Gambella

This thesis is an initiative to explain the nuer violent intra clans' conflicts in Gambella.rnThe core objectives have been put forward as to locate the main causes of prevailedrnConflicts among Jeanie never in Gambella. Correspondingly, under this thesis seekingrnImposed consequences and ways to...

3868 Value Added Tax Practices And Problems In Federal Inland Revenue Authority Of Ethiopia

Most of the Governments revenue is generaled from taxes. It can redistribute society’s wealth by imposing the tax burden on one group in order to find services for another. Taxes are classified in to tow. These are direct and indirect taxes. Direct taxes are directly related to the tax...

3869 Attitude Of Employees And Public Relation Officers On The Use Of Facebook As A Public Relation Tool Case Of The Federal Ministry Of Trade And Industry

The purpose of this study was to assess the use of social media, especially Facebook, as a public rnrelation tool in the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Ethiopia. The study used an exploratory rnresearch design with both quantitative and qualitative data collection method. The study was...

3870 Perceptions Of Women Journalist On Practices Of Reporting In Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation In The Case Of National Radio Ethiopia

The purpose of this study is to assess the Perceptions’ of women Journalists on Practices of Reporting inrnEthiopian Broadcasting Corporation in the case of National Radio Ethiopia. Data was gathered by rnmeans of survey using questionnaire and group discussions. mainly regarding job...

3871 Ethiopian And Egyptian Media Coverage Of The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Tripartite Negotiation The Case Of Reporter Newspaper And Ahram Online

This study set out to examine how The Reporter Newspaper and Ahram Online framed the Grand rnEthiopian Renaissance Dam tripartite negotiation, between January 08, 2020 and August 25, rn2020- in purposive sampling selected. Guided by the time frame, all news articles that entertain rnthe GERD...

3872 Life And Death In Selected Poetry Of Emily Dickinson And Sylvia Plath A Comparative Analysis

This study is concerned with A Freudian Psychoanalytic analysis of selected English poems rnof two poets: namely Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath. This research focuses on how these rnpoets communicate their conscious and unconscious thoughts through language choices. rnTherefore, the main purpose...

3873 Assessment Of Content And Format Of The Tena Yisitiligne News Program Of Ethiopian Television

Ethiopian television programs have its own content and format. One of the formats and contents rnof Ethiopian television was “Tena Yistilign Ethiopia. Hence, this study attempted to assess the rncontents and formats of Tena Yistilign news show reform implementation against the standards rnas...

3874 Assessing The Coverage Of Science And Technology News In Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation The Case Of Fm Addis 97.1 Addis Mereja Daily News Prime Time

The main objective of this research was to assess the coverage of science and technology rnissues in FM Addis 97.1, particularly on „Addis Mereja‟ daily news prime time. For avoiding rnthe inherent weakens of the individual methods, the researcher used a mixed methodology;...

3875 An Evaluation Of Speaking Tasks Focus On Grade Eight English Textbook

The target of this study was to evaluate speaking tasks presented in Grade Eight Ethiopian rnEnglish textbook whether they are designed based on Nunan‟s (1989) components of rncommunicative tasks and quality of effective speaking tasks or not. The study was evaluative rnresearch design and...

3876 Analysis Of Football Hooliganism In The Ethiopian Media The Case Of Addis Zemen Newspaper

Football hooliganism issue has become a common incident today in Ethiopia and a focus area rnfor Ethiopian print media. The media have a remarkable power for predicting the seriousness rnand providing awareness creation to football hooliganism problems in the society. Hence, the rnpurpose of this...

3877 Media Coverage Of Covid-19 In Ethiopia Comparative Analysis Of Ethiopian Television And Fana Television

Considering the importance of media coverage in influencing attitude and knowledge of the rnpublic, this study assessed news coverage of COVID-19 in Ethiopia, comparing the coverage of rnETV 57 and Fana 90. The major purpose of the study was to explore media coverage and its role rnin controlling...

3878 A Comparative Analysis Of Ethiopian Media And Journalists In Transition

The study focused on a comparative analysis of Ethiopia television media channel and rnjournalists in transition period. The study specifically focused on the role of media function in rnold regime and ongoing regime, press autonomy and freedom, media challenges, journalists‟ rnprofessional...

3879 Audience Perception Of Etvs Talk Show Program Focus On Negen Zare Talk Show

One of the objectives of Negen zare talk show is enable the youth to play their part in the rncountry's socio-political and economic activities. It also allows young people of the same age rnand on the road to success to gain experience and to learn from elder people .This study explores rnthe...

3880 Assessment On Practices And Challenges Of Communicationin The Federalhousing Corporation

This study intends to promote the utilization of conceptual aids for public relations activities by rnassessing activities and challenges of public relations at the Federal Housing Corporation (FHC). rnSpecifically, the study aims to identify the extent to which activities of PR are implementing in...

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