The maj or obj ecti ve of this study was to determine thernextent to which effective use 1S made of the QuestioningrnTechnique of Teaching in the teaching learning process of therntraining of primary school teachers. To this end, attempts werernmade to gather information from instructors who teach...
Citronella oi l (CO), has been reported to possess a mosquito repellent action. However, itsrnapplication in topical preparations is limited by its rapid volatility.rnThe objectives of this study were to confirm its activity and reduce the rate of evaporation,rnthereby to enhance its repellency...
Geophysical methods provide the tools for solving various geological problems. In therncase of this work, vertical electrical sounding (YES) and magnetic methods are carriedrnout in the vicinity of Lake Beseka. The site is situated at about 200 km east of AddisrnAbaba near the town of Methahara....
A cross sect ional st udy was conducted invo lving 641 students of the two primary schoo ls ofrnTeda town, North Gonder. The purpose of the study was to determine the nutritional andrnintesti nal parasitic infect ion (lP I) status of the chil dren, the effect of IPI and nutritional statusrnon the...
Using an Amharic version of the CNSIE (Children'srnNowicki-Strickland Internal-External Locus of Control Scale),rn360 4'" through 12'" graders (186 of which were males and 174rnfemales) were randomly selected and studied. Following thernpilot study, during which the instrument was tested...
A thesaurus is an organized list of vocabulary in one or- morerndisciplines structured in such a way that synonymous, broade,rnnarrower and related terms are presented in alphabeticalrnsequence. It is used to guide the user as to which descriptorrnto select f r om the indexing language for indexing...
A randomized field trial of the relative efficacy ofrnthree oral rehydration therapies (ORT) was carried out inrn18 rural peasant associations of Adamaboset district,rnEthiopia. The three ORTs were pre-packaged glucose oralrnrehydration salt (GORS) solution (n= 153), home maderncereal based roared...
Although dangerous noise levels have been previouslyrnmeasured in Ethiopian factories, no studies haverndocumented the importance of noise-induced hearing lossrn(NIHL). This study was designed to assess the prevalencernand risk factors for NIHL i n a Dire Dawa textile mill .rnAfter a random start,...
This case control study was conducted on a sample ofrn1000 users of services of health stations (cases) and 1000rnnon-users of the services (controls) during the studyrnperiod which was between October 17 and November 26 1988.rnThe study was done in 6 randomly selected health stationsrnand villages...
An intervention study to assess the impact ofrnparticipative goal setting and feedback on the staff ofrnhealth service facilities was conducted in threerndistricts of East Shewa Zone over a period of threernmonths, from October to December, 1993. A pretestedrnquestionnaire was administered twice to...
The purpose ofthis study was to explore students' experience in social studiesrnclassrooms. The study takes place in the context of the recently introduced (1996)rnsecond cycle primary schools social studies curriculum in Amhara Region.rnFor the purpose, the perspectives of those who are directly...
In the first place, I would like to express my earnest thanks to my advisor, Dr. Dribissa Dufera ,rnfor his unreserved professional and technical assistance in framing, actualizing and culminatingrnthe study.rnNext, I strongly expound my deep appreciation to my true friend Dilnesaw Asrat for...
The main aim of Ihis slUdy is to investigale Ihe practice of repair during conversationalrndiscourse in a foreign language classroom. Thus, il is mea11l to assess the nature of repair andrnrepair-initiation patterns practiced during conversalional discourse in EFL classes, see thernextent to which...
The main purposes of this paper (study) are to examine the intertextuality of some 'original'rnand 'distinct' canons of Bildungsroman novel features with particular reference to two selectedrnEnglish modern novels, specifically, Charles Dickens's David Copperfield: /i-om Victorian agern(19'h...
This study aims at examin ing the extent to which both teachers and students inrnthe primary schools of Wolaitta zone use the Wolaitta language as the languagernof learning.rnThe study sample included 18 teachers and students in 18 sections from 9rnprimary schools, which were selected randomly from...
Background: Hematological toxicities are common in colorectal cancer patients taking rnchemotherapy. The development of a valid predictive model would go a long way in rnpreventing for such toxicities. rnObjectives: To develop and validate a prediction model for severe hematological rntoxicities...
Background :Epilepsy is the third leading contributor to the global burden of disease for rnneurological disorders and affects 65 million people worldwide. Although the current rnantiepileptic drugs achieve symptomatic seizure relief they do not prevent or reverse the rnpathological process that...
Cotton linter (CL) is a by-product of the garment industry that is good raw material forrncellulose preparation. The aim of this study was to extract and characterize native cellulosernand cellulose acetate (CA) from CL and evaluates CA as a sustained release excipient inrntablet formulation. In...
Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, in 2018rn2.1million new cases are diagnosed. In Ethiopia due to the increasing awareness of breast cancerrnpatients are taking chemotherapy in different parts of the country but patient‟s knowledge ofrnchemotherapy and...
Background:Arrhythmia is a condition in which the heart beats become abnormal rhythms, below60 or above 100 beats per minute. Arrhythmias are common clinical events in the intensive care unit(ICU) setting, including COVID-19 patients. A global survey indicates that there is a higher inci-dence of...