The primary purpose of this thesis is to describe the socioeconomic roles of religion with a rnparticular reference to Ethiopian Orthodox Churches in Addis Ababa. Having the rnepistemological stance of constructivism, this research is conducted using the theoretical rnperspective of interpritivism....
The nutrient and anti nutrient levels of raw Samma leaves (Urtica Simensis) grown inrnEthiopia, specifically Deberebrhan, Fitche and Ambo were investigated using standardrnanalytical methods. The effect of boiling at different duration on nutri ent and anti nutrientrncontent of Samma leaves (Urtica...
The nutrient and anti nutrient levels of raw Samma leaves (Urtica Simensis) grown inrnEthiopia, specifically Deberebrhan, Fitche and Ambo were investigated using standardrnanalytical methods. The effect of boiling at different duration on nutri ent and anti nutrientrncontent of Samma leaves (Urtica...
In Ethiopia approximately 1.2 million people were living with HIVIAIDS in 2010.rnIt is known that 134,586 children live with HIVIAIDS. Out of these, more thanrn67, 000 are estimated to be eligible for Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) but onlyrn4863 were taking HIVIAIDS Anti Retroviral Treatment by...
In Ethiopia approximately 1.2 million people were living with HIVIAIDS in 2010.rnIt is known that 134,586 children live with HIVIAIDS. Out of these, more thanrn67, 000 are estimated to be eligible for Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) but onlyrn4863 were taking HIVIAIDS Anti Retroviral Treatment by...
Nuh-ition is an indispensable interface between health s tatus and food security.rnPoor maternal nutrition is very common in most developing co un tr ies. Thernnuh-itional status of women is a perceptive indicator of health status andrnnourishment levels both the mother a nd their child ren. The...
Fruits and vegetables are main sources of vitamins and minerals, thus, they are an essential element of arnhea lthy diet. On the other hand, they may be contaminated with toxic substance such as pesticidesrnres idues from farm area, heavy metals, etc. Regu lat ion of pesticide max imum residue...
Fruits and vegetables are main sources of vitamins and minerals, thus, they are an essential element of arnhea lthy diet. On the other hand, they may be contaminated with toxic substance such as pesticidesrnres idues from farm area, heavy metals, etc. Regu lat ion of pesticide max imum residue...
This study focuses on the socio-economic and demographic detenninants of dropout inrncontraceptive use in Ethiopia using data collected in Ethiopia Demographic and Health SurveyrnEDHS (2005). The survey collected infonnation from a total of 2962 married wOlllen of thernreproductive age group...
One of the traditional sources of animal protein of the developing world is through livestockrnrearing. Unfortunately, the livestock production is under increasing pressure from the combinedrneffects of human population growth, shortage of grazing land and expantion desertification.rnTherefore, it...
Pregnancy and delivery are still the leading causes of maternal mortality andrnmorbidity among women of reproductive age in developing countries. Antenatal carernis an important determinant of high maternal mortality and one of the basicrncomponents of maternal care on which the life of mothers and...
fl lrilionul and anlinlilrilional Slal fls of' ),eIIOlI'. lI 'ilile and orange fleshed sweel pOlalOesrnI ilJOlI1oea halalas I.. Lam) in Iheir r ('/II/ rools flnpeeled and peeled as well as effeci of' hiendingrnI'IIl io on n/llrilional. anlinulrilionai and qualilies allribules of breads made/i'om...
The objective of this study was to compare the level of Oavor compounds of Edllopian alcoholicrnbeers In additIon, the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) study was employed to assess dIernlevel ofllllderstanding ofprofessio11als working in breweries about the Oavor compounds relatedrnto beer...
Trends and variability of hydroclimatic extremes have received excessive attention in many hydrological modeling studies. However, many scientists are still uncertain to attribute the proportion of hydrologic variability is driven by climate change/variability and anthropogenic factors,...
The study was undertaken to identify factors that affect the academic performance of students atrnBahirDar Uni versity. The sample which is selected using stratified random sampling consists ofrn36 students (107 male and 29 female) . Twenty-three variables that could possibly affect thernacademic...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of spatial stati stical ana lysis in field trialsrnand, particularly, we have demonstrated the benefits of the approach when experimentalrnobservations are spatia lly dependent. We have compared (i) cl assical randomi zed complete...
This paper has two parts. In the first part the question "Why is it impossible to colorrnthe edges of kr(p.q) without forming either a red kp or a blue kq ?" is answered while in thernsecond the question "What is the smallest value of nfor which k" ~kp.kq?" is changed tornequivalent...
Aquaponics is one of a sustainable and alternative food production sector that integratesrnaquaCUlture with hydroponics. It is an part of aquaculture that uses the naturalrninteraction between bacteria, fish and plants to change waste into clean water. Compared to soilbasedrnagriculture...
The mental ill ness, schizophrenia, is a long-term brain disorder which interferes with arnperson's ability of thinking, managing emotions, making decisions and relating to otherrnpeople. Schizoplu'enic patients have constantly been found to have a higher mortalityrnrate. The aim of this research...
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of processing on the nutritional valuesrnand anti nutritional factors of the two new varieties of Tef White Tef (DZ-Cr-387,rnQunicho) and Red Tef (DZ-01-99) in Ethiopia. Nutrition data of products were analyzedrnby proximate analysis. Moisture...