Background: Zinc is important for normal human physiology and plays great role in cell growth,rnreproduction and immune system from inside utero until puberty. The element is especially neededrndming pregnancy for fetal growth. However, globally about two billion people are zinc...
Background: Zinc is important for normal human physiology and plays great role in cell growth,rnreproduction and immune system from inside utero until puberty. The element is especially neededrndming pregnancy for fetal growth. However, globally about two billion people are zinc...
Geophys ical and geo logical in vesti gat ions have been conducted 1'01' land slide problcmrncharacteri zation of the exist ing main road of the study area. The s ite is located in betlle~nrnDebres ina and Armaniya towns. Tarmaber Wereda. north ern Sheila Zone of Amhara Regiolllce of the...
The major purpose of this study is to thoroughly examine the quality of the internal credit risk grading system utilized by 17 commercial banks in Ethiopia and establish whether it varies among institutions. A descriptive inquiry was conducted for the primary study, utilizing two mutually...
We performed ab-initio calculations on a novel class of superconductors,rnwhich comprise of alkali doped graphene. The graphene is doped wit h the potassiumrnand rubidium atoms. We theoretically studied lattice dynamics by performingrndensity functional perturbation t heory based simulations for...
The environment of the northern Ethiopia highlands are seriously affected by landrndegradation, mainly caused by the combined effects of deforestation, overgrazing, expansionrnof cropland and unsustainable use of naturaJ resources. These have also a potential effect onrnthe runoff, infiltration,...
Crowd funding is one alternative to traditional source of fund like banks. In its common form,rncrowd funding approaches help individuals donate small money by using their credit card andrninternet. But, alternative to internet, Ethiopians have demonstrated the use of SMS messagingrntechnologies to...
The purpose of this study was to examine whether orrnnot scores on Raven's Standard Progressive MatricesrnTest, a 'culture-fair' measure of general mental ability,rnare affected by cultural and environmental influences.rnThe Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Testrn(1958) Was therefore,...
The social and cultural life.the environment and the production system of the people of Babile is the result of various historical layers. The people were detached from their traditional institution that was wall adapted to that particular environment. Couses of interactions and domination...
This research paper assesses Internal Audit practice efficiency in the case of 13 sampled private commercial banks. A purposive sampling method was used and data were collected using structured questionnaires with a total of 183 questionnaires were distributed to internal auditors of all Private...
This research paper assesses Internal Audit practice efficiency in the case of 13 sampled private commercial banks. A purposive sampling method was used and data were collected using structured questionnaires with a total of 183 questionnaires were distributed to internal auditors of all Private...
In this piece of research, we have performed self-consistent ab-initio calculations to study thernstructural and e lectronic properties of BexZnl -xS mixed crystals in the various low and highrnpressure crystallographic phases of thc alloy. The zinc blend phase and rock salt phase...
The objective of this study was to investigate what factors contributed to the success of Ethio-international footwear cluster cooperatives in implementing their business strategies. In this study, the descriptive research design was adopted. Top and middle-level managers, BOD, members, EIFCCOS...
In this study, the essential oils obtained from the rhizomes of Cyperus esculentus L. andrnthe roots of Carissa spinarum Linn. together with medicinal smoke obtained from burntrnroots of Carissa spinarum were analyzed by GC-MS. The major components of thernessential oil of Cyperus esculentus were...
The mental health has long been neglected in Ethiopia, most sufferers resort solely to indigenousrnreligious healing therapies, and there is an extreme lack of awareness of mental related issues.rnIn order to improve the provision of mental health care we need to understand better how...
A comparalive study on the nutritional value, mineral contenl, antinutrilional factors andrnsellSOlY acceptability of yam species (Dioscorea spp.) grown ill Kucha districi Garno Gofa Zone,rnSNNPR were carried out. Three species of yam, lIamely D. cayellensis (hatiye), D. praehensilisrn(wadala) and...
The objective of the present study was the development of predictive shelf life model for beef musclernbased on the growth of specific spoilage organism (SSG) as affected by temperature and pH.rnBeef muscle was sto,red at four isothermal temperatures (2, 5, 8 and 11 oC) and th e samples...
Tn t his work we provided th e simulation of a five layer charge-cont rolled memory capacitorrnin which periodic and non-period ic metamaterials are embeddcd between the platesrnof a rcgul ar paralic! plate capacitor. The simulation result shows hysteretic, negative andrndiverging in...
The use of limestone as a partial rep lacement of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) hasrnseveral advantages like Technical, Economical and Env ironmenta l.rnThe present study aimed at investigating the phys ico-mechanical properties of freshrnand hardened cement pastes of Portland limestone cement...
The ge nera l trend of poul try prod uction and consumpti on has been steadily in creasi ng globally inrnrece nt because of its benefi t to consumers' hea lth from chicken meat and eggs The o bjecti ve o frnthi s study was to determine proximate composition and levels of some se lected essenti al...