The aim of this study was to determine the effect of processing on the nutritional valuesrnand anti nutritional factors of the two new varieties of Tef White Tef (DZ-Cr-387,rnQunicho) and Red Tef (DZ-01-99) in Ethiopia. Nutrition data of products were analyzedrnby proximate analysis. Moisture...
The thesis is committed to explore and comprehend the factors influeneing natural resource utilization in Zege Peninsula. Northern Ethiopia.Zege Peninsula is located in West Gojjam zone, Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda (district administration) of the Amhara region.The research attempts to give an...
Youth sexual behavior was not given enough emphasis until recently. As a result, this segment of the rnpopulation has been at the centre of the HW pandemic around the world. The current study sought to rnexplore the sexual experiences, sexual behavior and safer/unsafe sex practices of male and...
Reunification is used as a means to re-unit ch ildren separated from their families to restore a I:'lnilyrncnvironment for the proper upbringing and development of the child. 111e objective of this study is tornexplore :J.ttribules (positive :J.lld neg:J.t ive) of reunification on psychological and...
Introduction:-Pathway to care is a process in which a patient with mental illness goes throughrnbefore seeking help from mental health professional. According to the Goldberg-Huxley modelrnof the pathway psychiatric care in order to get visit to psychiatrists it should have to pass threernfilters...
Introduction: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is a cytosolic enzyme that has a vital role inrnthe functioning and integrity of red blood cells. Lower activity of this enzyme leads to the rnoccurrence of acute hemolytic anemia after exposure to oxidative stressors like primaquine. rnAlthough...
ResidenTs oj Hawassa ciTy and The surrounding rural comll1UniTies have close inTero u ion with rnLake Hawassa. The interaction Tak es different Jorms and involves di l'e rse inte resTs-fi velillOod rninterest being the most important one. This study mainly f ocused on IIndersTandin g th e local...
Background rnEarlier reports of high prevalence of thrombosis and related mortality has led to use of rnanticoagulants being part of the main treatment with varying results. Despite current rnlarge scale data showing credible benefits there are no studies done to determine the rnpattern of...
Background:-Neurocognitive disorders in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus has spectrum rnmanifestation which might range from subtle executive dysfunction to memory loss and overt rndementia. Diabetes patients are at higher risk of all types of cognitive impairment, mainly rnbecause some...
This tudyall mpts t ex pl ain h w the li ving nd it i ns f ehil dr n In emen Mazegajarnand Ko lfe areas of ;ddi ; baba arc a ffe ted and h . they cope with the situ ation, In thernrroe ss, it tri t identify factors a G tin th e e pin f ; 11) affected children withrntheir inni t d probl em ', ocial...
The study was designed to examine th e application of linear mixed model to incompleternblock designs. In addition to thi s, it is planned to compare VARCOMP, ML and REMLrnestimation methods for variance components of linear mixed models. Sixty three promisingrnbar ley lines and one standard check...
Considerable research has documented the stigmatization of people with mental illnessesrnand its negative consequences. Recently it has been shown that stigma may also seriouslyrnaffect families and caregivers of psychiatric patients, but a few empirical researches havernaddressed this problem. In...
TIllS study attempts to identify the determinants of nutritional status of children in Ethiopia.rnThe study focuses on children aged less than 59 months based on data from 2005 EthiopiarnDemograplllc and Heald, Survey. A total of 3095 children were included in dlls study. As thernoutcome measure of...
Statistics is a theory of information with inference as its goal. Thernbranch of statistics that best describes the above fact is sample survey.rnIn sample survey, we often deal with the collection, organization andrnanalysis of data to make inference.rnSample survey makes it easier to study...
Background: Road traffic acc idents (RTAs) are a major publ ic health concern, resulting in anrnestimated 1.2 million deaths and 20-50 million injuries worldwide each year. In developingrncountries RTAs are among the leading cause of death and injury. Ethiopia experiences thernhighest rate of such...
Experiments were performed to investigate the effects of 2% lactic acid, 2.5% acetic ac id andrnI % lactic acid on E.coli, Total Plate Count and pH change of goat carcasses slaughtered inrnMJ export abattoir located in Modjo town. The effects of the organic acids before spray,rn30min after spray...
Background: Weight at birth is the most important factor determ ining neonatal survival and wellbeingrnboth duri ng early life and in adulthood. Globa lly, about 17% of infants are born with small weight forrntheir age. The incidence is particularly higher in developing nat ions. Weight at bi rth...
Globally, each year around 16 million girls aged 15-19 give birth, accounting for aroundrn11 percent of all births. The main objective of this study was to identify predictors ofrnteenage birth and examine the trend of teenage birth based on data from the three EDHrnsurveys (2000, 2005, and 2011...
Globally, each year around 16 million girls aged 15-19 give birth, accounting for aroundrn11 percent of all births. The main objective of this study was to identify predictors ofrnteenage birth and examine the trend of teenage birth based on data from the three EDHrnsurveys (2000, 2005, and 2011...