Importance of Awash River is strongly linked to irrigation, industrial pollution and public health.rnBy far the greatest portion of Awash River was used for irrigation purpose. In addition to this,rnAwash River serves the surrounding communities as a source of drinking water, live stalkrnwatering...
Maize and Sorghum are the most important food crops in Ethiopia. However, stemrnborers became the major problem resulting in yield losses. A study was conducted inrnthe cenh'al Rift valley of Ethiopia to find out stem borers infestation, diversity andrntheir parasitoids interaction, to determine...
Cheese whey is one of the main by-products of the dai ry industry. The nutritional componentrnof the whey is overlooked; however, in many parts of the world and on ly little effort if notrnnone has been made to utilize it into different forms of products. The current study aims atrnproducing a...
The c ho ices of experim enta l des ign as well as o f statistical ana lys is are of great importance inrnfi e ld experiments. To improve production and productivity of crop yield it is important tornemploy tested and proven exper imental des ign. The aim of th e study is to eva luate the prec is...
A simple, sensitive electrochemical sensor was developed for the determination of pentachlorophenol (PCP) using low cost and environmental friendly choline chloride (ChCl) modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE). The structural and electrocatalytic activities of the electrodes were characterized...
This study was conducted in Mieso district in western Hararghe Zone of Oromia Regional Staternwith the objectives of investigating the quality and microbiological properties of dromedCllY camelrnmille. Milk samples at various stages of lactation were collected and analyzed for physico-chemicalrnand...
Volatility models cover a wide range of topics in econometrics and Statistics. They arernbroadly divided in to two categories: ARCH type and SV models based on therndetermination of variance at time (t-I) having all information at time t. The objective ofrnthis study is modeling the volati lity of...
Volatility models cover a wide range of topics in econometrics and Statistics. They arernbroadly divided in to two categories: ARCH type and SV models based on therndetermination of variance at time (t-I) having all information at time t. The objective ofrnthis study is modeling the volati lity of...
Under-five child mortality level can be used for strategic and national planning as well asrna measure of socio-economic indicators like the quality of health care, nutrition, familyrnplanning, practice and usage. The story of child survival over the past two decades is onernof significant progress...
The dcpcndcncy o fthc performance of organic bulk heteroj uct ion (B HJ) so lar cell s onrnthe nanomorphology of the photoactive blend can be co ntro lled by so lvent additi ves.rnIn this work BI-IJ so lar cells ba sed on PDTS'ITz:PCBM (1:1) which processcd byrnus ing a host solvcnt di-chl orobc...
The dcpcndcncy o fthc performance of organic bulk heteroj uct ion (B HJ) so lar cell s onrnthe nanomorphology of the photoactive blend can be co ntro lled by so lvent additi ves.rnIn this work BI-IJ so lar cells ba sed on PDTS'ITz:PCBM (1:1) which processcd byrnus ing a host solvcnt di-chl orobc...
The present study is aimed at assessing the living conditions and the socioeconomic situation ofrnWomen Fuelwood Carriers and their interaction with the forest resources, and the effect on thernforest as well, due to filelwood harvesting, as a result of the great demand for energy supply....
The present study is aimed at assessing the living conditions and the socioeconomic situation ofrnWomen Fuelwood Carriers and their interaction with the forest resources, and the effect on thernforest as well, due to filelwood harvesting, as a result of the great demand for energy supply....
This thesis is dedicated to my late brother Abiyot Abera who passed away whilernattending the same Masters program with me in the same class room in 2013. Myrnbrother how do I say goodbye to a brother that I love as much as you? I still cannotrnbelieve you're gone I'm still hoping it isn't true...
This thesis is dedicated to my late brother Abiyot Abera who passed away whilernattending the same Masters program with me in the same class room in 2013. Myrnbrother how do I say goodbye to a brother that I love as much as you? I still cannotrnbelieve you're gone I'm still hoping it isn't true...
Hyacinth bean is velY important grain legume, of the family Leguminosae, have been utilized asrncrop and staple food source. Characteristically, legumes, e;pecially beans are considered anrnimportant and inexpensive protein and dietClty fiber sources in human nutrition. And this studyrnwas...
The aim of this study was to identify the determinants and patterns of farmers' participation in rnFarmer Research Groups in Adama Woreda. Statistically significant association between rnsocio-economic characteristics and farnlers' participation in Farlner Research Groups rnwere tested. rnThe...
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a very important food security crop in Ethiopia and in the semi-arid and tropical parts of Africa. Genetic analysis based on DNA markers coupled with morphological traits could provide important information on the genetic structure of the crop. Therefore,...
In this study, river water samples taken from three different locations along the course of the Little Akaki and Entoto River in Addis Ababa were analyzed to determine potentially toxic trace element concentrations. The mean concentrations of toxic heavy metals in Little Akaki and Entoto River in...
This study deals with forest management from the perspectives of local knowledge and rninstitutions in relation to the livelihood of local people with particular reference to Balate Gera Forest Priority Area of Jim a Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. rnBy using material from Ganji-caalla...