Crash prediction version has often been utilized in dual carriageway protection studies. It may be utilized in figuring out foremost contributing elements or set up dating among crashes and explanatory twist of fate variables. Crash frequency refers back to the prediction of the range of crashes...
Begging is not a recent phenomenon in Ethiopia. The problem has been present in the country rnfor more than a century. Despair and agony which are commonly associated with begging have rnbeen the constant companions of beggars in Ethiopia in general and its capital in particular. More...
The purpose of this research is to examine the role of development induced projects in the spread of HIV/AIDS:The case of GGHP. The study is specifically intended to assess the contribution of the project to the emerhgence of factors aggravating the vulnerability of the workers to HIV/AIDS by...
This thesis is about soc io-economic and cul tural crfects of urban dcve lopllleni proJ ccl -the be lt hi ghway rnconstructi on- In Add is Ab~ ba. The project is a mega construction project that displaced households and rnbusiness centers. It had put in place a fasc inating hi ghway designed to...
The study has centered on Fanta Vegetable Producer Cooperatives that is situated in Woreda 4rnof Akaki - Kaliti Sub - City, Addis Ababa. The study explored the practice of urban based smallrnholder farmer's agricultural cooperative in the improvement of the lives and livelihoods ofrnresidents. The...
The aim of this research was to investigate the factors behind the changes in the production practices of the Ari people and to assess the implication of the changes for the food security of the local...
Reunification is used as a means to re-unit children separated from their families to restore a familyrnenvironment for the proper upbringing and development of the child. The objective of this study is tornexplore attributes (positive and negative) of reunification on psychological and social...
In this study, attempts were made to isolate secondary metabolites from the solvent extracts of the dried leaves of Premna schimperi Engl. The essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of the dried leaves of P. schimperi was also analyzed by GC-MS. A total of six compounds were isolated from the...
The vegetation of Gambella Peoples Regional State of Ethiopia is under severe threats of degradation. Thus, there is a need for urgent measures to abate the situation. One of the possibilities for the dryland vegetation conservation of Gambella in this regard is the production and conservation of...
This thesis describes th e ethnic relations and soc io-cultural change among thernDant'a of southern Ethiopia. The major objectives of the study are to explore the ethnicrnrelations and soico-cultural change in terms of marriage practice, kinship ties,rnadministrative and religious systems,...
The purpose of this study is to develop and test the symmetrical-integral model of conceptual change Development of Conceptual change models is a growing area of research in science education.A survey of conceptual change research helped me develop a new model of conceptual change which I...
The study was conducled at peri-Addis Ababa dislricls of Oromia wilh the aim to assess quality of milk atrneach critical point, and to identify knowledge gap, cOllstraints affecting production to consumption chainrnof milk supply. A total of 1 02 milk producingfarmers al Ho1eta, Sebeta and Sululta...
Ochratoxin A (OTA) is one of the important mycotoxins that contaminate a wide range of foodrncommodities. OTA contamination of coffee is a worldwide problem. Coffee is a majorrnEthiopian export commodity generating about 25% of Ethiopia's total export earnings. OTA isrnmainly produced in coffee by...
In thi s study an attempt is made to explore the practical procedures in time domain univariaternBox-Jenkins methodology for modeling and forecasting monthly rai nfa ll in Tigray region. Inrnparticular, the study employs Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA)rnmodel for monthly...
Inherently, Graphene - a perfect 20 hexagonal crystal of C-atoms, is a non-spintronicsrnmaterial due to spin moment cancellation of C-atoms, especiall y, at the edges.rnSpintro nics, or spin electronics, involves the study of acti ve control and manipul at ion ofrnspin degrees of freedom in the...
HIY / AfDS has become the serious health, economic, social and in general development problemrnworldwide. The epid emic is unique in its coverage of people from al l racial groups, languages,rngenders, econo mi c and academic status and the like.rnMost past studies and researches in Ethiopia...
This semmar paper reviews the theory, methods and algorithm for so lving d.crnoptimization, as has been developed in recent years.rnIn chapter one ofthis paper some fundamental concepts and definitions are discussed.rnChapter two focuses on the motivation, basic classification of global...
This semmar paper reviews the theory, methods and algorithm for so lving d.crnoptimization, as has been developed in recent years.rnIn chapter one ofthis paper some fundamental concepts and definitions are discussed.rnChapter two focuses on the motivation, basic classification of global...
This study attempted to assess some of the soc ioeconomic, demographic and proximaternva riables that affect unmet need for contracepti ves among married women living in ruralrnareas in Eth iop ia. Logistic regression analys is is used in conjun ction with descriptivernstatistica l measures and...
Background: Diabetes is chronic illness significantly afjecting health of populationrnthroughout the world. In Africa, about 19.8 million adults are affected by diabetes ofrnthese; more than 50% are ji-om Nigeria, South Aji-ica, Ethiopia and Tanzania.rnKnowledge is the greatest weapon in the fight...