The effect of blending ratio and cultivar on the quality characteristics of cookies made fromrnorange-fleshed sweetpotato and wheat composite flour were studied. A constrained,rnsimplex lattice design was used to blend the composite flour and five different blendingrnratios of OFSPF: SWF (0:100,...
Analysis of the gravity data, with the help of the seismic refraction results (G.D.rnMackenzile, H .Thybo and P .K .H .Maguire 2005) and Euler deaconvolution results alsornproduced to simplify the modeling process of the study region and it was done to studyrnthe crurtal thickness variation under...
This research has focused mainly on inuestigating the social, economic and psychological challenges of HIV/AIDS faced by PLWHA in the town of Bishoftu.The methods employed to generate the required data are unstructured interuiew and focus group discussions.The life of the uictims of HIV/AIDS is...
Repeated measures analyses have become the most interesting areas In psychological, health andrnagricu ltural researches. Repeated meaSU!'es data are measurements taken several times from the samernsubject. Such data tend to be serially correlated. Measurements taken close in time are potentially...
Compressive sensing is a technique which enables recovery of signals that are represented by an underdetermined system of equations. Such a recovery of an original signal is made possible if the samples are represented in a sparse manner provided an appropriate measuring matrix is used for the...
Different rep0l1s and data in many disciplines show women are disadvantaged in terms ofrnlabor force participation in both the fOll11al and the infOll11al economy of Ethiopia. Thernprimary focus of this paper is to examine the factors which deterl11ine the participation ofrnEthiopian women in the...
The research has tried to make deep investigations into the consequences of thernHW / AIDS epidemic on the lives of women in Nekemte, Ea t Wellega. The studyrnhas mainly fo cused on women and tried to explore their coping mechani ms withrnthe disease. The data for the research has been gather d...
Zi nc deficiency is a major public health concern and one of the most prevalent micronutrientrndeficiencies in developing countries, including Eth iopia. There was no information on se rumrnzinc status of in fan ts and preschool chi ldren in Ethiopia n. The main objective of this study wasrnto...
Over the past many years, the application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) has increased. UAV’s such as this has become an easy solution to tasks that are difficult and dangerous. Because of its highly non-linear and coupled nature, the control problem seems to be a challenge. As a...
Widely used techniques of solving optimization problems are penalty and Lagrangernmethods. The methods indicate candidates for the so lution depending on properties ofrnobjective function and a feasible set .In some conditions numerical comparisons amongrnthe candidates is the only way to determine...
A method for the direct determination of ethanol and methanol from Ethiopian distilledrnalcoholic beverages, Arekes, using FT-MIR and UV -NIR in the range 1180~950 em'] andrn1 72 0~1660 nm respectively, were developed, In addition, in the region 3020-2950 em']rnfor fermented alcoholic beverages...
A method for the direct determination of ethanol and methanol from Ethiopian distilledrnalcoholic beverages, Arekes, using FT-MIR and UV -NIR in the range 1180~950 em'] andrn1 72 0~1660 nm respectively, were developed, In addition, in the region 3020-2950 em']rnfor fermented alcoholic beverages...
Mortality is one of the components of population change. Infant and child mOl1ality arernamong the best indicators of health development and socioeconomic status. Because arnsociety's life expectancy at birth is determined by the survival chances of infants andrnchildren. That is why reduction of...
The SNNP is considered to be the most vulnerable region in terms of the hi gh prevalence of rntrafficked children from the region to different towns of the country. The Gurage Zone is located rnin the SNNP region which takes the lion's share of the high magnitude of child trafficking. It is a...
Evaluation of Cassava Cultivars and Methods for Roots Processing inrnDevelopment of Cassava Composite Flours for Production a HouseholdrnStaple Injera in...
Delay in COUl1 process is one of the social evils in the administration of j ustice. It is generallyrnagreed that there is problem of delay in our courts es pecially in cri minal cases. In light of thisrnreality, it is important to study the problem of court delay in order to find possible...
Backgrollnd: Anemia is a global public health problem affecting 24.8% of the world population.rnApproximately 50% of cases of anemia are considered to be due to iron deficiency. In Ethiopia,rnthe prevalence of anemia among the age group 15-19-year-old males and females range }i'omrn2.8% to 15% and...
New agricultural technologies are important in improving the. well-being of rural rnhouseholds in Ethiopia. However, there are many factors affecting adoption of these rntechnologies in the country. Researches dealing with adoption of agricultural rntechnologies focus on the effect of demographic,...
Background: Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) regimens greatly reduce thernmorbidity and mortality associated with HIV infection, high adherence for an optimal response tornHAART is requirement. Unfortunately, adherence to HAART is difficult and poor adherence isrncommon. Low adherence...
The purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical investigation on academicrnperformance of freshman students of the Faculty of Science , AAU. A randomrnsample of 772 students have been selected from those students who have beenrnenrolled in the Faculty in academic years 1995/96, 1996/97,1997/98...