the 3- aminothicacrylades usnd in this study we rernsynthesized by imino formylatio reactions of thioace-rntamides. I n the aresent work the thioacrylamides werernsund as starting matrials to implement the synthesis of rn3-(2-nyridylamine)...
Pedestrians are vulnerable road users therefore, it is necessary to analyze their behavior in order to define quality measures. This paper reports the comparison of pedestrian crossing behavior at signalized and unsignalized intersections in Addis Ababa. The objective of the study is to find the...
The study aims to identify the determinant affecting knowledge management performance in industrialrnparks. Both probability and non-probability sampling techniques were used to select Industry Parks,rnmanagers and employees in it. The data collection instruments for this study were both...
The study aims to identify the determinant affecting knowledge management performance in industrialrnparks. Both probability and non-probability sampling techniques were used to select Industry Parks,rnmanagers and employees in it. The data collection instruments for this study were both...
Climate change is the current worldwide problem and resulting in the land, water, andrnforest degradation. The problem has an adverse effect on agricultural productivity, naturalrnresource and eco-environmental balances. With the help of climate smart crop productionrnpractice, the agriculture...
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexuals (LGBs) live in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia as marginalized andrncriminalized individuals; resulting in the deterrence of demanding some of their basicrnhuman rights. This thesis therefore takes a closer look at the nexus between sexuality andrnthe realization of basic human...
Access to sanitation and hygiene facilities and the practice thereof have become the most pressingrndevelopment and human right concerns of the 21st. The global community has pledged to achievernuniversal access to sanitation and hygiene by 2030 under the umbrella of SDG. The Ethiopianrngovernment...
Remote sensing is a less costly and reasonably accurate technology for monitoring andrnmodelling river systems. However, the coarseness of remote sensing data together with therndynamic inherent optical properties of the variables constrained its application. Thus, thernoverall purpose of this...
Remote sensing is a less costly and reasonably accurate technology for monitoring andrnmodelling river systems. However, the coarseness of remote sensing data together with therndynamic inherent optical properties of the variables constrained its application. Thus, thernoverall purpose of this...
In the wake of South Africa’s universities call for decolonization, several African universities started scrutinizing their curriculums and world’s knowledge production. Their attempt is to identify epistemic injustice and treat it with a proper decolonial framework. One of the...
Food and nutrition security remains the high priority programs for the Government of Ethiopiarnbecause 38% of children under age five were stunted, 10% were wasted, 24% were underweightrnin the country. Stunting in Addis Ababa is 22%, as the result the Addis Ababa City GovernmentrnUrban Agriculture...
This study with its title “The Influence Of Ethiopian Music Videos Released In 2020-21 G.C On The Behavior Of Addis Ababa University Students†has the main intention to investigate the various effects and impacts of recent Ethiopian music videos on Students of Addis Ababa University in...
Food insecurity is defined as the lack of capability to produce food and to have access by allrnpeople at all times to enough food for an active and healthy life. The objective of this study wasrnthe Nexus between Youth Unemployment and Food Insecurity Evidences from Nifas Silk LafetornSub-City...
This paper explores the participation of African diaspora in the politics of their home country by focusing on the experience of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian diaspora is said to be highly politicized, large in number and well-educated; they keep in touch and are interested in domestic affairs....
COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by a new coronavirus that presents pneumonia-likernsymptoms. Beyond immediate health concerns, COVID-19 has both direct and indirect impacts onrnfood security. The government of Ethiopia took several measures including lockdown to reducernthe impacts of the...
This study has examined urban expansion and the changing socio-economic life of rural communities surrounding Addis Ababa with special reference to woreda 03 of Lami Kura sub-city. It emphasized the impacts of urban expansion on job opportunities of the households, and assessed the impacts of urban...
Poverty, socioeconomic marginalization, and resource degradation has been unique features ofrnpastoralists in Arid and Semi-arid Lands (ASAL) in general and in Ethiopia in particular. Thisrndissertation assessed pastoralist understanding of poverty from multiple perspectives, rangelandrndegradation...
This study has been conducted with the aim of examining the role of community policing in crime prevention at Addis Ketema Sub-City, Addis Ababa. The study has employed qualitative research approach. Four different instruments have been employed to carry out the study, these are: in-depth...
Ethiopia was one of the leading countries in terms of sending children for adoption abroad next to China. However, the country banned inter-country adoption by formulating the new child adoption proclamation since February 2018. This research aims to examine opportunities and prospects of domestic...
Soil seed ballks are all imporumt source olilew im/i viduals l or mOlly plm" poplllatiollS (llId COIItribllternto llllure genetic variability, 71le objectil'e of this stl/dy II'OS 10 im'estigate the compositiollrnolld density of soil seed bank ([millalUral regeneratioll sUltliS {II...