For the devolopmant of Addis Ababa city' s water supply, the re needs torndes ign a project of constru cting IwO darns and a 4.8 kill transmission tunnelrnthrough the Entoto ridge, by the Add is Ababa Water and Sewrage Authorityrn(AA...
For the devolopmant of Addis Ababa city' s water supply, the re needs torndes ign a project of constru cting IwO darns and a 4.8 kill transmission tunnelrnthrough the Entoto ridge, by the Add is Ababa Water and Sewrage Authorityrn(AA...
Visible sPGctra for solutions of i :bi y , i :bi-rn~y :.r ea , Ni :bipy : , , i : hun : , Ni ;phen :urea , Ni :phen :rn1111. , Cu :bipy , C.u :b i py :urea anc. CU :b i py : J, were recorded .rnFor the Ni c?mplexes the I ) max di d not hift with increasernin pH but the intersity de creased . For...
Substance abuse is the use of a substance such that the substance use causes problems or greatly increases the chances of problem occurrence. The attempt of this study was to assess the prevalence of bars, shisha and khat houses and student-age adolescent substance use practice in three selected...
Substance abuse is the use of a substance such that the substance use causes problems or greatly increases the chances of problem occurrence. The attempt of this study was to assess the prevalence of bars, shisha and khat houses and student-age adolescent substance use practice in three selected...
The managem~nt of agrobiodiversity (AB) by farmers buttresses sustainable food securityrnand continuous ecosystem services against the predicted future global environmentalrnchange. However, the loss of traditional knowledge on local landraces. and breeds,rninadequate information on AB...
The study assessed the prevalence of school-age adolescents substance use (alcohol, khat and shisha) within vicinities of three high schools in Gullele sub-city. The study was an effort to assess availability and accessibility of addictive substances and the extent of adolescents of school-age use...
Hate Speech on social media has unfortunately become a common occurrence in the Ethiopia online community largely due to advances in mobile computing and the Internet. The connectivity and availability of social media platforms in the world allow people to Interact and interchange experiences...
Today, every hospitality business depends on employees' competence and quality. Additionally, knowledge, skills, and thoughts lead to the industry's survival and development. TVET has been established to produce a mid and lower-level competent labor force that reduces poverty and develops the...
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) are electrochemical devicesrnthat convert chemical energy into electricity. Due to their higher energy conversionrnefficiency and lower emission of pollutants, they are a promising alternativernpower supply for future automobile applications. However,...
A disaster is anything that prevent an organization core business functions from operating properly, and disaster recovery planning are the most critical elements of a business but are often ignored. Therefore, businesses must make a well- structured plan and document for disaster recovery...
In humans, mucosal stimulation, like in systemic immunization, results in a transientrnappearance of B-cells capable of spontaneously producing antibodies. These cells are cellsrnen rOlUe to their final destinations. They primarily go to the sites they were initiallyrnstimulated but also to other...
Po t en t i ometric s t ripping ana l ys i s (PSA) was appliedrnt o the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutionsrn(IT I ES). The analysis was done on anions of t hi ocyarnnate, perchlorate and nitra te .rnPo l yviny l chlo r ide- nitrobenzene (PVC - nb ) gel ' .... asrnprepared fo l l...
Ethiopia has a long trad ition of es ta blishing planl31ion trees. EllcalYPlllS plantatio ns.rnespecially. ha ve been developed in Ih is country si n ce Ihe beginning of th is ce ntu r y. Thisrnstud y presents inf ormati on on thc undergrowth vegc tatio n cha ra cte ri s ti cs. soil co ndit io...
Ecological studies on the Anthropophilic Anopheles Mosguitoesrnof Ghibe From Were Conducted Between April, 1987 and March, rn1988 (12 months), and Between November, 1988 and February, rn1989 (4 months), it was found that malaria is endemic in the...
SOllie j loriClllfllre illduslries locoled al Ifolela 10WII discllllrge /I/Ilrealed eff'ue/lfs ill/ornIhe surrol/lldil1X eJl virol/lllel1l. As a re.wll excessil'C ferlilizer ol/d peslicide residllesrn/rO/ll Ille ftlrm (Ire deleriorating Ille soil. 'I11erefore, Illis s flldy was proposed wilh...
TIl' knOll/I - I a lIIi ronlllri nls on ' nlralion in rap is on a parli ular inl · I"".'1 du 10rnIfpir n ·galive and posiliv' ·jJe 'IS on r ps on t on hUIIIII7, fran inrn,lob t! problelll, Iud in T iron mel zin ' on ' ' nlr Ilion in pOlalornI' Vn wilh diffi I""nl ,fel'fil iz'rs i ' S ' If'...
The non- relativistic equntions of motion fo r a chnrgedrnpar t icle , an electron , in a wave of slowly varying amplitude arornexamined . The ',/ilv e , whistle r wave , is supposed to be propagatingrnat an arbitr ary but small angle to a uniform background magneticrnfield , in nn infinite...
The non- relativistic equntions of motion fo r a chnrgedrnpar t icle , an electron , in a wave of slowly varying amplitude arornexamined . The ',/ilv e , whistle r wave , is supposed to be propagatingrnat an arbitr ary but small angle to a uniform background magneticrnfield , in nn infinite...