Numerous high rise buildings are supported by deep foundations in major cities or urban areas.rnDue to the rapid increasing demand for infrastructures construction in congested urban areas,rntunnels are often preferred for under ground transportation. The construction of tunnels are closernto some...
It is known that a proclamation has been issued regarding the ban on alcohol advertising inrnEthiopia; as a result, all alcohol advertising on television and radio stopped. Accordingly, thernpurpose of the study was to analyze and investigate policy formulation and its implementation torncontrol...
Background: the assessment of peripheral blood blast count, some hematological parameters in acuternleukemia is not researched well in developing countries although, nowadays leukemia is the main concernrnin these countries. rnObjective: to assess the value of peripheral blood blast count, selected...
Background: Occupational accidents and work-related diseases have a major impact onrnindividuals and their families, not only in economic terms, but also in terms of their physical andrnemotional wellbeing in the short- and long-term. Furthermore, they can have major effects onrnenterprises,...
Background: Spinal anesthesia is most commonly utilized regional anesthesia methodrnfor numerous surgical procedures. Spinal anesthesia has been an effective anesthesiarnmethod with an assessed success rate of over 90%. However, it has also been implicatedrnas one of the possible causes of...
Background: vaccine preventable diseases have been of global concern. Vaccines are the bestrnway for prevention. Studies are showing that there is disparity in efficacy of vaccines, inrnindustrialized and in low-middle income countries. Additionally, vaccine related diseases arernsaid to be...
The study aimed to assess the influence of social media's ethnic-based negative narration on the unity of law enforcement personnel. The involved Ethiopian Federal police commission at Addis Ababa branches. The study also attempts to find out how and why federal police personnel use social media?...
Stress ulcer is an inflammatory condition involving the gastric mucosa that may appear at somernpoint of physiological stress such as serious illness. Prophylaxis against stress ulcers using Acidsuppressivernrntherapy (AST), such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-2...
This study has estimated the effect of social networks website and communication instruments on the ridesharing business as it is based on it. The type of research design that has been undertaken in this study was explanatory. The motive of the research is to examine the effect of social network...
Ethiopia is currently i mp lement i ng a s ructura l adjustmen .rnprogram. The program part l y deals wi th reduci ng the overallrnfis cal deficit. Tariff reform is one aspect of the package ofrntrade pol i cy measures env i saged . Tar i ff reform a i ms at lower ingrnthe average tariff rate in...
Background:-The hallmark diagnostic tool for Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is Philadelphiarnchromosome t (9; 22) (q34; q11)) which gives rise to bcr-abl1 fusion oncogenic protein. QrtPCRrnrnof bcr-abl1has been established as a prognostic tool since the introduction of TKI drugs.rnBut, in a...
Foreign aid is an important source of finance to a majority of developing countries since itrnsupports the budgetary process and therefore enhances the development of these countries. In thisrnpaper, a welfare utility maximization function is used to determine how government spendingrnand domestic...
The main objective of the study was to assess instructional leadership: practice and challenges rnof curriculum implementation in case of secondary schools in Gulele Sub-City in Addis Ababa.rnIn order to conduct the study to achieve this objective, twenty (20) principals from five secondary...
The main purpose of the study was to examine the effect of performance management system practice on organizational performance in the Addis Ababa city administration Health bureau the study deployed both primary and secondary data. A self-administered structured questionnaire and open ended...
Background: Patient satisfaction is an important indicator of the quality of care and servicerndelivery in the emergency department (ED). It is defined as the individual’s positive evaluationrnof distinct dimensions of health care and is an important element in the evaluation of...
T1'.€' pape r is or gan ized i nto six chapte rs . The f irs trnand t he second chapters ~eal wi t h i n troduct ory discussionsrnlike spe cifi c obj e ctives, justi f ication and r a t ionale ,rndata sources and methodo l ogy and revi ew of relat ed literature.rnThe third, fourth and fif th...
Little is known and discussed about nurses’ role in the oncology ward and patients experience ofrnhaving critical cancer care. Furthermore, evidence-based practice is a challenge for all nursesrnand a distinctive challenge for critically ill cancer care nurses. This study aimed to explore...
Background: The goals of glycemic management for patients with diabetes are to prevent or delayrncomplications and optimize the quality of life. However, in clinical practice, the recommendedrnglycemic control target is very difficult to achieve. It is important, therefore, to identify...
Background: Spinal anesthesia is the preferred anesthesia technique employed in a variety ofrnsurgical procedures. Even though it is safe and reliable technique, the occurrence of failed spinal rnanesthesia (FSA) may not possibly avoided. Sometimes the failure may have a seriousrnconsequence. Study...
Dynamic loading acting on structural systems may result fromrnseveral sources such as wind and vehicular motions, etc. Therntype of dynamic input, which is of greatest importance to thernstructural engineer undoubtedly is the one that is induced byrnearthquakes.rnBuildings constructed in Seismic...