Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

2981 Organizational Culture And Employees Performance The Moderating Role Of Person-job And Personorganization Fit The Case Of Ethiopian Airlines Groups Commercial Division Head Quarters

This research assessed the moderation role of person-job and person-organization fitrn(value congruence) in the link between organizational culture and employee performancernin the aviation industry with evidence from the commercial devision of EthiopianrnAirlines at its head quarters, Ethiopia,...

2982 School Experiences For Teaching Children With Visual Impairment In An Integrated Classroom Setting Case Study Of Sebeta Secondary School

The general objective of this study was to assess the Regular School preparedness for rnTeaching Children with Visual Impairment in integrated classroom setting. The study was rnconducted in Oromia regional state at Sebeta secondary school. The participants of the study rnwere58 students with...

2983 The Impact Of External Debt On Economic Growth And Private Investment In Ethiopia

Ethiopia, one of the highly indebted poor countries, has continued to experience difficulties inrnmanaging and servicing its huge stocks of external debt. Consequently, there have beenrnsignificant net outflow of resources to meet the debt obligations. Hence, the main focus of thernstudy is to...

2984 Radio Spectrum Sensing Comparative Analysis For Multiple Primary User Transmitter Detection

A radio spectrum is a particular range of frequencies used to communicate information in arnwireless communication system. It is naturally available and scarce resource. Besides to, therndramatically increase of the wireless communication system is a critical issue and the studiesrnshow that a...

2985 Analyzing Cost And Alternative Profit Efficiency Of Private Commercial Banks In Ethiopia A Stochastic Frontier Approach

This paper attempts to examine the cost and alternative profit x-efficiency level and thernfactors that may influence the x-efficiency level of the private commercial banks inrnEthiopia, by employing stochastic frontier approach. The data is obtained from auditedrnfinancial statement of six private...

2986 Factors That Influence Motivation Of Knowledge Intermediaries To Transfer Knowledge

In a country like Ethiopia, where agriculture productivity levels are in the early stage of development, transferring advanced agricultural knowledge that used to solve inadequate farming activities is essential. To this end, the knowledge intermediaries’ (KI) motivation is the basic concept...

2987 Assessing Cloud Erp Adoption In Ethiopian Shipping And Logistics Services Enterprise

The trend these days is towards Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems as organizationsrnare continuously searching for ways to operate more efficiently in order to remain competitive.rnERPs are integrated information systems that transform organizations’ internal processes,rnprovide...

2988 Information System Strategy Development Framework For Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia

ISS benefits firms to advance and grow their universal strategies in order to accomplish modest advantages. ISS discourses the delivery of IS competences, capitals and amenities such as systems expansion, IT procedures and user care. It is an iterative route to align IS/IT competence with corporate...

2989 Operation And Maintenance Cost Analysis Of Railway Track Super Structure Of Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (aalrt)

Operation and Maintenance Cost Analysis is an engineering economics technique that can be utilized to better formulate maintenance strategy and minimize the O&M cost of projects. It also helps in foreseeing the cost implications of maintenance actions over the service life a product. Addis Ababa...

2990 Numerical Simulation And Analysis Of Railway Tunnel Deformation And Supporting System A Case Of Awash-kombolcha-hara Gebeya Railway Project (tunnel T-07)

Analysis of tunneling requires proper estimation and prediction of deformations and tunnel supporting system forces in both the shotcrete and lining. In most recent years there has been a rapid increase in the calculation power and improvements of most analysis software that allow the use of...

2991 Modeling Simulation Of Small-scale Biodiesel Plant And Design Of Excess Ethanol Recovery System

Rising world fuel prices, the growing demand for energy, depletion in fossil fuel, and concerns about global warming are the key factors driving the increasing interest in renewable energy sources and in biofuels in particular that can be used as an alternative fuel in CI engines. The aim of this...

2992 Determinants Of Agricultural Exports In Ethiopia

In addressing the dismal performance of the export sector inrnEthiopia, it is important to look at the percentage contribution of eachrnsector and also the factors that affect the growth of the respectivernsector. Analysis of sectoral contribution to international trade confirmsrnthat in Ethiopia...

2993 Assessment Of Characteristics And Outcome Of Cardiac Patients Who Underwent Open-heart Surgery At Cardiac Center Of Ethiopia Feb 2009dec 2020 Retrospective Cross Sectional Study

Background: - The first successful open heart surgery using extracorporeal circulation rntechnique was performed by John Gibbon in 1953 during an atrial septal defect closure. rnCardiovascular diseases (CVD) are group of diseases and injuries that affect therncardiovascular system. As the main...

2994 Determinant Of Import Demand Of Ethiopia Co Integration Analysis.

In this paper the determinant of Ethiopia aggregate demand is studies using yearly data inrnthe period 197112 to 200617. The main objective of the paper is to identify the mainrndeterminant of Ethiopia import and the relative elasticity of explanatory variables. Thernaugmented dickey fuller and...

2995 Nutritional Status And Associated Factors Among Children With Congenital Heart Disease In Selected Governmental Hospitals And Cardiac Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia2021.

Background:Children with congenital heart disease are at risk for poor growth and undernutritionrncomparedrnwithrnhealthyrnchildren.Inadequaternenergyrnrnintake, high energy requirementrnor both ofthese reasonsare thought to be the reason for malnourishment of children withrncongenital heart...

2996 Assessment Of Knowledge Of Stroke Risk Factors And Warning Symptoms Among Adults With Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus In Selected Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Stroke is a major public health concern that affects people all over the world. Itrnis a major contributor to morbidity, mortality and disability in both developing and developedrncountries. Increasing knowledge regarding cerebrovascular diseases and tackling risk factors arernimportant...

2997 Assessment Of Effect Of Helicobacter Pylori And Helminths Infection On Anemia With Emphasis On Ferritin Level Of School Children In Batu Town Oromia Region Ethiopia 2019

Background: In infants and young children, severe chronic anemia may lead to delayed growthrnand long term effects on neurodevelopment and behaviour. The main causes of anemia are:rndietary iron deficiency; infectious diseases, deficiencies of other key micronutrients or inheritedrnconditions that...

2998 Magnitude Of Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Syphilis And Their Associated Factors Among Emigrants Come For Medical Checkup In Labco Advanced Clinical Laboratory Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: Viral Hepatitis is a contagious liver disease mainly caused by hepatitis B virus andrnhepatitis C virus. Syphilis is an infectious venereal disease caused by the spiral-shaped bacteriumrnTreponema palladium. Globally, Hepatitis B Hepatitis C and syphilis are common...

2999 Admission Pattern And Treatment Outcomes Among Patients Admitted To Pediatric Intensive Care Unit In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 202021a Cross-sectional Study

ABSTRACT rnBACKGROUND: The knowledge of the pattern of admission and treatment outcome of criticallyrndiseased pediatric patients admitted to pediatric intensive care units in developing countries wherernthe resource is scarce may help for the identification of priorities and resources to make the...

3000 Anticoagulation Management Practice And Associated Factors In Atrial Fibrillation Patients On Warfarin Therapy At Saint Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College

Anticoagulants are cornerstones in management of Atrial Fibrillation to prevent stroke.rnMonitoring of warfarin depends on time in therapeutic range, frequency of internationalrnnormalization range measurements, warfarin dose adjustments, warfarin drug interaction andrnbleeding adverse event. This...

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