A cross-sectional study to detennine the prevalence. distribution and antimicrobial profile ofrnSalmonella serotypes isolated from food items and apparently healthy supermarket butcheryrnworkers was undertaken from September 2003 to February 2004. A lotal of 1200 food itemsrnconsisting of chicken...
Background: Difficult laryngoscopy/intubation cause various complications likesrnhypoxia, brain damage or even death if it is not managed early. Appropriate airwayrnassessment in the preoperative period is an important task and in patients with nornapparent difficult airway indicator, Modified...
Background: Difficult laryngoscopy/intubation cause various complications likesrnhypoxia, brain damage or even death if it is not managed early. Appropriate airwayrnassessment in the preoperative period is an important task and in patients with nornapparent difficult airway indicator, Modified...
Background: Road Traffic Accident is an incident on a way or street open to public traffic thatrnbecomes one of the most significant public health problems in the world especially in developingrncountries. In Ethiopia, RTA is the major public health problem even though studies indicaternclinical...
Peptic ulcer is a chronic disease of gastrointestinal system caused by an imbalance betweenrndamaging factors and protective factors. Even though many antiulcer drugs used to treat thisrndisease are available, most of these drugs produced undesirable side effects, microbial resistancernand danger...
An epidemiological invc~[igatjon o f mechanic ali) transmitted trypanosomosis as unde rtaken rnat the three districts (l3ahir Dar Zuria. Delllbia and Foge ra) bordering tal..e Tana that arc rnlocated in Amharct :.Jilliona! Regional Stall'. I-.thiapia. The SlUd} a'i conductcu llh the...
Background: Preoperative anemia is a common hematologic problem in major orthopedicrnsurgery. More than one-third of orthopedics patients were anemic preoperatively. Preoperativerninvestigation and treatment of anemia are recommended before orthopedic surgery. Pre-operativernanemia alone is an...
Background: Assessment of patient satisfaction with postoperative pain management is vitalrntools for measuring the quality of care in health center. There is a paucity of data regarding tornthis topic, as it does not previously been studied yet in study area. rnObjective: This study aimed to...
Background: Person-centered maternity care is respectful and responsive care tornindividual women’s preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that their values guide allrnclinical decisions during childbirth. It is recognized as a key dimension of the quality ofrnmaternity care that...
Trypanosomiasis is one of the neglected tropical diseases of both humans and animals caused rnby the protozoa Trypanosomes mainly endemic in Africa. Unavailability of vaccine, difficultyrnof vector controls, low therapeutic index of the available trypanocidal drugs, and developmentrnof resistance...
Patients with diabetes are at high risk of drug therapy-associated problems (DTPs), as they arernexposed to multiple medications. Studies conducted on DTPs in diabetic patients in Ethiopia are,rnhowever, limited. This study was, therefore, aimed to assess the magnitude, pattern, and...
Abstract rnBackground: Postoperative pulmonary complication is a general term of affecting thernrespiratory system that can alter the clinical course of patients. Its incidence in the world is widern(5-60%) and it leads to morbidity, mortality, and long hospital stay. Managing patients whorndevelop...
Adherence to antihypertensive medication plays a tremendous role in controlling BP,rnhowever poor adherence to antihypertensive medication leads to complications of HTN,rnwastage of health care resources, and workload on health care providers which results inrnpoor clinical outcome. This study...
Background: Obstetrics mortality in intensive care unit (ICU) is high in low income countriesrnlike Ethiopia. The indications of admission are Preeclampsia/ Eclampsia, postpartumrnhemorrhage, and puerperal sepsis but, patient outcomes subsequent to intensive care unitrnadmission are lacking....
Background: Spinal anaesthesia is the most common type of regional anaesthesia technique whichrnhelped for a wide range of surgical procedures. Patient satisfaction with anaesthesia care is important rnto monitor the quality of anaesthesia delivery system. It is important to identify the reasons...
About 1.35 million peoples deceased every year as a consequence of road traffic accidents (RTA).rnHalf of all road traffic deaths occur among susceptible road users: walkers, bikers, and racers. 93%rnof the world's mortalities on the streets occur in low- and middle-income countries...
Background: Fear of childbirth is defined as feelings of uncertainty and anxiety before,rnduring, or after childbirth. It ranges from low to severe fears that women experience inrnrelation with childbirth. It affects the wellbeing of mothers during perinatal life and herrnfamily.rnObjective: To...
Background: Clinical laboratory reference intervals are an important tool to identify abnormalrnlaboratory test results. The generating of hematological parameters reference intervals for localrnpopulation is very crucial to improve quality of health care, which otherwise may lead tornunnecessary...
Back-ground: unfavorable attitude toward nursing profession remaining the global problem. For rnmany years, started in Florence nightingales nursing has been denied as a profession due to thernhistoric background and considered as physician‟s assistant. Attitude is the pillar of the...
For assessing the prevalence and distribution of contagiolls bovine pleuropneumonia (C BPP) in Norl h-Western Ethiopia, a cross-sec tional questionnaire s urvey and sero-epidemiological investigation has been conducted in 11 selected districts of AWl and Western Gojjam zones of Amharan region. The...