Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

3661 Features Of Urban Poverty The Case Of Woreda 11 Addis Ababa

Poverty has been regarded as a typical feature of most households in Ethiopia.rnBut the poor constitute significant differences among themselves as poverty itselfrnis more subj ective and re lative concept. The study attempted to analyse majorrncharacteristics of urban poor households by taking an...

3662 Static And Dynamic Lateral Response Of Single Piles Using Kerr-equivalent Pasternak Subgrade Model

The most widely used model to perform piles analysis under static and dynamic lateralrnloads consists of modeling the pile as beam elements and representing the soil as a grouprnof unconnected, concentrated springs perpendicular to the pile (Discrete Winkler Model).rnThe absence of interaction...

3663 Financing Urban Infrastructure And Services In Ethiopia The Case Of Solid Waste Management In Adama (nazareth) Town

This study reports the situation and financing of solid waste management sen'ices inrnAdama town of Oromia Region (Ethiopia). The study showed that the town is currentlyrnproviding inadequate solid waste management services. The town administration collectsrnand disposes less than 15 percent of the...

3664 An Investigation Of The Washback Effect Of The Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate (eslc) English Language Examination

T hi s study in vestigates th e wash back effec t of th e ESLC Eng lis h langu age exa minat io n 0 nrnw hat ha pp e ns in seco nda ry sc hool la ng u age c lass r ooms .rnT he study empl oyed vari ous meth o d o logical techn iqu es suc h as qu es ti onnai re, inte rviewsrnw it h Gr ade 12 Eng lis...

3665 Assessment Of Awareness And Attitude Of Pregnant Women Toward Anesthesia Techniques For Cesarean Section And Associated Factors At Selected Public Hospital Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia2021.

Background There is a lack of public awareness of anesthesia as a medical specialty.rnObstetric women's decisions to have a cesarean section are influenced by a lack ofrnawareness about anesthesia and anesthesia techniques. rnObjective: To assess awareness and attitude of pregnant women’s...

3666 Causal Attributions Of Parents Pupils And Teachers Regarding Pupils Academic Outcomes (the Case Of Arbaminch Compo Sec. School)

The present study investigates the causal attributions of Arbaminch ComprehensivernSecondary School pupils, parents and teachers regarding pupils success and failure,rnfuture academic outcome expectancy, and success and fa ilure against pupils gender.rnCausal Attribution Scale and Future Academic...

3667 Patient Delay To Treatment And Associated Factors Among Women With Breast Cancer At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital And St.paul Hospital Millennium Medical College Oncology Units2021

Unlike developed countries, there is high mortality of breast cancer cases in low andrnmiddle-income countries associated with prolonged patient delay and advanced stagernpresentations. This study aimed to assess patient delay to treatment and associated factorsrnamong women with breast cancer at...

3668 The Impact Of Improved Technology On Crop Productivity A Case Study In Basona Worana Wereda North Shewa Amhara Region

This paper tries to examin e the impact oj improved technology on Ja rm productivityrnand income oj Jarm households. Further, yield and income difference betweenrnadopters and non -a dopters resulting from the level oj technology adoption.rnTheoretical and empirical findings suggested that crop...

3669 Magnitude And Associated Factors Of Intraoperative Hypothermia Among Pediatric Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery At Selected Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Back Ground: Hypothermia defined as a core body temperature less than 36 crn. It is a frequentrncondition encountered in pediatric patients operated under general anesthesia. It is one of the rncommon event during surgery &can have different consequences that increase perioperativernmorbidity &...

3670 Magnitude And Associated Factors Of Difficult Airway In Adult Patients Who Underwent Elective Maxillofacial Operation With Endotracheal Intubation At Selected Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021 Cross-sectional Study.

Background: Difficult airway is a phenomenon in which there is a problem in maintaining gas exchangernvia a mask, an artificial airway or both. Degree of difficulty is associated with patient‟s airway anatomyrnand health status, clinical settings, surgical procedures that are being performed...

3671 Concerns Of Teachers With Respect To Experience Sex And Qualification The Case Of Addis Ababa Region

Concern in teach ing denotes the tendency of being more preoccupied about a given aspectrnof teaching than to another. In this study an attempt is made to look at the variation of itsrnoccurrence interrns of levels of experience (:S 5 years, 6-14 years, C 15 years), sex (male, female)rnand...

3672 Prevalence Of Diabetic Retinopathy And Its Associated Factors Among Type Two Diabetes Mellitus Patients In Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital Harar Ethiopia 2021

Background: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a serious sight-threatening microvascularrncomplication of type two diabetes mellitus. Globally, it is one of the leading causes ofrnirreversible vision loss. Ninety-three million people live with diabetic retinopathy sufferrnsome sort of eye damage...

3673 Survival And Predictors Of Asphyxia Among Neonates Admitted In Neonatal Intensive Care Units Of Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Perinatal Asphyxia is an injury that occurs during the perinatal period due tornlack of oxygen flow to the fetus or infant, which may lead to ischemia of the brain or otherrnorgans. Gathering current evidence on recovery time and survival predictors of perinatalrnasphyxia is crucial to...

3674 Personality Types And Academic Achievement Motivation As Correlates Of College Academic Performance

Different research outcomes indicate that noncognitive variables play importantrnroles in detemlining students success or failure in educational activities. The presentrnstudy aimed at the investigation of the effects of some of these noncognitive variablesrnon college academic performance of our...

3675 Sleep Quality And Associated Factors Among Adult Cancer Patients On Treatments At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Oncology Unit Addis Ababaethiopia2021.

Cancer symptoms and treatment side effects disturb sleep quality and most of cancer...

3676 Vocational Education And Skill Training Needs Of Hearing-impaired Students In Some Selected Special Deaf Schools

The aim of this study is to look into, the present conditions of educationalrnpractices that exist and prevail in primary/secondary, governmental/nongovernmental,rnand day/boarding special schools for the deaf. The total numberrnof the participants of the study were 166, where 115 Hearing-Impaired...

3677 Assessment Of Metabolic Syndrome Among Government Offices Workers Of Some Randomly Selected Offices In Aksum Town Central Zone Tigray Region Ethiopia

Background: Metabolic syndrome is a serious public health concern that describes a cluster ofrndisorders and is associated with several health problems. The global prevalence of metabolicrnsyndrome has increased dramatically in the past decade, workplace which directly influence thernphysical,...

3678 The Attitude Of Food-for-work Beneficiaries Towards The Implementation And Impacts Of Food-for-work Programmed

Til(! IIllIill ohjeclive of this paper is 10 study the allitude of hell eficiaries towards thern1I/{/llIIgelllellt iss lies ill FFW and the impacts of FFW ill ilia ted soil conservatioll /'/IeaSllres allrnellvirOlllllellt. It is also the ail1l of this paper to analyze the factors that determine the...

3679 Determination Of Hematological Parameters Reference Interval For Apparently Healthy Population Aged 15 To 60 Years In Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Background: Complete blood count (CBC) reference intervals were essential for effectivelyrndiagnosing diseases, measuring drug toxicity or side effects, disease staging and monitoring ofrnresponse to treatment, therapeutic management decision, or other physiological assessment in thernclinical...

3680 Survival Status And Predictors Of Mortally Among Preterm Neonates Admitted To Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Of Addis Ababa Public Hospitals Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Preterm neonates have much greater risk of death and disability compared withrnterm neonates due to immature organ system which makes them unable to tolerate the extrarnuterine environment. In Ethiopia almost 90% of neonatal deaths are due to three preventablerncauses among which...

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