Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

3721 Serological And Participatory Epidemiological Survey Of Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia In Afar Pastoral Areas North East Ethiopia

Contagious caprinc pleuro pneumo nia (Cepp) is a re s piratory disease of goms caused b) rnMycoplasma ClIprico/1I111 subspecies capripne lll1lollioe (MccP). A Partic ipato ry Rural rnAppraisa l (PRA ) technique and IWO stage stratified cross secti o nal sero logical s urve y was...

3722 Participatotory Apprisal And Seroprevalence Study Of Foot And Mouth Disease In Borana Pastoral System South Ethiopia

Participatory appraisal and conventional veterinary investigation methods were applied to rnalidate Barana pastoralists' knowledge on cattle disease and to investigate the epidemiology of rnFoot and Mouth disease ( FtlD), respe-ctivcly in Barana pastoral production system of...

3723 Study On Bovine Brucellosis In Cattle Slaughtered At Addis Ababa And Sululta Abattoirs With Focus On Occupational Hazard

A cross - sec ti onal study was ca rri ed out at the Addis Ababa and S ululta abaHoi rs to rninvestigate the status o f bov ine brucellosis and to assess the occupational ha za rd a ssociated rnwith brucellosis in abatt oi r work e rs. The work was condu c ted from Septe...

3724 Study On The Prevalence Of Bovine Cysticercosis In Awassa Municipal Abattoir And Taenia Saginata In Awassa Town And Its Surroundings Southern Ethiopia

The stud y was made from October 2005 to April 2006 at the Southern Nat ion, ationalities rnand Peoples Regi on. Awassa town and its su rroundings. It was carried out with the overall rnobjecti ve of providing base line data on the prevalence of C bovis'T saginata. A ...

3725 Metacestodes Of Smallruminants Prevalence At Three Export Abattoirs(elfora Hashim Luna)

A !'; lud ) to de termine th e pn.' akncc o f s mall ruminants ' me- lace- s La des as co nducted in thrc l' rnt.: xport ahatto ir s (ELFORA. I...

3726 Prevalence Of Ptsd In Individuals Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted And Its Risk Factors (in The Case Of Ifsooprifsawsadgandhiabrhot And Ewala)

Sexual assault is one core reason in developing PTSD. Little research has been conducted to rnmeasure prevalence of PTSD on sexually assaulted victims and why some victims develop PTSD rnand others do not. The objective of this study was to see the prevalence of PTSD and to identify rnor illustrate...

3727 The Status Of Bovine Tuberculosis In Selected Areas Of North Gondar Administrative Zone Ethiopia

Mycobacterium bovis CM. bovis) is one of the members of Mycobacterium tuberculosis rncomplex, which infects both animals an d man causing mamma li an tuberculosis. A cross rnsectional and case contr ol studies were co nducted in Dembia and Gond ar d istricts of North...

3728 Epidemiology Of Bovine Trypanosomosis In Selected Sites Of The Newly Established Settlement Areas East Wollega Zone Western Ethiopia

A study o n the epide mio logy of bovine trypanosomosis in selected sites of the new ly established rnsett le ments of A nger I. Anger II and Ke nar areas was conducted in East Woll cga Zone, Oromiya rnRegion, Western Ethiopia. T he p urpose of t be study was 0 delemli nc ...

3729 Status Of Dermatophilosis In Urban And Periurban Indigenous And Crossbreed Cattle In Bahir Dar And Debre Berhan Towns

a cross sectional study of bovine dermatophilosis was undertaken on a total of 2284 crossbred and 4628 indigenous cattle in urban and periumrban area of bahir dar town (mid altitude) and debre berhan town (hight altitude). The majority (1590 local and 138 crossbred) animals were found in...

3730 Study On Comparative Diagnostic Teaching Of Fasciolosis In Slaughtred Rulminants At Elfora Export Abattoir Debre Zeit Ethiopia

A stud y was conducted at EL FO RA Export Aballoir. Dcbrc·Zeit in order to compa re the rnd iffe ren t di agnos ti c tec hniq ues in nl1 11 in anl fa sc iolo sis. T he results of standa rd faeca l rnsedim entat ion techni que fo r nuke egg quant ifi cat ion was compa red to th a t...

3731 A Study Of Prevalence Mid Epidemiological Key Factors Of Salmonella Species In Selected Poultry Farms In Debre Zeit Ethiopia

A cross-sectional and longitudinal study were undenaken for a period of 5 monthsrnidentify current salmundtallae scrotypcs prevailing in selected poultry farms in DebrcrnZeit, Ethiupia. Strotypes of particular interest were S. EnteritiJis and S. Typhimuriumrnwhich are of public health importance...

3732 Study On Concurrent T. Congolense And H. Contortus Experimental Infection In Goats Interaction And Pathogenic Effects

Study on concurrent Trypanosoma cOllgo/ellse and Haemonchus COllrortliS infections to assessrnthe interaction and pathogenic effect of single and mixed experimentally induced infection werernconducted in goals. A total of 25 goats of approximately one year old were divided into fiverngroups and...

3733 Enhancing Productivity Of Garment Manufacturing Industries Through Flexible Line Balancing Method (case In Tal Apparel)

Assembly lines in garment industries are the basic flow oriented production systems, in which maximum production resources are assigned. In this new era of garment industries revolution, companies are struggling for remaining competitive in global market. But in Ethiopia competitiveness is still...

3734 Improvement Of Throughout Effectiveness Of Ethiopian Footwear Manufacturing

Due to the changes in customer(s) demand, technology, lifestyle, and especially the increasing of competitors in the market and their outcomes; so the manufacturer has to be adopted more reliable methods of improvement. The major problems of the case manufacturing are related with lower values of...

3735 Risk Attitude And Rational Decision-making A Comparative Analysis Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia With Bank Of Abyssinia

The players in the financial sectors such as banks face multifaceted forces of risk that callsrnfor decision makers who tend to take risks while ensuring proper risk management. Althoughrnthere is a need for proper risk taking behavior in the Ethiopian banking industry, there is arnblurred picture...

3736 Development And Characterization Of Mechanical Properties Of Al6063 Alloy Reinforced Fly Ash And E-glass Fiber Composite

Currently, one of the key concerns in automotive engineering is the weight minimizationrnof a part without any reduction in load carrying capacity and stiffness. The presentrninvestigation deals with investigating the hardness, compression, and flexural propertiesrnof Al6063/ E-glass fiber/ Fly ash...

3737 Assessment Of Reservoir Sedimentation Using Remotely Sensed And Ground Observation Data (the Case Of Legedadi Reservoir Ethiopia)

Reservoir sedimentation is one of the issues that need to be addressed in water resources management. Sediment deposition in reservoirs for water system, hydroelectric power control, and urban water supply, reduces their capacity, service life, water quality and requires expensive operations for...

3738 Employees Performance Appraisal In Kotebe University College Assessment Of Practices And Challenges

The study was conducted in Kotebe University College. The purpose of the study was to assess rnthe practice and challenges of employees’ performance appraisal. It was also aimed at rnidentifying the problem that encounter in the appraisal of employees’ performance. The study rnwas...

3739 Psychosocial Challenges And Coping Mechanism Among Women Experiencing Obstetric Fistula. The Case Of Addis Ababa Hamlin Fistula Hospital

The main objective of the study was to explore psychosocial challenges and coping mechanism of rnwomen experiencing obstetric fistula. Psychosocial challenges and coping mechanism are rncommon in women with obstetric fistula. However, data on psychosocial issues affecting rnpatients with obstetric...

3740 Traditional Gillnet Motorized Fisheries In Ethiopia And Loss Of Biodiversity In Lake Tana (its Implication To Food Security)

Lake Tana is found in North West of the country & it is the biggest lake inrnthe country. The lake is with higher potential & with unique fish faunarnbarbus. The fishery has started to develop with the help of foreign NGO' s.rnHowever, fish exploitation does not exceed 1500 ton per year. On the...

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