Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

3701 Factors Influencing The Effectiveness Of Fire Controlling Service Delivery By Fire And Disaster Risk Management Commission The Case Of Addis Ababa City Administration

This study investigates factors influencing the effectiveness of fire controlling service delivery by Addis Ababa fire and disaster risk management commission; the researcher used mixed method research approach and applied the concurrent design. The total population size was 320 with the sampling...

3702 Aspects Of Decentralization Practices In Sidama Zone Of The Snnp Regional State A Focus 011 Dale And Bensa Weredas.

Sillce 1992, Ethiopia has embarked on extensive decentralization and regions have beenrngivell extensive decision making power and responsibilities in administering theirrnrespective regions. J-/mv ever, if we understand decentralization as making governancerncloser 10 people and strengthening...

3703 Effect Of Workforce Diversity On Organizational Performance In Banking Industry Of Ethiopia The Mediating Role Of Cultural Intelligence And Innovation

The study aimed to analyze the mediating effects of cultural intelligence and innovation in the relationship between workforce diversity and organizational performance in the Ethiopian banking industry. Employees of Ethiopian banks established the study setting and simple random sampling was used...

3704 The Effect Of Placing Test Items In Different Positions In Listening Comprehension Tests The Case Of Unity College

An experiment was conducted to explore the effect of placing test items in differentrnpositions in listening comprehension tests. In this experiment three groups were made tornview listening comprehension test items in three different positions. The first grouprnviewed these items before two...

3705 Data Driven Managerial Decision Making In Ethiopian Export Sector

With the development and deployment of ICT in different sector of an Economy, the type andrnamount of data collected by organizations is increasing from time to time. This created thernconcept of big data, data analytics, business intelligence and or data driven decision making. Inrnline with this,...

3706 Vocabulary Testing Techniques And Their Revel Acne To Vocabulary Teaching Techniques Suggested The Case Of Grade 11 English Textbook

Tile rnnin nim of this study wns to exnmine the relntionship between the vocnbularyrntenching techniques used in Englisll textbook nnd the lIOcnbulnry testing techniques inrnschools.rnTo tllis end, gmde elwen Englisll textbook lpns selected nnd the vocnbulnry tenchingrntechniques were identified...

3707 A Study Of Narrative Technique In Adafris And Grachakachiloch Point Of View And Speech And Thought Present A Tion In Focus

The continuous debate 'among scholars in the field, students of literature andrnthe intuition he has about the novels, Adafris and Gracha Kachiloch haverninitiated this researcher, for example, Zerihun Asfaw , Debebe Saifu and othersrnin Bien, august, 1982 E.C, and Alemayehu Gelagay (1998E.C.) and...

3708 Integration Of Tsetse Survey Data And Agro-ecological Characteristics From Remotely Sensed And Field Observation A Geographic Information System In The Reft Valley Of Ethiopia

----- A tsetse fl y survey was carried out in over I00 km ~ of the study site of the Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia Tsetse Eradication Project (SRVETEP) with the objective of imegrating the remotely sensed data. ground verified agro-ecoiogical characteristics and tsetse survey d::na in a...

3709 African Literary Texts And Language Based Approaches In Elt A Study Of Motivation

The Ethiopian Engl ish language learner seems to be less fluent in the freshman classrnover the last couple of years. What appears to be the root cause of these low grades is thernlack of motivation in the language classroom due to the neglect of culturally appropriaternmaterial and the absence of...

3710 The Relation Of Job Satisfaction And Employee Turnover Intention At Addis Ababa University The Case Of College Of Business And Economics

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation of Job Satisfaction andEmployee TurnoverrnIntention at Addis Ababa University taking the College of Business and Economics as a case. Arnconcurrent mixed research design was used to achieve the purpose of the study. The study...

3711 Epidemiology Of Bovine Brucellosis In Selected Three Agroecologies In Central Oromia Ethiopia

" cross-sectIonal ~cro-cpidcrnJl)logical study or 110 IIlC brucellos is ;s carned out in rnthn:c difcfcrcnmt ngroccologlcs of cellt ral Oromia. Ethiopia. T he stud) as conducted rnli'orn Sept em her 2005 to ~larch 2U06 to dctcnnlllC the oerall c urrcllI cpi dcmi ologicnl rnpi...

3712 Study On Comparative Diagnostic Techniques Of Fasciolosis In Slaughed Ruminants At Elfora Export Abattoir Debre Zeit Ethiopia

A stud y was conducted at EL FO RA Export Aballoir. Dcbrc·Zeit in order to compa re the rnd iffe ren t di agnos ti c tec hniq ues in nl1 11 in anl fa sc iolo sis. T he results of standa rd faeca l rnsedim entat ion techni que fo r nuke egg quant ifi cat ion was compa red to th a t...

3713 Serological Pathological And Bacteriological Investigation Of Mycoplasma Infection In Goats Slaughtered At Elfora Abttoir Debbre Zeit

A cross secti onal st ud~ of contagious caprinc pleuropneumonia in goals as conducted rnfrom October 1005 to March 2006: to dClCrminc seroprevalence. palholog~ and rn.~'c(lrl(llIla species in'Oh cd in pneumonic lungs of goats s laughtered aI ELFRA expon rnabattoir. LaboratoT}...

3714 Bovine Mastitis And Antibiotic Resistance Patterns Of Major Pathogens In Small Holder Daiy Farms In The Central Highlands Of Ethiopia

The study w as co nducted wi th the objectives of detemlining the prevalence o f clinical rnand subclinical mastitis, identifying th e major pathogens of bo vi ne mastitis and testing rnantimicrobial resistance of th e major pathogens isolated from quarter mi lk samples ...

3715 A Study Of Problems Of Foreign Investors In Ethiopia In Floriculture Sector

The economy of Ethiopia is based on agriculture, which accounts for halfrnof gross domestic product (GOP), 60% of exports, and 80% of totalrnemployment. Dependent on a few varieties of crops like coffee and oilrnseeds for its foreign exchange earnings and reliant on imported oil,rnEthiopia lacks...

3716 Water Resource Developments And Flow Alteration In Didessa River Basin

Water demand increases due to population growth and the associated economic growth and irrigation factors for food production. Water becomes scarce as the amount of demand exceeds the available supply. Didessa River is the largest tributary of the Abbay river basin in terms of discharge capacity...

3717 Lantana Poisoning In Two Administrative Areas Of Ereas Of Eastern Ethiopia

A study was conducted to detenmne the effect of lantana poisoning in eastern Ethiopia by the rnuse of clinical survey, que~tJonna!re survey and controlled experimental trial. For the chnical rnsurvey. infonnallon were collected through inten'lew, mspecting the clinical signs, ...

3718 Governance Practices Of Ethiopian Mfis A Study Of Selected Units

The history of formal microfinance sector m Ethiopia has counted arndecade of age. During its existence, the sector has achieved success withrnrespect to reaching and satisfying the micro financial need of thernrelatively marginalized section of the society. Yet, there existsrntremendous unmet...

3719 Financial Reporting Quality In Privately Owned Companies The Impact Of Private Ownership On Quality Of Accounting Reports (addis Ababa- Ethiopia)

The main aim of this study is to assess the overall quality of the financial reports the privately ownedrncompanies in Addis Ababa. With the sample size of60 private companies and 93.3 percent response raternthis study assessed the overall quality of the financial reports of those companies. And...

3720 Distribution Density And Infection Rates Of Testse Flies In Selected Sites Of Southern Rift Valley Of Ethiopia

A tsetse survey to assess the risk of trypanosomosis to livestock was conducted in the south wesern Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The Challenge was estimated at the Product of tsetse relative density. Infection rate and the Proportion of bloodmeal taken by tsetse flies from Livestock.rnA total of 2900...

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