The main objectives of the study was to assess the impact loan policy on financial performance private commercial bank in Ethiopia and the specific objectives of the study would be to assess the loan term and condition policy, loan lending policies, loan monitoring policies, loan collection...
A Discourse Analysis of Jaarsummaaa, a Traditional Method of Dispute Resolutionrnby Community Elders: Arsi Oromo in FocusrnAlemu Disassa MulletarnAddis Ababa University, 2013rnThis dissertation reports the result of a critical analysis of the discourse jaarsummaarnamong Arsi Oromo of Ethiopia....
This is a cross-sectional survey conducted to describe the challenges and needs of Region 14 HCWsrnand hea lth institutions towards HIY/AIDS patient care. Self administered questionnaire was used torndescribe HCW's attitude, risk perception , practice and perceived needs & sources...
A simple, accurate and precise HPTLC-densitometry method for thernsimultaneous determination of abacavir, lamivudine and zidovudine inrnpharmaceutical tablets has been developed. Separation was performed onrnaluminum backed HPTLC plates (silica gel 60 F254 with 0.2 mm thickness,rnCamag, Muttenz,...
The determination ot t~e prevel ence of tuberculosis infection withinrnage groups and the relation of lnfection to factors unde r study, i,e.,rnprevious BeG vaccination, raw milk consumption, and intimate exposure torncattle were evaluated in a cross-sectlcnal community-based tuberculin skinrntest...
Malaria is a major public health problem in the world in general, and in developingrncountries, in particular. Treatment of cases is becoming difficult which causes a greatrneconomic lose of a country. But it is also difficult to treat malaria due to the increasingrndrug resistance. The in vivo...
This study investigates factors affecting the preparation and utilization ofrninstmctional materials in primary schools of Wolaytta zone. The sources of datarnwere 196 fIrst cycle primary teachers, 17 heads of school pedagogical centers, 17rnschool principals and heads of pedagogical center unit at...
Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AA WSA) was established to providernpotable water for the residents of Addis Ababa and to discharge waste water from the city ThernAuthority uses different facilities for providing its services. The water distribution and sewerrnnetwork systems are among...
Ethiopia is one of the developing countries where malnutrition andrncommunicable diseases represent the major health problems. A communityrnbased cross sectional study was done in Adami-Tulu Woreda to determine andrnidentify factors influencing nutritional status of children between 6 and...
The quality of ed uca tion as reflected in academic achievementrncan not be divorced from the complex set of social andrnedu ca tional factors which interplay to affect l earningrnprocesses and outcomes. The question "what makes a differ e ncernin academic performance?" has been addressed by differ...
"Ethiopian Studies" is an area study. "Area study" is arnfield of study that falls within the scope of a group ofrnstudies known as Entity studies which are trans- orrnmulti-disciplinary in scope.rnWhat makes information provision to researchers of arearnstudies challenging is that an information...
In an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness ofrnneonatal BeG vaccination policy, a tuberculin survey wasrnconducted among different age groups of children inrnLideta awraja, Addis ababa who had received BeGrnvaccination shortly after birth . The survey consisted ofrnassessing the immunization...
The study was conducted to investigate the teaching ofrnhistory with respect to four associated problema, viz., thernbasic reasoning for the placement of history in the seniorrnsecondary school curriculum, the practices and processes o£rnsyllabus development, the teaching strategies, methods...
The study was conducted to investigate the teaching ofrnhistory with respect to four associated problema, viz., thernbasic reasoning for the placement of history in the seniorrnsecondary school curriculum, the practices and processes o£rnsyllabus development, the teaching strategies, methods...
The purpose of this study was to find out the current status ofrnthe self-contained classroom teaching in the primary schools ofrnAddis Ababa Region . To obtain a clear picture of the situation threerndata gathering instruments (observation, questionnaires andrninterviews) were employed, nine...
In Ethiopia, the recent urban expansion and increment of impervious surfaces in high rainfall rnareas resulted in flooding and associated environmental problems. Nekemte city is one of the rnurban centers in the country facing the challenges associated with a high level of rnimperviousness and...
In the modern world, renewable energy resources are a very important segment and critical input for the development of human life which provides energy for electricity. Renewable energy resources are naturally refilled by nature with short time such as wind, sunlight, and others, and have less...
One of the problems caused by population growth is the problem of solid waste managementrnsystems. This problem is particularly acute in developing countries such as Ethiopia. Therntraditional solid waste management system which is dumping solid waste on open platformsrnwithout applying any...
Nowadays greenways are being used for different variety of functions which gives themrnmulti-functionality. They are used by planner as a tool to increase environmental quality ofrnlandscapes, heritage conservation and revitalization, green corridor creation and protection ofrnfauna and flora. It...
The "Salamago Resettlement Scheme" is one of the several state-sponsored resettlementrnschemes undertaken by the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional Statern(SNNPRS) since 2003. In government documents, the scheme is also called "Guyo-DakubarnResettlement," named after one of the...