Background: A palpable breast lump is always a cause of concern to the patient. Hence,rnaccurate pathological diagnosis is crucial for further management and to evaluate the outcome. rnClinical examination, imaging and FNAB are implemented in the assessment of breast lesions inrnthe Triple Test....
The purpose of the research was to identify factors affecting customer satisfaction in DHL Express. The questionnaire developed for this purpose was used to gather the data from 384 respondents. These respondents are selected using purposive sampling techniques. Explanatory research design was used...
Background rnAs one of the vital events of interest death must always be certified by a person authorized byrnlaw to issue a document, stating the causes of death. In order to ensure the universal applicationrnof this principle World Health Organization has recommended an international form of...
Background: acute kidney injury and worsening of renal function is common in patients withrnacute decompensated heart failure, and development of this entity affects patient’s morbidityrnand mortality. rnObjectives: The main objective of this study was to assess the prevalence, and...
Background: acute kidney injury and worsening of renal function is common in patients withrnacute decompensated heart failure, and development of this entity affects patient’s morbidityrnand mortality. rnObjectives: The main objective of this study was to assess the prevalence, and...
Higher education institutions are required to make fit learners for the world of work byrnequipping with the necessary knowledge and skills that are required to accomplish assignedrntasks in a way they need to be performed. Enhancing graduate employability and makingrngraduates fit for the world of...
The knee joint is prone to injury because of its complexity and weight-bearing function. The rnAnterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the one of the most commonly injured knee ligaments andrnare common in young individuals who participate in sports activities associated with pivoting,rndecelerating...
C.Jstoms, which is one of the three wings in Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authorityrn(ERCA), is established to secure national revenues by controlling impons and exports as well asrncoll ecting go~emmental tax and duties. This research focuses on identification, modeling andrnanalysis of various...
Background- The prevalence of diabetes continues to be a growing problem throughout thernworld and contributes significantly to the health care burden. One of the major complicationsrnthat diabetes carries is foot ulcer. Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is one of the most fearedrncomplications and a...
This study deals with factors that affect customer satisfaction of mobile application based taxi service regarding Ride taxi which is the first and number one mobile application based taxi service provider in Ethiopia. A questionnaire was used to collect the data from 369 respondents who were...
Developing language applications or localization of software ;s a resource intensive task Ihalrnrequires the active participation of stakeholders with various backgrounds (i.e. from lingllislicrnand campl/llI/iollal perspecli'e~~. With a cons/ani increase in /he amou1Ifs of electronicrninformation...
Background: At high altitude, human body undergoes some changes as part of acclimatizationrnand adaptation for exposure to inadequacy of oxygen due to reduction on barometric pressurernof oxygen. Inadequacy of oxygen might lead to hypoxemia. The other well-known componentrnof high altitude...
Currently the furniture in Ethiopia is operating in a higher competition. Many new furniture companies have entered the furniture industry. The choice of furniture by customer is increased within this competitive furniture industry. Customer loyalty has become a key factor for long-term success of...
Background: Diabetes is the leading cause of CKD and ESRD in the worldwide. Diabetic kidneyrndisease, one of which is Diabetic Nephropathy, is one of the common and significantrncomplications in Diabetes Patients next only to cardiovascular complications. Many factors arernthought to be associated...
The most importantaim of this study was to determine the factors that affect consumers trust in ecommerce inAddis Ababa.Quantitativeapproach and explanatory researchmethod were employed. Moreoverdescriptive and inferential method of analysis was used. The primary data was collected by using five...
The objective of this study was to identify factors affecting the adoption of Amole mobilernbanking payment from the subscribers point of view. Adoption can be measured using thernfollowing variables: Attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, andrnreliability. The...
Customer loyalty has become an essential element of an effective and successful organization as the Ethiopian health care industry is now witnessing a higher level of competition over market share as many new hospitals have entered the industry. The goal of this research was to examine the effect...
We are living in a rapidly developing world where vast amount of information is flooding our day to day activities. Accordingly, information to be appropriate and reach the target audience, we need to develop effective communication mechanism. This study therefore sought to examine the effect of...
The research paper studied the effect of TV Advertising on Consumer product choice in the case of advertisements broadcasted through EBS TV. Advertisement is a major marketing tool that is designed to influence the decision-making process of consumers by affecting their mindset. Even though the...
Online food delivery service is an up-and-coming industry in today’s world and it has been escalating extensively worldwide. Ethiopia has also been experiencing an increase in online food delivery service providers; however, it seems to be one of the countries behind from the rest of the...