Four sites i n one ot the ho t.. springs ot Shalla werernselec ted for the study. The wate r fr om t he sites me rge to formrna s t ream whic h forms a te mperature gradient . In this study f ourrnmedia we r e compa1;' ed tOI? the c ultivation and i solation o frnaerobic heter otrophic bac ter i a....
Combination of parasitological and serological methods ofrnDiagnosis are becoming standard procedures in epidemiologicalrnStudies of African trypanosomiasis (sleeping...
Ethiopia has plenty of rivers and groundwater sources in the countryside which have the potential to generate electricity from Pico up to Mega power. There is a hydrokinetic turbine technology to generate green energy using river flow water. The gap is to interact with this technology and energy...
The Chlor oform ext r act of Tephrosia pumila ( Lam . ) Pers .rn(Leguminosae) revealed the presence of eight flavonoids .rnOut of these three flavonoids were isolated . The majorrncomponent was iden ified as he known praecansonernthat r equided structural revision based on l3C NMR andrnother spect...
The Chlor oform ext r act of Tephrosia pumila ( Lam . ) Pers .rn(Leguminosae) revealed the presence of eight flavonoids .rnOut of these three flavonoids were isolated . The majorrncomponent was iden ified as he known praecansonernthat r equided structural revision based on l3C NMR andrnother spect...
The Chlor oform ext r act of Tephrosia pumila ( Lam . ) Pers .rn(Leguminosae) revealed the presence of eight flavonoids .rnOut of these three flavonoids were isolated . The majorrncomponent was iden ified as he known praecansonernthat r equided structural revision based on l3C NMR andrnother spect...
The Diversity and Productivity of benthic mac ofaunarnaround the shallow waters of Tewalit (1assawa ) . ere inves -rnti ated at three sta ions from October 28,1986 to Aprilrn14 , 1987 . Eight major groups and SO taxa were encountered .rnPolychaetes with 23 taxa were the most diverse group...
Sol id· st:lle pholoclccll"Ochcmical cclls(PECs) based 0 11 blends of conj ugatcd semiconductingrnpolymers and Buckminsterfullerene have been constructed and studi ed . The PEe contains arnphotoac livc layer consisting of poly(3-hcxylthiophenc) (P3HT) or pol y(2-mclhoxy-5-{)',T...
In this thesis, we deal with a theoretical basis of optimization in general and on numericalrnmethods in particular. Here the penalty methods are in the foreground . Some generalizationsrnfor theorems into arbitrary metric space with mild assumptions (Theorem 2.1.3 and 3.1.3) arerndone. In...
771t! sludy lI'al' cOl/ducled 01 lalldholdings of Ihe Cellier for Indigenous Trees Propagalionrnand Biodiversity Developmelll of Elhiopia (Restoring) and ils sIIrrollnding area af TIIIII·rnKorma, in cemral·lI'eJI Elhiopia. In all Ethiopian contexl, there are largely limited slue/ieJrn011 the...
III this project a derivative-free (DF) surrogate-based trust regiollrnoptimization approach is proposed. In the proposed approach, quadraticrnsurrogate models are constructed and successively IIpdated. The generatedrnsurrogate model is then optimized instead oj the underlined objectivernj unction...
III this project a derivative-free (DF) surrogate-based trust regiollrnoptimization approach is proposed. In the proposed approach, quadraticrnsurrogate models are constructed and successively IIpdated. The generatedrnsurrogate model is then optimized instead oj the underlined objectivernj unction...
III this project a derivative-free (DF) surrogate-based trust regiollrnoptimization approach is proposed. In the proposed approach, quadraticrnsurrogate models are constructed and successively IIpdated. The generatedrnsurrogate model is then optimized instead oj the underlined objectivernj unction...
Successful treatment of cutancous leishmaniasis has not yet been rnAchieved due to toxicity and the need for parenteral administ- rnRation of most antileishmanial...
Free space optics (FSO) is a field of curiosity and importance for the scientists because of its numerous applications and advantages like low cost, easy deployment, high data rate, secure links and license free bands. FSO technology utilizes the light propagating in the free space to transmit the...
This research is to look at film scores in sankofa and Teza feature films. The goal of thernstudy was to look into the influence of film scoring in shaping societal beliefs and habits.rnUsing judgmental sample approaches, the researcher chose two feature films. Because therntwo feature films are...
This research is to look at film scores in sankofa and Teza feature films. The goal of thernstudy was to look into the influence of film scoring in shaping societal beliefs and habits.rnUsing judgmental sample approaches, the researcher chose two feature films. Because therntwo feature films are...
The objective of this study is investigating how and why the Harari peoples Music and cultural Identity isrndifferent from the other parts of the Ethiopian people. This study has mainly focused on the forms and thernscale and why this scale or music, forms and cultural identities are different from...