Although textile industries have economic and social benefit in the country, they have beenrndegrading the environment through their discharges. This problem has also manifested itself inrnDukem town, where the factory is surrounded by local farm lands and polluted by the liquidrneffluents....
A study was conducted to assess the role of tourism investment incentive for the tourismrndevelopment in Ethiopia: The case of Addis Ababa, using selected agencies from Addis AbabarnCity Administration. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods and usedrnquestionnaires, interview...
This paper analyzes the role of RPSNP in livelihood diversification. It uses mixed methods across 3 (three)rnkebeles in Amhara region, North wollo zone, Wadla woreda. Primary data was collected through, keyrninformant interview, focus group discussions (FGD), survey and field observations. The...
Females face multi-faced challenges to take an interest in authority position due to deferentrndiverse variables. The purpose of this study is to decide between dependent factor and threernindependent factors, and which one is more influence the participation of females in authorityrnposition. The...
Ethiopia is facing an acute land degradation problem attributable to complex natural andrnmanmade drivers, and this challenged the ability of rural farmers to meet the growing of foodrndemand. The main objective of this study was to assess land degradation and sustainable landrnmanagement to...
This study was conducted to assess the ecotourism development potentials and challenges inrnJibat forest and its environs, West Shewa Zone of Oromia. Data was generated throughrndiscussion with local community, interviews with relevant stakeholders and field observation. Arnperception of the local...
In this thesis, a phytochemical study of Allihemis tigreellsis has been undertaken and chemicalrninvestigation on the essential oil and solvent extract of the plant has been conducted. There arernno reports on the phytochemical study of the plant prior to this work.rnA. ligreellsis in the family...
All ellll/obolal/ieal sludy was conducted 10 docl/menl medicinal plwlI.· lH'ed by the local people and theirrnindigenous knowledge ill Menz Gera Midir Districl, North Shewa Zone of the Amhara Regional State.rnEthiopia. Data were collected from 72 (12 of Ihem key informams) informa",s using...
All ellll/obolal/ieal sludy was conducted 10 docl/menl medicinal plwlI.· lH'ed by the local people and theirrnindigenous knowledge ill Menz Gera Midir Districl, North Shewa Zone of the Amhara Regional State.rnEthiopia. Data were collected from 72 (12 of Ihem key informams) informa",s using...
A wheel flange lubricator sprays lubricant on the wheel flange which comes into contact with the rail at curves, consequently decreasing the wear rate. Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) of Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (AALRT) are integrated with solid stick wheel flange lubrication mechanism....
A wheel flange lubricator sprays lubricant on the wheel flange which comes into contact with the rail at curves, consequently decreasing the wear rate. Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) of Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (AALRT) are integrated with solid stick wheel flange lubrication mechanism....
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is a very common test to determine the thickness of overlying pavement layers in pavement design and to assess potential strength of subgrade, sub base and base course material. Engneers are continually searching for simplified tests with the view to increase their...
The aim of study was to investigate the presence of malarial rnAntigens in the body fluids (blood and urine) and consider their rnApplication in the immunodiagnosis of...
The extent of small-scale irrigation has successfully increased the food security of households in ruralrnEthiopia. However, it is not well understood that households face a food insecurity problem due to naturalrninduced hazards. The households in Merewa and Mutifecha area introduced small-scale...
Different Aloe species can be utilized in '{trious!orms. HOll'e'er, A. percrassa has not beenrnutilized to its Jullest due to lack oj inJorma/ioIJ. 71I11S, ;n this sflldy Ihe proxima/e. aminutritional,rnantioxidanl composilion and toxicity of melhanol exlract oj Ihe gel and root a/A.rnpercrassa...
This study was carried out to identify food security status its determinants and coping strategiesrnof agro pastoral households in kebri Beyah district of Ethiopia. Data used in this study wererncollected from 153 rural households, using purposive sampling technique. Household survey,rnfield...
Land use land cover is dynamically changing in Ethiopia, with far-reaching implications onrnrecurrent droughts and land suitability status. The central highlands in particular are recognizedrnfor a unique precipitation pattern, intensive cultivation, periodic droughts, and land degradation.rnThe...