Seismic and geologic sec tions ;'Ire of vi tal irnpor1ancc [0 the vari ous profeSS ional bodies, ins titutio nsrnand IIlduslrics. They give us an IIl slght on the grounds we a rc lite rally s ta nd lllg Oil. This s tudy hasrnconducted the subsurface Imaging of the c3 r1h 0 a depth of 10 Km on a 98...
Climate change, which manifested in the form of temperature increases and rainfall variability,rnhas been increasing over the last two decades. The change has been influencing crop andrnlivestock production particularly in vulnerable areas including the study area. In tackling thernproblem, the...
Tourism insurance, which refers to a type of insurance that covers the costs and loses associatedrnwith traveling. It is usefull protection for those travelling domestically or abroad. It plays anrnimportant role in tourism development in many countries. Nonetheless, its practice andrncontribution...
The study aimed to explore the major challenges and expectations of return migrants in Ethiopia withrnemphasis on returnees in the case of Addis Ababa City Administration. Period wise, the scope of the studyrncovers four years (2017 – 2020). The study also assessed the causes of migration...
Irrigation can stabilize agricultural production and mitigate the adverse consequences ofrnlow or variable precipitation. Small-scale irrigation production will also contribute tornfast population growth. Population growth causes farming operations to expand intornmarginal land, contributing to the...
The purpose of this study was to analyzing effect of urban development project on the displacedrnresidents: the case of the Garment-Jemo upgrading project. the study conducts quantitative andrnqualitative methods of research and the research stands descriptive in type. Because the studyrnhas tried...
The purpose of this study was to assess the flash flood induced disaster risk and coping strategies onrnrural household livelihoods of people in Shashogo woreda, Hadiya zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. the studyrndesired to examine the impact of flood induced disaster risk on rural household livelihoods,...
This paper estimates determinants of rural households’ resilience capacity to landrndegradation in Gubalafto Woreda. Cross-sectional data collected through field survey byrninvolving 361 households, key informants interview and FGD was the base of the study.rnSequentially, explanatory...
Background: Antenatal care gives women and their families the information and advice theyrnneed to have a healthy pregnancy, have safe childbirth, and recover postpartum. ANC is anrnimportant intervention for lowering maternal and newborn mortality. There have been somernstudies done on...
The urban informal economy sector plays a vital role in generating employment, incomerngeneration, and skill development. The contribution and the size of the informal economy sectorrnvary from country to country. It is the main source of livelihood for the people of many citiesrntoday. The...
The general objective of this study was to analyze the status and determinants of rural households‟rnlivelihoods, poverty, and access to agricultural extension services in Jimma Geneti woreda, Ethiopia. Arnmixed-research design was employed. The subjects of the study were 387 surveys and 90...
Intestinal parasitic infections represent seriousrnmedical and public health problems in many developingrncountries especially in the tropical regions. Taeniasisrnand cysticercosis have been recognized as importantrnproblems not only because of their impact on health butrnalso because of economic...
Groundwater is treasured and very important natural resource globally. It is also thernmost essential for the development of a country. However, groundwater potential zonernmapping still remained uncertain due to the challenge nature of groundwater and alsornless studied. Therefore, this research...
Climate change has become a leading issue among science, political, and legal scholars,rnand it definitely have profound implications for the insurance industry. Climate changernrelated catastrophic events such as floods, droughts, fires, challenge the insurancernindustry‘s abilities to...
Spatial urban expansion in developing countries, not exceptional Ethiopia, puts immense pressurernby taking peri-urban fertile agricultural land to buildups. Thus, this study aims to investigate thernimpact of urban expansion on household food insecurity and poverty. A mixed-method...
The aim of this research was to assess the crisis management practice of the hotels in AddisrnAbaba, particularly star rated hotels and also to discover its implication to sustainable tourismrndevelopment. In order to address the objective of the study primary data were collected from 125rnstar...
Foodborne diseases is the major public health problem all over the world, particularly inrnpoor resource settings including the study area .The problem is more noticeable in thernstudy area due to lack of knowledge, inappropriate attitude and unacceptable practice of foodrnsafety at household...
The research was conducted to identify policy and strategy gaps, stakeholders engagement inrnREDD+ implementation processes, institutional alignment challenges and financial resourcernutilization gaps related to REDD+ program implementation in Oromia Region. Because therernwas no research conducted...