Three hundred and sixtyur ban and rural Shi gellae isol atesrnwere analysed in r espec t t o scr ogr oupins , ser otypinS , biochemotypingrnand drug resistance . S. f l exne r i (50 . 55~ ) was mos t common , f ollowedrnby S dysente riue ( 32. 78%), S boydii ' ( 11 . 39% ) and S- sonnei ( 5 .28...
Three hundred and sixtyur ban and rural Shi gellae isol atesrnwere analysed in r espec t t o scr ogr oupins , ser otypinS , biochemotypingrnand drug resistance . S. f l exne r i (50 . 55~ ) was mos t common , f ollowedrnby S dysente riue ( 32. 78%), S boydii ' ( 11 . 39% ) and S- sonnei ( 5 .28...
The aim of the study was to analyze the Moderating Role of Firm Age in the Relationshiprnbetween Entrepreneurial Orientation and SME Performance. To undertake this researchrnDescriptive and Explanatory research design was implemented. The total population was dividedrninto strata and a simple...
Commercial bank of Ethiopia is making efforts to create awareness and usage of mobilernbanking services few people are using the facility given by the bank Only a few kinds ofrnresearch have been conducted in these areas. Research should be conduct to solve thernproblems. The main objective of this...
A study of the grasslands in wolmera wereda was made from August 1979 to Octobr hundred rnrnAnd twenty stands were systemat ically sampld and the occurece of 118 pl specis in t e stands rcorded . 'orne envir o mental factor s e r e r ecorded and soi l sampls collec e...
The MOS and MNOS di odes, of which an oxidized silicon surface is anrn; n tegra 1 pa rt. ; 5 i ntraduced. and a theory for its opera t i on in thernabsence of surface states is presented. Rea l time computer prog rammes fo rrnmeasurements and numerical ana lysis were constructed. Measurements of...
Since the past twenty years, ISO 9001 standard has shown its capacities to bring down cost, increase efficiency, and fulfill clients in the organizations. Even though ISO 9001:2015 standard has demonstrated its advantages to various areas in all over the world, there is still discussion among...
Electricity is one of the most vital elements in modern society. Despite its significance tornimprove human life, there are concerns on its environmental impacts. Life CyclernAssessment (LCA) is a well-established tool for assessing the environmental burdens ofrnproducts (goods and services)...
A fan blade is the major component of fans, it used for ventilation systems, cooling systems, refrigeration, boilers, and dust collection purposes. The materials used to fabricate ceiling fan blades are fabricated steel, cast or forged aluminum, plastic, fiberglass, or other exotic materials. The...
A fan blade is the major component of fans, it used for ventilation systems, cooling systems, refrigeration, boilers, and dust collection purposes. The materials used to fabricate ceiling fan blades are fabricated steel, cast or forged aluminum, plastic, fiberglass, or other exotic materials. The...
Adoptive transfe r o f pr o t f!c tio n f rom i nf 'ctcd don orrnJ.rvicanthus !.E. rats t o uninfec t ed r c cl pient~ was t!l ttt!mptedrnby va ~ y ing s omc pilram ~~b.! rs such a s the i ntl:ction pe riod o frndonor r ats a nd the tine of tra ns f L; r r e l ati ve to c ha l ll.;nge .rnConcurre...
Livelihoods of the rural communities depends on agricultural sector which is often affected byrnthe variability and extremes of climate change. To capture the variation in Ethiopia’s biophysical conditions (i.e., elevation, climate, terrain, soil type, vegetation, and fauna) the MoA...
This thesis focuses on assessing heritage conservation and sustainable tourism developmentrnpractice in Zege peninsula mainly in UraKidaneMihret Monastery. The study employedrndescriptive research design in line up with mixed research approach. Questionnaire, interviewrnand observation were...
This study investigated the households’ food security status and indigenous coping strategies adoptedrnto overcome food shortage in Itang special wareda. Data for this study was collected through surveyrnfrom 260 randomly selected sampled households. The study also, conducted key informant...
This study was undertaken as part of the ongo ing biological restoration efforts atrnthe "Center for Indigenous Trees Propagation and Biodi versity Development in Ethiopia"rn(50·55 Km west of Addis Ababa, 09°01' 188" N; 038~1'566" E). The main objective ofrnthe study was to measure extent of...