The number of passengers carried by Ethiopian Airline has climbed to roughly 12 million, with 8rnmillion or 70% of these being transit passengers. These promising numbers of travelers provide arnhuge opportunity for airport shopping tourism. However, it is neglected by researchers, hence;...
Understanding the groundwater availability is very important to plan, develop and managernthe water resources sustainably. In Addis Ababa city the impact of land use land coverrnchange on groundwater recharge was not well studied previously. Therefore, this studyrnwas aimed to investigate the land...
Food insecurity is a chronic and big problem in urban area. Ethiopia's government hasrndevised an urban food security strategy, as well as a job creation and food security program.rnAddis Ababa city is one of the UPSNP beneficiary cities, currently implementing the programrnby the collaboration of...
This study was carried out in Bishoftu city in Oromia region. The aim of the study was to assessrnthe contributions of urban solid waste management for employment creation. Descriptivernresearch method was used in this study which includes qualitative and quantitative or mixedrnapproach to explore...
Surface plasmon-pola r itons ( S21P) 100:' c.h c. .. . n be ~Jr.C. i.1 .e.o 'JO , ., ..rndiel~c tric/, le t.::l (d i clcrtrich;emiconduc tor) interlace ca n be used a s;rnhi ghl } se n sitiy~ non dis tructive probe for the de t ermination of therndie l e ct r ic consto.n t t: (w) - E: I (w) + t e"...
ECCE program refers to a comprehensive approach or programmes for children from birth to rneight years of age, which needs positive attitude of parents and caregivers towards the program. rnThe main purpose of the study was to investigate parents and teachers’ attitude towards early...
ECCE program refers to a comprehensive approach or programmes for children from birth to rneight years of age, which needs positive attitude of parents and caregivers towards the program. rnThe main purpose of the study was to investigate parents and teachers’ attitude towards early...
The study was conducted at Jigjiga town of Fafan Zone, Somali regional state, Ethiopiarnwith the objective of the study of assessing the correlate of microfinance and food security. Thernstudy employed a cross sectional design. Jigjiga town has 20 kebeles and two branches ofrnmicrofinance...
Background: Accreditation is a procedure by which a third party gives witness for a conformityrnassessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific tasks. Itrnis very important for the maintenance of quality; and most accredited laboratories have to bernutilizing...
The study aims to assess the environmental and social impacts of stone quarry in Addis AbabarnBole sub city woreda 12 in oshe locality. Bole woreda 12 is one of the 10 woredas in Bole subrncity and oshe locality is located in eastern part of the woreda where the quarrying activitiesrnare highly...
Heritage can be understood as an important political and cultural tool as well as empoweringrndiscourse in defining and legitimizing the identity, experiences and social / cultural position of arnsociety. In Ethiopia also in three consecutive regimes different statues were erected to representrnthe...
Urban land tenure service delivery is in place for long period to give services to the urbanrndwellers and service seekers. Yet, the service delivery is being handled without a clearrnunderstanding of the important factors affecting the satisfaction of its customers. The factorsrnand causes for...
The main objective of the study is to identify the potential ecotourism sites in Wondo Genet,rnSidama, Ethiopia by using GIS, RS and AHP. Currently, despite the blessing of many ecotourismrnresources in Wondo Genet Woreda only Shebelle resort is frequented and stagnated by massrntourism activities....
Disrespect and abuse of women during labor and delivery is becoming recognized as a violatrnion of their rights and a barrier to using life-saving, facility-based labor and delivery care.rnIn Addis Ababa, the rate of expert birth attendance is 97 percent, with the remaining womenrngiving birth at...
The study was conducted to analyze the pesticide use, and its implications on beekeeping inrnGudeya Bila woreda. The sampling frames for this particular study were rural farmers thatrnfound in different agroecological zone of Gudeya Bila woreda western Oromia. The survey wasrnconducted among 312...
The main objective of this research was to assess the household food security, nutritional KAPrnand WASH practices in Dugda woreda, East Showa zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Bothrnqualitative and quantitative research methods were employed. Data was gathered from bothrnprimary and secondary...
The study aims to explore the challenges and prospects of privatizing Ethio-Telecom, The study applies mixed research approach. In doing so, both primary and secondary data employ as a research process to study the various issues involved in the paper. To collect the primary data, Questionnaires,...
Background- End-stage renal disease is known to have been on the rise becomingrnpublic health concern globally. The disease worsened due to the presence ofrncomorbidities conditions. The mortality rate and the reduced survival rate caused by therndisease are still the highest. Hemodialysis is a...
Abstract:rnBackground: Throughout the world infectious disease like bloodstream infection become arnmajor cause of morbidity and mortality. The excessive and irrational use of antibiotics has led tornan increase in the multidrug-resistant and thus worsened the condition.rnObjective: To determine...
Introduction: Good glycemic control is the main recommendation to prevent therndevelopment of diabetic complications. Recently, hematological parameters becamernrenewed interest in the clinical diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus. rnObjective: the objective of this study was to assess...