Vehicular transport is one of the major sources of air pollution in the transport sector.rnVehicular emission results in to the death of millions of premature deaths. The ambient airrnpollution induced by the transport sector causes a serious health problems, recent evidencesrnfocusing on...
Background: Utilization of reproductive health (RH) services is an important component inrnpreventing reproductive age adolescents from reproductive health problems. Reproductive healthrnis the pool of methods, techniques and services that contribute to reproductive health and wellbeing by...
Introduction: Birth weight is one of the most predictive factors of child death in the first fewrnmonths of life and is an important indicator of Newborns' health. The incidence of low birthrnweight is estimated to be 16% worldwide, 19% in developing countries, and 7% in the developedrncountries....
Background: Unplanned pregnancy is a pregnancy which is reported to have either unwantedrn(the pregnancy occurred when no children, or no more children were desired) or mistimedrn(the pregnancy occurred earlier than desired). Itis a public health concern; globally itrnaccounts 40% of all...
SDGs aim at a universal access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and inclusive andrneffective learning environments for all. With this intention, a comparative study was madernbetween two public and two private schools in two woredas in Kirkos sub-city, Addis Ababa.rnThe problem was raised...
Evidence shows that the rate of input use is decisive for productivity growth; the percentage ofrnfarmers who applied fertilizer has slow progress in Ethiopia. Studies suggested possible ways ofrnaddressing in the limitations of understanding the empirical knowledge and methods. This...
The study was conducted with the main objective of socio-economic assessment of non-memberrnfemale-headed households in multi-purpose farmer’s cooperatives in Machakil Woreda, ANRS.rnMachakil worda was selected purposively from ANRS East Gojjam Zone. Three multi-purposernfarmer’s...
Agri-food value chains appear to be the buzzword in recent development debates, frequently inrnconjunction with rural development promotion. A value chain analysis is required to gain anrnunderstanding that can be used to upgrade value chain activities. In spite of the policy optionsrnprovided by...
Background of the study: Unwanted pregnancy is one of the demographic problems that creaternmaternal death, abortion, low birth weight, preterm birth and infant mortality, unsafe abortions, andrnpoor maternity care in developing countries like Ethiopia.rnObjective: To assess the prevalence of...
Two organisms with high proteolytic activity on casein,rngelatin or haemoglobin were selected out of the bacterial isolatesrnobtained from a hot spring at Wondo Genet. The testrnorganisms were Gram posi ti ve, rod-shaped, spore-forming withrnchains of two or more cells, motile bacteria. Based on...
This project examined the role ofhuman capital development on organizational performance. The researchrndesign used was survey design; the population of this study consists of members of staff of EthiopianrnElectric Power (EEP), while the sample size was 287 that responded to administered...
Samples were collected from the three sites: Sendafa. Debre rnBerhan and Fiche to Study Changes induced by ‘’Guie†Practice. the rnChemical and Physical Changes as well as the growth of barley in rnThese Soils was Compared for three...
Background: Fruit And Vegetable Market is an abundant source of bio- aerosols as fruits and rnvegetables are in and out in the daily basis. Thus, regular workers are exposed to these bioaerosolsrnforrnarnsignificantrnperiodrnofrntimerndependingrnon...
Background: Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is an accident which occurs on a way or street openrnto public traffic; resulted in one or more people is being killed or injured, and at least one movingrnvehicle involved. Most of orthopedic injuries are caused by RTA. Orthopedic injury is any injuryrnto...
Constructions of dams require the input of thorough engineering geological investigation. Tornfully understand and characterize the soils and rocks of the study area a detailed investigationrnhas been carried out taking into account many disciplines such as geomorphological,rngeological,...
Adoption of improved forage technologies is one in every of the measures presumed tornboost dairy productivity and farm income given potential promotions of the crops. Inrnlight of this premise, the objective of the research is to examine factors affectingrnimproved forage technology adoption and...
BACKGROUND: Adolescent pregnancy and fertility are often discussed in literature asrncauses of health concern and as a social problem. High teenage fertility is recognized as arnworldwide challenge given its adverse consequences. In sub-Saharan Africa, adolescentrnchildbearing remains common....
In Ethiopia, although the use of maternal health services, including antenatal care has improved, mostrnof the mothers do not attend and use a minimum number of four visits and the six-core set of itemsrnof ANC services recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, the...